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The Dark Knight Rises and other Bat-Topics

Mr W Phallus

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Caught this for the second time yesterday and I had a much more enjoyable experience. The audience was silent, which allowed me to go the length of the film without thinking of asking for a refund (which in turn allowed me to focus on the film). As a result I found the film to be much more entertaining. It's still got its issues (I still think its about 20 minutes too long) but the storyline came together better than I originally thought. That being said, even the lovely Marian Cotillard couldn't make this anything but my least favourite film in the series.



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Oh god, fuck audiences. At the scene where

Alfred is telling Bruce about the letter Rachel wrote

there was this girl behind me who was trying not to laugh about some shit she and her friend had been doing, but she was breathing so loud and hard that I couldn't hear half the dialogue in the scene, completely ruining it. Probably the worst time in the entire movie for that to happen.

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I wonder if Batman didnt think shit through when fighting Bane because he hadnt fought in so long. The dude is a fucking detective and never wondered about the goofy ass mask in his first fight. That was weird to me. He just kept punching him knowing full well that he wasnt going to beat him that way since Bane never even flinches.

He tried some of his defensive tricks, but none of his offensive. Like the blades that shoot out of his arm. He just didnt seem like much of a detective to me in this film.

I know Bane was supposed to be shown as superior to Batman during the first fight, but Batman just seemed dumb. Not even in comparison, just dumb. Up to that point I cant remember the last time Bale's Batman just fought a guy up close brawler style. There was clearly a reason for it - cus it doesnt work.



Also, why didnt Wayne tie a rope outside the pit so everyone else could also escape? Couldnt they just climb out that way? Seems kind of dickish.


Edited by Strangelove
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Rather than bring the film down(because I liked it a lot), im going to assume he just sucked because he really hadnt fought in 8 years. To come out of retirement and then have to fight someone as intelligent and stronger than you would be a bitch.


I need to see the rope thing again, but I think youre right.


I was also dissapointed by the lack of new gadgets and weapons. Aside from the Batplane, he really didnt have anything new. Even his suit is exactly the same from the 2nd film.


And its funny, but im still wowed by the batpod. It just looks so damn impressive when it changes direction. I dont think im ever going to get tired of seeing it.


I think I also liked this film a lot because it had a lot of emotion to it. I cant say the other 2 did. At all. But I felt terrible when Wayne went broke, when Bane found his lab with all of his equipment, and when Alfred left. He got severely fucked. I actually sympathized with Wayne. Which I think is hard to do.


Edited by Strangelove
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yeah, the whole scene where catwoman was leading batman to bane and then their first fight should have been a highlight of the film, but it fell flat for me. batman and catwoman working their way through bane's thugs felt... obligatory. there wasn't anything particularly cool about it. perhaps lackluster is a better word. it was like a lame brawler videogame... walk through tunnels and beat up guys until you get to the boss.


and agreed about batman looking like a chump against bane. i recall from the knightfall comics that seperating batman from his support system was an integral part of bane's plan. by the time bane fought batman he was alone, exhausted, and unable to call for help (IIRC, it's been a really long time since i read those...) seems like Nolan sort of wanted togo in this direction what with the whole bankrupting-bruce-wayne plot, but we never got the impression that any of that even riled bruce. similarly, trapping batman in that sewer/pit thing for the fight was smart as it presumably limited batman's arsenal, but at the same time dude's gotta have some other tricks up his sleeve. he's the gosh darned batman!


then again, now that i think about it, within the context of these films batman's never really been overpowered physically before, so it's possible that he just thought he could take him. but still, that doesn't preclude him from using his damn utility belt.


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I think, the more I watched it, the more I would find to dislike.


I know people's opinions differ on TDK, but I think all the problems I spot seem to be from the earlier films (particularly TDK) setting the bar so high. Much like ME3 in some regards, the final chapter seems to be a little more glum (and, in my eyes, both suffered from trying to emulate the first part of the trilogy to some extent). Not that it's a bad thing. It's just why I enjoyed it the least.




