toxicitizen Posted December 30, 2019 Report Share Posted December 30, 2019 @TheMightyEthan Yeah, like Cowboy said, it was originally supposed to be Colin Trevorrow, who doesn't exactly have a stellar track record either. Jurassic World is my kinda trash but Book of Henry sounds like a spectacular dumpster fire. If you have 40mins to kill, this is an interesting and baffling breakdown of it. Just imagine Rise of Skywalker made by this guy lol. Also re: Kathleen Kennedy. I haven't really followed the production side of things for this trilogy but if she's the one that decided to give each movie to a different filmmaker with no plan and just let them do whatever the fuck they want, then yeah this is on her. I don't feel strongly about her getting fired or not because, frankly, I really don't give a shit about Star Wars at this point. But I honestly doubt it's gonna happen because regardless of perceived quality or backlash, these movies still made billions for Disney, which is ultimately all that really matters to them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted December 30, 2019 Report Share Posted December 30, 2019 Kylo Ren was the big bad. Snoke was just an arch-bad guy. And the Kylo v Hux thing would have done well instead the sidelined Ren on his hunt for Palpatine (who didn't need to come back and shouldn't have and the film still never explained how/why he did and kinda negates RotJ to do it) and got rid of Hux at its earliest convenience to introduce Richard E Grant (who is great, but also not really required when Hux was already there). Hux, Snoke, and the Knights of Ren were all things that JJ came up with and all things he brushed to the wayside to suddenly bring in Palpatine and spend ages hunting for a map piece to his hidden planet (hey...that sounds like another JJ Star Wars film...) rather than expand on those characters in a meaningful way. TLJ gave JJ a pretty solid and respectable foundation to build upon and push Star Wars further. Instead the guy who was (quite rightly) accused of copying A New Hope went on to disregard anything previously set up and went on to copy RotJ MK II. If you put the script through TurnItIn he'd be kicked out school for plagiarism as some of the lines are literally word for word from RotJ. But yes Kathleen Kennedy as a runner of the franchise should be kicked off after losing Trevarrow for this and Lord & Miller for Solo (and potentially Rian Johnson for KOTOR). At the end of the day it's still Star Wars and there's a wealth of talent chomping at the bit to join in (once again; look at Mandalorian and it's cast and crew). I think Mandalorian gives them a nice idea of where to go for the next few years in doing some "smaller" TV projects and then pop out with say KOTOR or whatnot on the big screen down the line. Just seen FLDs post: for the $billion element I've not been too off the net much but I've not seen any news on this breaking any particular records or sizeable chunks of that christmas holiday viewing so I'd guess it's doing pretty middling. It's the second lowest CinemaScore for Star Wars, just beating out the animated Clone Wars movie, so that won't be earning it much kudos with the big wigs. (MCU on the other hand has only once dipped below A- in 22 films and that was the first Thor). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted December 30, 2019 Report Share Posted December 30, 2019 Numbers may not be accurate but I just took a quick glance at wikipedia. It says TFA broke 2 billions, TLJ is 1.3b and RoS is currently at 725 mil, so I can easily see it breaking the billion mark as well. My point was all three movies were insanely profitable so she technically did her job. They probably don't want shitty movies but quality is basically irrelevant with these numbers. And not that I want to defend JJ here, because even his best movies are only kind of okay. But I'm willing to cut TFA some slack because, after the acquisition, making the safest possible movie right out of the gate was kind of the smart thing to do. They needed to wash the bad taste of the prequels out of everyone's mouth and like him or not, JJ wasn't a bad choice for that job. Like, the one thing he's actually good at is starting stories and setting things up with his mystery box bullshit. Yeah, it was A New Hope again but let's not forget that ANH was pretty much just The Hidden Fortress with a space opera coat of paint. Star Wars is at its best when it steals from samurai movies and westerns. Case in point: The Mandalorian. Hiring him back for RoS was stupid as fuck, though. He's definitely not the guy you want to wrap things up because he doesn't give a shit, to him answers aren't the point. Also, I don't agree at all that TLJ left a good foundation to build upon. Gonna spoiler this bit just in case someone hasn't seen RoS yet but Reveal hidden contents They were clearly going for a redemption arc with Kylo Ren from the start. I agree that having him as the big bad would've made for a far more interesting Episode IX but that was never going to happen. Like, TLJ threw such a wrench in things that to sell the redemption arc they had to drag Harrison Ford's corpse out of his grave for this ridiculous totally-not-force-ghost cameo that he gave so little fucks about he couldn't even be bothered to get a haircut. