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Final Fantasy XIII-2


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I'm playing through XII*I at the moment and am enjoying it enough that I'd like to get XIII-2. With that in mind I have a couple of questions I know you're all dying to answer for me :)


I have the first one on PS3, and I read that if you get 2 for the same system you get some extra bonuses. I like the sound of that but I also read that PS3 load times are around 10 seconds longer than xbox (and that's without even installing it on the 360 HDD) 10 seconds sounds like a hell of a long time to me but it wasn't clear if it was just starting the game up each session which I could live with or if it was every time a new location or something like that loads?


Are they load times that awful on PS3 and do the bonus items make up for it? Also, do SE ever do GOTY editions? I'm not in a rush to buy it so wouldn't mind waiting but I can't see any hints one is even on the way. Is the DLC even worth buying/waiting for a GOTY? the standard version is super cheap so I certainly wouldn't be bothered waiting if it's just frilly panty outfits.


*edit: possibly as it's my first Final Fantasy game. not that i feel the need tto defend the fact that i like it, lol

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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1. The bonus items (as best I can remember) is a Lightning theme.

2. Initial load at the start of the game kinda takes a while, but passing through the Historia Crux(the hub of the game where you move between areas) is relatively quick to travel through. I don't have a 360 to compare with mind, but the loading times weren't really laborious.

3. They don't really do GOTYs that I know of. Just Platinums and they don't add anything (old games came with demos/trailers of the upcoming game though)

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Like Dean said, the bonus item is a theme.

The loading is only long the first time. After that, every stage is probably about 15-20 seconds long loading on PS3. Maybe even shorter. I havent played it in a while.

I doubt this game will get an ultimate or GOTY edition. Aside from Capcom, Japanese companies dont tend to rerelease games and they dont tend to pack in dlc with their games ever. The game is 30 bucks right now, so you can make out pretty well.

Im not 100% sure, but im guessing the PS3 version is also the lead platform like FF13 was, so it looks and runs better, like FF13 did. But I could be wrong and I know this time around its not really noticeable like it was with FF13.

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Aside from Capcom, Japanese companies dont tend to rerelease games


Final Mix? International versions? SE themselves has examples of this.

Yeah, but they never bring them over. Sorry, Im American. We never got that shit.

The only one they did bring over was KH Chains of Memories remake for the PS2, which wasnt even a standalone title in Japan.


Plus, those FF titles werent optional dlc you could buy for the regular FF games. Things companies did in the past generations don't mean much anymore this generation. You might as well pretend they werent the same company.

They rereleased the game with a bit of extra content so people could double dip. the MGS series did the same thing. My point is that Japanese companies dont want to give any dlc away or for a fraction of the cost. I just dont see FF12-3 with ALL the dlc for 60 bucks happening. I think it would kill Square Enix to be that generous with it's customers.

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thanks, guys. When I was reading about it they hadn't planned an xbox version of FFXIII so used a PS3 specific/highly optimised engine which is why the 360 version when they decided to make it was not as good. With FFXIII-2 they knew it would be multi format from the start so used a different engine so looks wise the games are basically the same, just with faster load times on the 360.


I guess if they're not torturous on the PS3 I may as well get that version. It's only £10 brand new so I guess I'm just being a total skiv hoping for a complete version.

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With FFXIII-2 they knew it would be multi format from the start so used a different engine so looks wise the games are basically the same, just with faster load times on the 360.

Nope. It's the same engine (Crystal Engine) they used for FFXIII. That's why it took only a couple years for XIII-2 compared to the 6 years for XIII.

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they made significant changes to crystal tools after xiii so it worked better with both consoles. for xiii it was optimised for ps3, after that they reworked it to make it more balanced for both consoles, which is why xiii-2 is so similar on both, but xiii was not.

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If anything, they brought down the PS3 version for the 360s sake. 13-2 is 30fps on both consoles, but FF13 was 60 on ps3. Supposedly it was necessary for both versions of 13-2 to make the framerate worse, but I seriously doubt it. 13-2 doesnt do anything more fantastical or power consuming than 13 did.

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You may be interested to know that your save would do much more than lightning theme!!!


It would also increase your chances, of winning at the casino! Hurray!


Apparently. I left it with a rubber band to get the damn trophies on that damned thing. But I got it so whatever.


The load times will make you ask "is it done yet?" because they are not that long, but noticeable. But that's ok. You could get in the game from the XMB faster than Uncharted 3.

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Well, the new Lightning DLC for FF13-2 breaks the game if you get it at the beginning. You can probably breeze through most of the game now with her in your party. While Serah and Noel walk around with 40ish hp at the beginning, she has about 5,000.

And thats without leveling her up. And yes, as soon as you get to the Historia Crux, you can get her. Im just kind of shocked that they let you get her this early. Sounds like they didnt think it through very well.

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Well, the new Lightning DLC for FF13-2 breaks the game if you get it at the beginning. You can probably breeze through most of the game now with her in your party. While Serah and Noel walk around with 40ish hp at the beginning, she has about 5,000.

And thats without leveling her up. And yes, as soon as you get to the Historia Crux, you can get her. Im just kind of shocked that they let you get her this early. Sounds like they didnt think it through very well.


Sounds like one of the few pieces of DLC I'd be tempted to buy.

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Its good. The story stuff is fluff though. I personally dont think it makes anything more clearer. I think it actually made things more confusing, but there is more of it if that's what you want. Id say the dlc is about 2 hours long. You have to keep fighting one single fight over and over til you level up enough to defeat Caius and Chaos Bahamut. Overall its a cakewalk though if you figure out the pattern to beat them easily. You can level up enough where you can mop the floor with them too.

Its still fun though. My favorite fights in FF13-2 are the ones that require split second paradigm shifts. This battle is full of that. Plus, having overpowered Valkyrie Lightning in your party is just kind of badass.

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I don't know. I figured it would probably be something like that, but I was really hoping it'd be an actual episode, with something outside of battle. Fighting as Lightning is great, but losing the same fight over and over again till you get high enough level just screams "FILLER" to me. They couldn't design an area for Lightning to explore?

This was really Square Enix's first time with DLC, but someone needs to show them Bioware's Lair of the Shadow Broker or the upcoming Arkham City DLC.

Also, I know it doesn't matter but NO TROPHIES WHAT THE FUCK!

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