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Wii in sharp decline


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It seems like Nintendo has shifted their focus onto the 3DS and a large drought of quality releases, besides Zelda of course, is on the horizon. I would personally love to see Xenoblade and The Last Story see releases State side and beyond, but it seems doubtful at this point. Do you feel the same way? Are there any games you would like to see released or are excited about coming out this year?

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Only reason the Wii sold like hot-cakes was motion control. It was novel, and basically anyone could do it. There weren't really any buttons to press.


Sony and Microsoft caught up after a couple of years and went "HEY, THAT MOTION GAMING THING IS REALLY BIG" and finally came out with their own versions, right as the market begins to die down.


Meanwhile, Nintendo gets ready to put out a glasses-free 3D handheld.


What Nintendo lacks in game library size, they usually make up for with innovation. Well, except online gaming. Nintendo has derped pretty hard on that one.

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I got rid of my Wii a couple of years ago. Used the money to buy a Snowboard. I don't think there's been a single title that has come out that made me regret that choice for even a second.


Sales have plateaued and if you ask any of the casual Wii owners out there if they like the console you'll probably just get a shoulder shrug and be told that it gets wheeled out at Christmas or some other form of family gathering.


Wii is in that respect, very much like a karaoke machine. For a while there, loads of people wanted one, then they realised that it's not that great and it sits in the corner if it hasn't already been junked or traded in.


I always said it was a fad, I thought that EA made a big mistake shifting focus from leading on PS3 to trying to be a Wii developer, and I'm glad that at E3 2010 they officially sided with Sony's platform.


Now that everyone is on HD TV's, the Wii technology is showing its age, especially in households where both the Wii and a current gen console are owned, that coupled with the low attach rate, especially for third party, non-mario supported titles pretty much ensures that the Wii has had its best.

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Well, being one of the resident Wii Fanboys here I can say there will be plenty of good games coming out in 2011 for the Wii. Nintendo is just very secretive to the point of being annoying.


That said, the backlog of games I could buy would keep me entertained even if I didn't have a 360 and a PS3.

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Well, being one of the resident Wii Fanboys here I can say there will be plenty of good games coming out in 2011 for the Wii. Nintendo is just very secretive to the point of being annoying.


That said, the backlog of games I could buy would keep me entertained even if I didn't have a 360 and a PS3.


I don't mean to be rude, but how could you know good games are on the way if you don't even know what games are coming out?

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We do have the new Zelda on its way, and Zelda has never disappointed. Conduit 2 will be arriving, and it promises to be a better experience. The first handled great, it was just mediocre in setting and story.


Truth be told there are games I could purchase for the Wii and very much enjoy. Such games include de Blob (de Blob 2 is coming), Sin & Punishment 2, even the big names like Kirby and Donkey Kong. However, I only have so much income and PS3 games like LittleBigPlanet and and Killzone win out.


That said, I'm pretty much in the same boat as Yantelope. I do play it every now and then with friends and roommates still, just not as actively. Really, so many people have, or at least have played, a Wii that the console sales were destine to fall sooner. It was a mad holiday item, twice!

Edited by Atomsk88
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Well, being one of the resident Wii Fanboys here I can say there will be plenty of good games coming out in 2011 for the Wii. Nintendo is just very secretive to the point of being annoying.


That said, the backlog of games I could buy would keep me entertained even if I didn't have a 360 and a PS3.


I don't mean to be rude, but how could you know good games are on the way if you don't even know what games are coming out?


Just based on Nintendo's track record. Some of the best Gamecube games were released at the end of its cycle.

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Well, being one of the resident Wii Fanboys here I can say there will be plenty of good games coming out in 2011 for the Wii. Nintendo is just very secretive to the point of being annoying.


That said, the backlog of games I could buy would keep me entertained even if I didn't have a 360 and a PS3.


I don't mean to be rude, but how could you know good games are on the way if you don't even know what games are coming out?


Just based on Nintendo's track record. Some of the best Gamecube games were released at the end of its cycle.


Fandumb. Just because you're a self confessed fanboy doesn't mean Nintendo are gonna give you want you want. There's nothing in the Wii back catalogue that I miss, and there is nothing in the announced release schedule that I'm desperate for. I bought the Wii because I loved the N64 and missed out on the Gamecube, but it soon lost its lustre, hence its being transmogrified into a 157 Palmer Carbon Circle.

Edited by Thursday Next
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Fandumb. Just because you're a self confessed fanboy doesn't mean Nintendo are gonna give you want you want. There's nothing in the Wii back catalogue that I miss, and there is nothing in the announced release schedule that I'm desperate for. I bought the Wii because I loved the N64 and missed out on the Gamecube, but it soon lost its lustre, hence its being transmogrified into a 157 Palmer Carbon Circle.


Hardly. It just goes on their track cycle. Enjoy your fancy fiberglass thing. There's been lots of snow here in New England so have at it.