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted December 31, 2019 Report Share Posted December 31, 2019 The original trilogy wasn't planned out. Leia kissed her brother at the beginning of Empire, at the end Yoda and Obi talk about how "there is another Skywalker". In Jedi it's revealed that Leia is his sister. Though ultimately that has nothing to do with anything. But regardless Leia says she's always known. What?? Doesn't take genius to realize George was just making that shit up as he went. Also there's dumb shit in it like the god damn fucking Ewoks taking out AT-STs and tons of troopers. No one noticed those giant logs hanging in the trees?? Exactly where the walker happened to be? Sure. All I'm saying is, if you want to hate on the dumb shit with Rise of Skywalker, go ahead, but if you do, you better hate on the whole series. It's all a big dumb FUN mess. Rise of Skywalker had a few issues, it probably would have been justified to be at least an extra 30 minutes. Rose was unfairly sidelined. Carrie dying clearly changed their plans and fucked things up. What they should have done was change the end of The Last Jedi to let Luke live so he could take on what was clearly suppose to be Leia's role in TROS. They had a year between her death and the TLJ release, plenty of time to figure things out. They did the best they could with her archive stuff but it felt awkward and not very convincing. Otherwise I haven't heard a convincing complaint about it. The original trilogy had two good movies and one excellent middle entry. Just like the sequel trilogy. It's like poetry, it rhymes!!!!! Of course the prequels had three bad films, so maybe it's not like poetry. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted December 31, 2019 Report Share Posted December 31, 2019 I feel like pointing to the OT and saying it didn't have a plan either is kind of a disingenuous argument because people criticize the sequels for things that really don't apply to the OT. Like, yeah, A New Hope was originally just one movie that became a surprise hit, so they made sequels. And sure, George was making it up as he went along and he's not a particularly good storyteller either but it was still one person telling a story that moved forward in a coherent way. Empire built upon A New Hope and there was clearly some thought put towards Return of the Jedi with introducing Palpatine, Luke not finishing his training and the cliffhanger with Han. With the sequels you've got Force Awakens setting up the pieces on the board and getting things rolling. Then Last Jedi immediately flips the table and throws most of the pieces away, leaving Rise of Skywalker to clumsily pick some of them back up along with some random trash that just happened to be on the floor. Like, no one is saying the OT was some kind of masterclass in tight storytelling but at least it worked as a trilogy. The movies don't feel like they actively resent their direct prequels... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mal Posted December 31, 2019 Report Share Posted December 31, 2019 Reading all these posts... what a god damn mess. I'm staying in PT and OT territories, thank you very much. CAST THE ST TO LEGENDS! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted June 21, 2021 Report Share Posted June 21, 2021 The Dark Tower So, I actually had a lot of fun watching this but, man, what a dogshit adaptation lmao. Change is to be expected because movies aren't books and you need to, well, adapt the story to the strengths of the medium it's coming to. But this movie tries to incorporate way too many elements from late in the series and condenses them and merges them together to the point of incoherence. I enjoyed seeing all of these things on screen but to someone that hasn't read the books this must've come across as complete fucking nonsense. And, let's be fair, The Dark Tower series is full of nonsense. Stephen King is all about nonsense. This is the guy that wrote about a killer clown and a haunted car. But in a book he can take as much space as he needs to make this shit work while a movie has to be more economical in how it tells the story. And this one was shockingly short (just about an hour and a half) considering all they tried to cram in there. It also just has the wrong vibe in general. It went too hard on the more sci-fi-ish aspects of the story and lost some of the charm along with it. So yeah, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a fan of the books. And even then only watch it if you can enjoy schlock. Because man, this is some good schlock. