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One Sentence Film Synopses

Hot Heart

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This was inspired by this thread and an old idea I'd had.


You can use a whole sentence if you want, but if you can use six words, then, even better!


Basically, sum up a film in one sentence with as few words as possible.


Please remember to use spoiler tags if needed. Not sure they're a quick option but you're probably all aware you can create your own by using 'spoiler' between square brackets to start and then the same again but with a slash between the first square bracket and the s. Like so:



[s...]FILM SYNOPSIS[/s...]


Still unsure? You can copy (quote) my example:


Citizen Kane


Man builds media empire. Misses childhood sled. Dies



Have fun!

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Dude's uncle kills the dude's dad. Dude kills everyone. Everyone dies. Dude!



EVERY romantic comedy:


Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy wins back girl.



or a variation:


Girl is too busy for a family but has to take care of one due to death and through that kid she meets the love of her life whom she first hates until the final act.


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Majority of Superhero movies:


Hero rises to fame, Villain disgraces hero, Hero triumphs and saves the day.



The Expendables


A bunch of old action heroes shoot up El Presidente's estate and save the girl.





The Earth goes to hell on a very predictable schedule and the US President is black.



War of the Worlds (Remake)


Germ warfare triumphs against aliens.


Alternate War of the Worlds spoiler:


Just another chapter from Tom Cruise's normal life.


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War of the Worlds (Remake)


Germ warfare triumphs against aliens.



Original War of the Worlds:


And scattered about it, some in their overturned war-machines, some in the now rigid handling-machines, and a dozen of them stark and silent and laid in a row, were the Martians--_dead_!--slain by the putrefactive and disease bacteria against which their systems were unprepared; slain as the red weed was being slain; slain, after all man's devices had failed, by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth.


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