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Final Fantasy XIII-2


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From the publishers perspective, I kind of understand the reasons for this. Retailers love pre-order exclusives and will give preferential shelf space, more allocation for advertising hoardings and even up their orders if a publisher will give them a meaty exclusive. On the other side, I don't think a game will ever sell more copies because a certain retailer has a certain exclusive. Instead, you'll see 3million sales at retailer A and 2million at retailer B, rather than 2million at A and 3 million at B.


On balance, I think pubs would be better off just not doing retailer exclusives. Especially when it comes to big budget titles. Retailers should count themselves lucky that they are able to stock a FIFA / CoD / Gears / BF game. It's guaranteed to shift loads of copies at full price, so they'll make their money. I think there is more of a case where a more niche title is concerned. I can understand Atlus for example offering Game an exclusive with Demon's Souls for stocking the product as it was a bit of an unknown quantity. Squeenix should not need to offer incentives for retailers to stock an FF title. Damage to the brand or not, it'll still fly off the shelves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I had fun playing FFXIII when it came out and am definitely planning on picking up XIII-2 at some point.


But I just watched a seven minutes trailer on IGN, and.... wow. Looks like we're in for one hell of a stupid story.



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Well, I'm one of the chumps who had a great time with XIII, so I was already interested when this was announced. The perfect score just makes the changes look even a little more promising. They have given several 40s in the past couple of years that people have taken issue with (as well as some lower scores that had some enraged), but despite that they're a long-lasting and respected enough publication that I'm comfortable taking their increase in score across the two games as a positive sign. If we were talking about a console-dedicated mag I wouldn't even open the full article to read about it, but I still take an early Famitsu score for an upcoming game somewhat seriously. Maybe I'm just an optimist when it comes to this series.

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My face was the entire time I was listening to that chocobo theme was just... poker face. Its terrible. The lyric themselves isn't bad but the treatment it got is bad.

I hope the chocobo somehow kick out my teeth while I play whatever chocobo related thing in the game... if I ever play it.


And Cowboy... HEY HEY. SHUSH YOU! Your opinion is invaild for this subject. You annoyed me and now I'll calm down with this rendition.



Also I swear... first X-2 get a pop treatment and now XIII-2 is getting a metal treatment? Geez.

Edited by MaliciousH
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I understand that each one gets their own style but this one is just poorly executed as a song itself. I don't feel anything from this song but just noise. I feel that the song got very little variation in feeling and tone. I get no feeling of a crazy chocobo besides one that having a seizure. I really need some context to this song to pass final judgment but so far its baaaad.


They should of gotten a group like Maximize the Hormone to do this song and I bet I would feel like a crazy chocobo is running loose.

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My disgust is because I was listening to it thinking it was the new chocobo riding music, because I'm a totally gullible sap. I honestly didn't hate it until the lyrics started, and then I felt embarrassed for even wanting to play the game in the future, like people were already shaking their heads in disbelief. The chorus made me realize I was just listening to some band... The whole thing went down in about 25-30 seconds, and I was ok again. Knowing it for what it is, I don't mind the musical arrangement at all, it's even kinda slick at points. It's harder to warm up to the lyrics, and I doubt I ever ever ever will. It's not really a brand of humor I subscribe too, and if it's being sung with a straight face then it's even less for me than I suspected.

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I enjoyed 13 heavily and this game is coming up soon, so I really want it now enough to buy it first day. Ive got 30 bucks in GS credit and a five dollar coupon. Im wondering if I should just wait. I really want to go get LA Noire, but....damn. I wonder if I can wait for one more month. And if I can get the rest of the money. Ugh.

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That's pretty smart of Square, to be honest. They knew that, in North America at least, Sazh was one of the most liked characters from 13. Saving him for DLC might lead to some complaints but will also create some more $$$$$.

DLC is just a fact of life. As long as it's not obnoxious like Assassin's Creed 2's missing sequences, I'm ok with it.

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