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted June 21, 2021 Report Share Posted June 21, 2021 I have tried and failed to read that series twice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted June 21, 2021 Report Share Posted June 21, 2021 On 6/21/2021 at 8:52 PM, TheMightyEthan said: I have tried and failed to read that series twice. Expand How far did you get? I love it but it's probably not really worth it if you're not already a King fan. It can totally stand on its own but you just get so much more out of it if you're familiar with his body of work. I haven't read everything that connects to it but I'm familiar enough with most of it that I could recognize the connections when they came up. And while everything is explained sufficiently for you to understand even if you're not familiar with it, it really adds something to the experience if you are. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted June 22, 2021 Report Share Posted June 22, 2021 The first time I got through book 4, the second time I started from the beginning again since it had been so long, and that time I got through book 5. Of the ones I've read, I definitely thought Wizard & Glass was the best. The only other Stephen King book I've read was Firestarter, but I absolutely love that book. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted June 22, 2021 Report Share Posted June 22, 2021 (edited) Lol. Man, what is it about book 5? That's also where I stopped the first time but it's not like it's bad or anything. It even ends on a pretty good cliffhanger. Not as good as Blaine the Mono but definitely enough to make you hurt for more. Edited June 22, 2021 by toxicitizen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted June 22, 2021 Report Share Posted June 22, 2021 Yeah, I don't remember specifically what it was, I just remember after I finished it I didn't really care what happened next. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted July 4, 2021 Report Share Posted July 4, 2021 The Tomorrow War It's kind of inspiring a movie with a script this bad got made. It reminds me that just because I'm pretty bad at most things, that doesn't mean I can't achieve my dreams. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thursday Next Posted July 5, 2021 Report Share Posted July 5, 2021 Is it a sequel to/the same universe as "Edge of Tomorrow" or "Live, Die, Repeat" or whatever it was called in your region of choice? Or is it just a somewhat similar name/concept. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted July 5, 2021 Report Share Posted July 5, 2021 On 7/5/2021 at 8:28 AM, Thursday Next said: Is it a sequel to/the same universe as "Edge of Tomorrow" or "Live, Die, Repeat" or whatever it was called in your region of choice? Or is it just a somewhat similar name/concept. Expand Unrelated! They definitely took some "inspiration" but Edge of Tomorrow is a significantly better movie. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Jack Posted July 17, 2021 Report Share Posted July 17, 2021 (edited) Space Jam: A New Legacy Oh yeah, this one's a turd. Don't get me wrong, the original Space Jam is also a bad movie, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine that I like to rewatch every couple years or so. Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan playing basketball against a team of aliens is just too ridiculous a concept for me to not get any enjoyment just out of watching the spectacle. It was a dumb idea and it was definitely made to push the Looney Tunes and Michael Jordan brands, but it's the fun kind of bad. Plus it had a great soundtrack. This one, though? It just feels so soulless. Even if the old movie was brand driven, they kept it focused specifically on the two brands they were trying to promote so it was easier to just let that go and enjoy the ride for what it was. The sequel, however, shoves literally every single Warner Bros brand they could possibly fit into the movie to the point that it's inconceivable that any normal person could see it as anything but a 2 hour long advertisement. It's like Ready Player One in that sense. You might have some fun playing "spot the reference" with the cameos and I will admit that some of the crossovers with the Looney Tunes hanging out inside other Warner films were amusing, but the entire time I was watching it I was extremely aware that I was being advertised to. It's just too much to ignore and it makes it very hard to enjoy it even as dumb entertainment. I half expected to find a focus test group standing behind me when I turned around. I'm going to be fair and admit that there were some jokes in here that worked for me. Wile E Coyote had all the best gags and there were a few scenes here and there that did get a laugh out of me. Still, this movie is two hours long. An occasional laugh amid an endless sea of cross-promotion is