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Last Crap Movie You Saw


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Somewhere. I get what Sofia Coppola was trying to do with the movie, I really do... I get it had to be boring for the message to be clear. That doesn't mean it made a very compelling watch. I still thought the movie was mostly a worthwhile watch, as a fan of her movies but it was still pretty bad. 6/10 at most.

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yes and yes, it sorta makes me feel like its lost in translation without the charm of bill murray and the quirkiness of tokyo as a backdrop. Also sorta spoiler regarding a certain cast member that i didnt know was in the movie until i saw him:



Chris Pontius is really creepy. I don't know if I'm just reading into his acting the wrong way or if its intentional.



The movie is very minimalist and it's worth seeing as i said if you're a coppola fan. The movie is a success in terms of achieving what it was she wanted to portray, she just didnt make it compelling enough imo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"30 Minutes or Less". I don't know what my brother saw in this, because it was absolutely awful. Maybe going to see it early made him look at it with rose-tinted glasses (but he did confirm that a particular part in the beginning was awful, so I don't know). I'm usually a fan of everyone involved, but the script was garbage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Splice": The movie makes no sense. Essentially, it's a SciFi movie about a corporation using genetic material to try and create new species. The result is a movie so bad, my left nut decided to reject me and exploded in a ritual suicide. The main characters are poorly written and have no sense of direction. The result is a movie which goes in too many directions, and all of them lead to the Jersey shore, but with less STDs.

Edited by TheRevanchist
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I just finished watching Dreamcatcher. It was really awful. Films based on Stephen King books seem to either be great or abominations never just OK. I thought since this one had a few actors I recognised it would be good. I was wrong, mind you I read the book years ago and thought that was pretty pants so I guess it was stupid of me to expect anything better. Jason Lee does look good in glasses though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't believe no one has watched a crap movie in so long.


I watched Rango and boy was it a queer fish.


Firstly while it was massively impressive technically (it was the most impressive CGI film I've seen) it was just so gosh-darned ugly. All the locals in the saloon were gross, the love interest was not lovely. Even the 'cute' schoolgirl thing was horrifying.


Then it was just generally rather grim. The armadillo with the tyre damage, the toad getting taken away and one of the main characters dying on screen was just not what I expect from a children's film.


I never really liked the main character either. Basically, the film sapped the joy from my soul.

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Can't believe no one has watched a crap movie in so long.


I watched Rango and boy was it a queer fish.


Firstly while it was massively impressive technically (it was the most impressive CGI film I've seen) it was just so gosh-darned ugly. All the locals in the saloon were gross, the love interest was not lovely. Even the 'cute' schoolgirl thing was horrifying.


Then it was just generally rather grim. The armadillo with the tyre damage, the toad getting taken away and one of the main characters dying on screen was just not what I expect from a children's film.


I never really liked the main character either. Basically, the film sapped the joy from my soul.


I'm sorry but none of these things make it a bad film. You're just explaining that it's not what you expected.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright so recently I got to do something I don't get to do very often, and it ended up biting me in the ass.


That something is going into a movie blindly. I recently heard of a movie called Catfish and it was referred to as "the scariest movie of 2010", which immediately got my attention because we're in october and that always puts me in a horror mood. So I decided to not check up plot summaries or trailers and just go in blind and be surprised. It's something you generally don't get to do very often these days what with the internet and youtube and all that.


Holy shit, I could not have picked a worst movie for that.


The thing about Catfish is, if you watch a trailer (which I only did after having seen the actual movie) they'll be selling you a thriller. And then movie critics, for reasons I can't even begin to comprehend, perhaps in an attempt to appear clever or some shit, decided that the movie was scary and what we end up with is a whole lot of misdirection and, frankly, lies.


The movie actually starts out very intriguing and me and my friend who I'd convinced to watch it with me were enjoying it a lot. It wasn't scary, but it was very intriguing and mysterious and there was definitely potential for it to become scary. But then about halfway through it takes a turn that..... well, without spoiling the plot, just makes the whole thing very boring and anticlimatic.


Don't let anyone make you think otherwise: this is NOT a scary movie.

And not in the sense that it fails at being scary. No. It's just not that kind of movie.


I don't know if it was actually crap... There's probably something to enjoy in there, I guess. It's not like it's a poorly made movie.

But it was so misleading and ultimately disappointing... that it ended up doing little more than pissing us off. And it's not like this was because I decided to go in blind either, since I would've had the same kind of expectations had I decided to watch a trailer before watching the movie. So, yeah, in short: fuck Catfish!

Edited by FLD
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by catfish do you mean



the documentary about online dating going wrong? I didn't realise it was supposed to be scary, I recorded it off TV but it seemed kind of boring so I didn't bother to watch it before deleting it. I thought it was supposed to be real life, (but had a bit of controversy that it was 'managed reality') rather than a movie. I wish I'd watched it now.



Or are you talking about something completely different?

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by catfish do you mean



the documentary about online dating going wrong? I didn't realise it was supposed to be scary, I recorded it off TV but it seemed kind of boring so I didn't bother to watch it before deleting it. I thought it was supposed to be real life, (but had a bit of controversy that it was 'managed reality') rather than a movie. I wish I'd watched it now.



Or are you talking about something completely different?


Yeah, pretty sure we're talking about the same thing.



Though it's not so much about "online dating going wrong". More like the guy has an online friendship with the family of a little girl who does paintings of his pictures (he's a photographer), and eventually develops a romantic connection with their older daughter. But after a while he realizes that a lot of what he's been told is false so he starts digging deeper and that's the main intrigue.


I'm not so sure about it being a documentary, though. That's what they claim, but I'm not convinced. To buy that it's real, you have to believe that this whole thing just happened to take place while they were already doing a documentary on the guy's life for... no fucking reason whatsoever.


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I'm surprised it was in the cinema. I really wish I hadn't deleted it now even though you're saying it wasn't good. I think it was very long though wasn't it? I'm fairly sure that's why I ended up not giving it a go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I need to stop watching bad movies. Just watched Good Luck Chuck today. The main character's best friend was SO disgusting it kind of made you like the main character a bit less for being friends with him. And what is it with leading ladies in romantic comedies that they are so often complete klutzes. Is it to make them seem more 'girl next door'y? I think it was way too much in this film anyway.

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  • 3 months later...



Justice League: Doom


We wanted something to watch the other night, so this was recently out n seemed a worthwhile watch. It was really crappy. The animation was better than the TV series, but the plotline, not so much. It's not actually related to the TV show, which does mean some differences in how characters relate. The voice cast was all the old guys though (Conroy, Dale, Rosenbuam, Fillon). We ended up watching the old JL episodes and DCUO adverts in order to act as a sort of eye bleach. I suggested to Ben he check out the TV series Vandall Savage episodes as a comparison. It doubly sucks cos "Batmans files on the JLA are stolen" could have been a really good plotline.


Justice League: Crisis on Two Earth's is much better. But it doesn't matter.

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