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Last Crap Movie You Saw


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Pfft, it's not that bad, but I'm definitely glad I got it for cheap. Most of the dependent movies haven't had much in relation to the prior Justice League series, which is a shame.


What I didn't expect was the lack of the Legion of Doom. A few villains, but for the most part it was a cast of "Hey, Joker and Lex aren't the only ones, ya know?" Not to mention the world domination plan wasn't quite as sound, even for supervillain plots.


I expected more out of Cyborg, as someone who remembers his debut in The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (final incarnation of Super Friends) and watched Teen Titans. About the only useful thing he did was "do machines."


EDIT: Actually, I take that back. He did save Wonder Woman, though he was kinda being a wimp when he had to save Superman.

Edited by Atomsk88
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John Carter. My wife is a big fan of the book series so she's been looking forward to this for months. She went in with low expectations and, in her words, she wanted to cry through most of it. So much of the film was changed from the book (and not in a way to advance the plot or clarify things.) Minor characters were made at the center. Stupid subplots about some blue energy was created. A waste of time and, if we paid for the tickets, a waste of money.


Still, the princess had pretty nice breasts ...

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I watched Rubber. It's a movie about a tire that rolls around on its own, runs over small animals and has psychic powers that explodes people's head. At some point they tried to do the whole "This movie is all thought-provoking because there is no reason for anything in it." I figured it would be one of those 'it's gotta be so bad it'll be fun to make fun of' but it was actually quite boring.

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Was going with a friend on his Orange Wednesdays promo (2 for 1) to see 21 Jump Street, except he hadn't bought tickets early, so it was sold out. The only two viable alternatives were Contraband (which I'd said I didn't want to see in the first place) and This Means War (which I didn't really want to see but would have preferred, probably).


Since it was his promo, he chose Contraband. I guess I can't fault the technical aspects, since it is Hollywood after all, and it had a nice sort of gritty look. It was just such a dumb film with stupid coincidences and contrivances and a waste of decent acting talent and Mark Wahlberg. I'm guessing my friend thought it would be more action-y because it throws in a few pointless bits of it, surely as something to put in a trailer to fool people. Well, it worked on him because that's all he goes on.


The only thing I can say in its favour, is a little dramatic irony on some of the character's parts, as no one realises what looks like a paint-splattered tarp is actually a Jackson Pollock taken off its mounting.

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Saw The Driller Killer today. Quite famous for being banned for ages as a 'video nasty' so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I thought it would be really cheesy OTT gore-fest and so bad it's good, like the evil dead but it was just plain bad.and surprisingly not graphic at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure at least Zuko was Indian.


I think this was a much worse offense:




From the cartoon:




"I know, let's make all the good guys white! There's no way that could be misinterpreted..."


As an aside, why does a google image search for "sokka katara" have to turn up porn? Wtf is wrong with the internet?

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The only person in The Last Airbender (series) that appeared Indian to me was Guru Pathik and he didn't particularly belong to any nation/land.


The series was always a mix of Chinese, Japanese, and Indian culture. Though as far as I'm aware the Indian aspect more so appeared in the mythos of the series and it's spirituality. Otherwise you had people running around like they were Chinese or Caucasian. Not sure about Japanese, though the Fire Nation came off as a "feudal era" setting.

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They don't look Inuit in either image, to me... But I haven't seen the show or film so I'll shut up, too.


A more horrific thing to note, to me, is that the dude on the left is that idiot asshole from Twilight. God he's an asshole. God they're all assholes. Haha, there's still one more Twilight film to come, how about that? I was speaking to a friend the other day and we'd totally forgotten about it.


  On 3/22/2011 at 9:17 PM, Yantelope said:
It wasn't like Minority Report which was completely ruined by glaring paradoxes.


Dragging this up a bit, but what were the paradoxes in Minority Report? I didn't get those. The only things that might not have made sense were things more simply mysteries to everyone involved (mostly the precog's odd speeches). I imagine there are no logical issues in the novel, at least. PKD is incredible.

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  On 4/20/2012 at 11:47 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

When I said Zuko was Indian I meant the actor in the live-action movie. In the TV series the Fire Nation was supposed to be based on Japan.


@P4: In the movie they're played by white actors, in the TV show they're Inuit.

I guess it'd make sense to get actors that were somewhat close to that nationality then, instead of white folk.

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Can't say I gave much of a toss where the actors were from. Fire Nation being Indian or East Asian makes little difference narratively. Much more annoying was the way the film led you by the hand. Despite the fact that any plot points were telegraphed well in advance, the film seemed to need to explain exactly what it was doing and why every step of the way. I seem to remember a bit where they were on some plateau meditating or some shit and Ang basically explained exactly what he was going to do and why and how it would affect him. Whatever happened to "show don't tell"?


I know it's a film for kids, but even kids aren't that dumb.

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