The antagonists

OK, yes, you're never going to top the sheer brilliance of The Joker and Heath Ledger's performance but his 'lack' of a plan was much clearer than whatever the League of Shadows was up to. People speak disparagingly about TDK pretending to be clever but I think it did pretty damn well for a blockbuster. TDKR brings up the whole 'wealthy people' thing and does almost fuck all with it besides 'smash all their stuff maybe?' and 'there can't be despair without hope'. I could see some of the undercurrents that may become a little clearer with repeated viewing, but I think the ideas are undermined by earlier parts of the trilogy. Especially when you look at BB, where the whole wealth thing tied into how corrupt the city was. That was why the League of Shadows wanted to tear it all apart - or even more interestingly, make it tear itself apart in FEAR (BB buzzword). At the start of TDKR, it's clear the city was 'fixed' but that it was built on a lie. So Bane decides to start a timebomb and then reveal the truth? I just not entirely sure what THE PLAN was. I couldn't help feeling that some of the themes were half-heartedly and clumsily trying to tap into the current climate.


TDK did a much better job of examining Batman himself and it did pose some interesting questions/dilemmas that had characters making these tough/important decisions, not just 'thwarting the bad guys'. Some of it may seem contrived, but no less than some of what occurred in TDKR.


Those other people

Not much to say here, because most of them were very good. I just think the film suffered with its lack of Alfred and Lucius (maybe that was the point though). I did feel a lot of stuff was rushed.



This may be an odd to pick up on, but I think the music was too ever-present/prominent. Besides the really cool 'spooky' beginning to the 'Bane theme' (which doesn't last), everything felt too big and booming. I did get goosebumps at that Batman theme which starts up when he appears on the batpod that first time, though that was probably more to do with TDK. I know it's a completely different character. but the range of tones and things used with The Joker was just generally more interesting.

In overall terms, I think the whole film suffered because of that constant score. If you look at some of the action in TDK, there are large sections of no music but punctuated by great little moments. Take the police convoy section as an example. For large chunks there is no music whatsoever, just lots of great sound effects (the tumbler's rising engine and then SLAM into the truck before doing a 180, the batpod's appearance and juxtaposition with The Joker's movements, the brief bit of quiet just before the flipped lorry smashes into the ground). It made for a much more satisfying auditory experience overall.



Leading off from the stuff about the sound/music. TDKR had these epic moments, but I couldn't help feeling slightly detached from it. Fist-fighting with Bane was about as thrilling as you could make it, but I don't think I've ever been so bored while watching a hoverplane dodging missiles. What was even up with that last section? He was trying to steer the truck towards the reactor...by bombarding the vehicle with missiles? TDK put characters in the thick of the action and hung interesting dramatic situations on it (for the most part), TDKR simplified it immensely.


I guess it's hard to avoid things becoming rote - it's just the whole premise was made cyclical (League of Shadows with Wayne Enterprises device) and, therefore, predictable.

And I didn't find much of TDKR's action very impressive. Obviously, you've just got fist-fighting with Bane (which made Batman look stupid), and I don't think I've ever been so bored watching a hoverplane thing dodging missiles. It's probably because some of the action was so predictable whereas TDK always kept you slightly unsure of what might happen. I mean, of course Batman will triumph, but in TDK he was having to fight the SWAT team as well as getting to The Joker.



Obviously, every film has these, but some were a little too distracting. Possibly because of the lapses in interest, I had more time to think about certain elements.

Firstly, John Blake knows who Batman is. OK, sure, fine. It's just that his asking for Batman to reappear doesn't fit with his admonishment of Gordon over the Dent Act. Did he think Batman was a cold- blooded murderer, yet figured it was OK because they're both orphans and he 'knows that feel, bro', or was he really that surprised that something was up? Again, maybe the film was too rushed to explore this.


The last Bruce sees of Catwoman is her betraying him...but when he arrives back in Gotham, he goes straight to her with the Clean Slate software or whatever. Not forgetting that she's already met John Blake who showed her a THICK PAPER FILE containing her criminal record.


I won't go on because that's just a really nitpicky thing to do, and evenTDK had its issues (the whole bullet-fingerprint-CSI bit was just dreadful). It just kept things moving a little faster and maintained that air of unpredictability a lot better.



Anyway, that turned into a bit of a rant. Just needed to get if off my chest...and maybe open up some discussion points.


