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Single-player or Multi-player?


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I love a good SP game, but once I've completed it it will be quite some time before I want to replay it again. A good MP on the other hand can last a much longer time so I play both. It's worth pointing out that my favourite MP games are firstly all shooters, and secondly either MP only (TF2 and Shadowrun) or built with a strong multiplayer component in mind (Halo and Gears). I also prefer multiplayer that is team-based, especially objective based game modes like CTF since they encourage team play, so I guess like someone else said it's not so much about playing against people but playing with people.


As for local MP nothing beats Mario Kart. I find most modern games lack the universal appeal that Mario Kart does so well and since not all my friends are big gamers (especially here at uni) it doesn't matter to me so much that they don't have local MP.

Edited by withoutphallus
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As for local MP nothing beats Mario Kart.

QFMFT. Assuming you're referring to MK64, that is.


I find I'm the opposite on the rest of it though: campaigns (whether singleplayer or coop) tend to hold my attention much longer than multiplayer. There are some notable exceptions to that, like Starcraft, Monday Night Combat, and Tribes if you want to go way back. But two of those are multiplayer-only.

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