just not enough. I'm sure I don't need to even mention that Lebron James is a terrible actor and I also can't help but find it ironic that after all the fuss that was made over changing Lola Bunny into a strong female character because the original was too sexist she turns out to have even less of a personality than before! And that's with MORE screen time! How the hell did they even pull that off? What else? Oh, the story is even dumber than before, the villain basketball team is completely forgettable, and the soundtrack isn't nearly as good this time around. It's also a pet peeve of mine when they turn the Looney Tunes into CGI characters, which they do for pretty much no reason in this movie. I won't lie and said I got no enjoyment out of this movie. There were a few bright spots scattered here and there, but there is no way this is going to become a guilty pleasure tradition for me like the first movie. It's just far too eager to suck corporate dick. I feel like movies like this bring us one step closer to the future Aldous Huxley warned us about. Edited July 17, 2021 by Mister Jack Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted July 17, 2021 Report Share Posted July 17, 2021 On 7/17/2021 at 1:53 AM, Mister Jack said: Space Jam: A New Legacy Oh yeah, this one's a turd. Expand Man, I could've told you that when the trailer came out and Game of Thrones was in it. Once I realized this was basically a Ready Player One kinda deal but instead of lazy nostalgia bait it was just one giant advertising for Warner Bros, I lost what little morbid curiosity I had. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted July 17, 2021 Report Share Posted July 17, 2021 I never even saw the trailer and could have told you it'd be crap. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thursday Next Posted July 20, 2021 Report Share Posted July 20, 2021 Urgh, the whole "metaverse" concept needs to fucking die. @toxicitizenabsolutely nails it with "lazy nostalgia bait". It's all Content and zero substance. "Now Disney own Marvel and Lucas, Luke Skywalker can fight the Hulk" great, sure that will make for a CG spectacle, but why would Luke fight Hulk? If you just want to bang your favourite toys together and make exploding noises, great, you can sit in the corner with my 8 year old nephew and go ham. I'd much rather see some thoughtful well written, character driven games, shows and movies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted July 20, 2021 Report Share Posted July 20, 2021 On 7/20/2021 at 9:54 AM, Thursday Next said: I'd much rather see some thoughtful well written, character driven games, shows and movies. Expand I mean, there's no reason we can't have that and the banging-the-toys-together type. Just Hollywood hasn't figured out how to make the banging-the-toys-together movies actually entertaining. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thursday Next Posted July 20, 2021 Report Share Posted July 20, 2021 I think even the popcorn blockbuster stuff needs decent writing and characters personally. When I say thoughtful I don't mean it has to be Schindler's List/Shawshank. I mean, some thought has to have gone into character development. Hulk vs Skywalker will always be a fun concept and crap movie until someone works out why they would fight. Hulk vs Thor in Ragnorok was cool not just because of the spectacle but because of the reasons they fought, finding out that Hulk has a voice, and a range that extends beyond "Smash" and "puny god", that he is fighting because he is always angry and has a raging fire inside (unlike Thor's smouldering mini-fire) all that stuff is what made the film good after the thrill of the big fight scene. If it is just the fight scene, then it all falls flat. (In my opinion). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toxicitizen Posted July 20, 2021 Report Share Posted July 20, 2021 On 7/20/2021 at 1:12 PM, TheMightyEthan said: Just Hollywood hasn't figured out how to make the banging-the-toys-together movies actually entertaining. Expand I mean, some of the MCU movies are basically this and I find them pretty entertaining. They're the only ones that come to mind, though... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted July 20, 2021 Report Share Posted July 20, 2021 I was more thinking cross-franchise, like Luke v Hulk type stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thursday Next Posted July 21, 2021 Report Share Posted July 21, 2021 Yeah, same as Ethan. "Metaverse" to me is mixing unrelated franchises from separate "universes". Like, the Lego movies are the only ones that stands out as being enjoyable. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted July 21, 2021 Report Share Posted July 21, 2021 Ooh, Lego, you're right, I forgot about them, they have figured out how to do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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