Basically, I'm not saying TDKR is bad, I just think TDK was fucking amazing and it set my expectations a little high.

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Yeah I completely loved it as well. The only thing that truly bothered me was the reveal at the end that

blake's real name is robin. Completely unnecessary, he was already this batman universe's robin, with or without the name. Other than that, I never liked Robin as a character and would rather they just ignore the comic robin's existence altogether.

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Really, with comic book movies you just have to be willing to roll with certain things, but one thing really really really bothered me.



How the fuck did Bruce get back to Gotham from whatever the hell sand country Bane took him to?



I know its a comic book movie, but i don't think we can let it all slide. There's a couple of very convenient moments in this film. Nolan seems very willing to have his characters in 2 places at once. One character is in a scene with one character and somehow manages to get across the City to take part in another scene in a matter of seconds.



And don't get me started on whatever was going on with Wayne's Back. At the very least the thing would have put him out of action for a few months. He seemingly shrugged it off in a matter of what, hours? Only to then proceed to almost kill himself twice in a matter of minutes whilst trying to get out of the prison.



I can forgive a fair amount, but sometimes you have to question the writing.


How would everyone rank the Nolan Trilogy? I'm going Begins>Dark Knight> Rises.


I don't think Begins is a better film than The Dark Knight, but i get more enjoyment out of it. I love the first half of that film. As for the Dark Knight itself. Its just brilliant. Rises? Its good, just not great. I think the /filmcast summed it up best. The Dark Knight Rises is The Return of the Jedi to the original Star Wars movies. Still a very very enjoyable film though.

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And don't get me started on whatever was going on with Wayne's Back. At the very least the thing would have put him out of action for a few months. He seemingly shrugged it off in a matter of what, hours? Only to then proceed to almost kill himself twice in a matter of minutes whilst trying to get out of the prison.



Months are passing, not minutes. As evidenced by the changing seasons in Gotham and the timer on the bomb going from 5 months to 5 days.


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And don't get me started on whatever was going on with Wayne's Back. At the very least the thing would have put him out of action for a few months. He seemingly shrugged it off in a matter of what, hours? Only to then proceed to almost kill himself twice in a matter of minutes whilst trying to get out of the prison.



Months are passing, not minutes. As evidenced by the changing seasons in Gotham and the timer on the bomb going from 5 months to 5 days.




Fair point, but they've done an awful job of putting that on screen. Going back to the 'Prison Broken back scene'. From what i remember, he gets pulled into the harness, has a Ra's vision and then the next time we see him he's fully operational.


Also how come the City was in such a good state? Gotham must have a pretty committed Garbage program. It looks better than London on a good day.


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I'm kind of in a middle ground on the time issue.

Time was obviously passing because of the countdown on the bomb, but they didn't do a good job of making it feel like time had passed. A good example is the 5 days to 24 hours jump; it confused me just for a second because I was thinking it was the same day, but it was only momentary and then I was like "oh, I guess it's not the same day."

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Any time something changed or I felt confused in the second half of the film, I automatically went into "time has passed" mode. I just assumed it. Doesnt matter how much or how little, you have to gauge it yourself as you watch. The back thing obviously took months or even just weeks. It just made sense.


They could have put little captions saying how much time had passed, but I think Nolan was too classy for shit like that.




On the character thing, they could have lost John Blake. I liked the character enough, but he felt unnecessary. just a cheap ploy to link it to something in the future.

The entire film was only 4 characters though - Wayne, Blake, Catwoman, and Bane. Anyone else?

Dont get me wrong, there are some more important characters in the film, but those didnt get a lot of time, so I cant count them really.

TDK did just fine with 3.


I felt like Lucius Fox went underused in this one. TDKR really needed more Lucius Fox.

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I'm already invested in Fox and Gordon, but at the same time i think we could have lost both of those without it really effecting the plot.



I also think the casting of Cotillard as Tate was a mistake. Maybe it wasn't apparent to some but she's a pretty big name to be playing a character who doesn't appear to have that large an impact.


Emphasis on 'doesn't appear'. You could almost predict what was going to happen with her character.


Also who's Wayne sleeping with? Tate, Kyle? Talk about being on the rebound.


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