I've got all three consoles so I don't have to be loyal to anyone. I'm just looking at my Amazon Wishlist and for ME, I'm cool with the lineup.


We do have the new Zelda on its way, and Zelda has never disappointed.


Wind Waker begs to differ with you...


See, I loved Wind Waker. It was and still is (and perhaps always will be) my absolute favorite Zelda game and perhaps my favorite "3D plane" game. I understand most people hate the sailing, though.

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I think we are getting a bit side-tracked here. Console sales are a bit irrelevant at this point. The Wii has sold what, 70 or 80 million systems by now? Who cares? I'm a gamer, not a market analyst. What games are coming out is what is important to me, and should be to you guys as well. This isn't a comparison to the 360 or PS3, but rather looking at what is coming out next for the Wii.

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Well good thing there was more than four dungeons and one could teleport rather than sail to each end of the map, otherwise I would agree.


Only thing I loathe in the game is the Triforce hunt, not much else aside that part.


EDIT: Anyway, yes new Zelda and a few other games. They're kinda hidden and... you know, I'm not even sure what the heck is coming out for the 3DS...

Edited by Atomsk88
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My fiancee just got Zumba fitness for the Wii. Pure crap for me but she says it's loads of fun and a great workout. Now her mom (who, for God knows why has a Wii - status symbol I suspect) wants to try Zumba with her as well. So yeah, the Wii will sell to markets that we don't think of and Nintendo will get a steady stream of money. So long as they throw a bone to fans like me, I'm happy.

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The only console I own is a Wii. I will grant that 2011 looks quite sparse. However, Nintendo has taken to announcing games very shortly before launch lately. There are enough games that have been hinted at or haven't been localized at all that it possible that this will be a fantastic year. Imagine if Xenoblade, Zelda, Pikmin 3, The Last Story, and the Fatal Frame remake all get released. Of course, it's also possible that none of those will be.


Consider - 2010 looked quite sparse in January too. That year gave us Metroid, Galaxy 2, Kirby, Sin and Punishment, DK, Trauma Team, Red Steel 2, and more.


So my conclusion is - too early to tell.


How I feel as a gamer who only owns a Wii - I'm fine. I'd need to be a quite the voracious gamer indeed to have played all the 2010 games. I still don't own Kirby, Sin and Punishment, or Red Steel. I want to pick up Goldeneye too if I can. Honestly, that's about how many console games I buy in a year. 4 or maybe 5. So I'm still fine.

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I don't think its in decline, Nintendo has just been annoucning games the same year they release them. Look at Kirby's Epic Yarn (ok its not out in Europe yet but roll with me) It was announced at E3 2010 and was released in October. There's going to be more of those next year I guarantee it

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I think we are getting a bit side-tracked here. Console sales are a bit irrelevant at this point. The Wii has sold what, 70 or 80 million systems by now? Who cares? I'm a gamer, not a market analyst. What games are coming out is what is important to me, and should be to you guys as well. This isn't a comparison to the 360 or PS3, but rather looking at what is coming out next for the Wii.



Why are you telling us how to feel.

I think you need to cool your jets and let us consider this for a while.


Personally. I'm looking forward to the new Wii golf game.

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I think we are getting a bit side-tracked here. Console sales are a bit irrelevant at this point. The Wii has sold what, 70 or 80 million systems by now? Who cares? I'm a gamer, not a market analyst. What games are coming out is what is important to me, and should be to you guys as well. This isn't a comparison to the 360 or PS3, but rather looking at what is coming out next for the Wii.



Why are you telling us how to feel.

I think you need to cool your jets and let us consider this for a while.


Personally. I'm looking forward to the new Wii golf game.


I didn't want this topic devolving into a console flame war. This topic is about the software side of things for the coming year, not the merits of motion controls and the superiority of the other consoles.


I haven't heard anything about a new golf game, who is developing it?

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I think we are getting a bit side-tracked here. Console sales are a bit irrelevant at this point. The Wii has sold what, 70 or 80 million systems by now? Who cares? I'm a gamer, not a market analyst. What games are coming out is what is important to me, and should be to you guys as well. This isn't a comparison to the 360 or PS3, but rather looking at what is coming out next for the Wii.



Why are you telling us how to feel.

I think you need to cool your jets and let us consider this for a while.


Personally. I'm looking forward to the new Wii golf game.


I didn't want this topic devolving into a console flame war. This topic is about the software side of things for the coming year, not the merits of motion controls and the superiority of the other consoles.


I haven't heard anything about a new golf game, who is developing it?



You're the one bringing up consoles.

Besides - I think it is pretty clear that you only have a WII - and a computer (obviously) otherwise you wouldn't be starting a topic like this.

Maybe you have some older school consoles, like a playstation - but that doesn't matter. And that hardly qualifies you to start a console flame war like you are now trying to do.


And the new WII Golf game is going to be awesome.

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