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Last Crap Movie You Saw


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I don't remember the movie that well, but in the TV show he was the primary antagonist of the Avatar and his friends (though he was a protagonist in his own little sub-plot, with the Fire Nation hierarchy being his antagonist). In the movie did they turn that admiral guy into the main antagonist?

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  • 1 month later...

Smokin' Aces


Damn, What was the guy smoking when he made this film? It had maybe two or three decent moments but it was such a poorly-paced clusterfuck of a shit story that hinges on a dumb twist. Although, it's quite an accomplishment to include so many characters yet not a single one about whom you could give a fuck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

John Carter.


Just, I could go on about how the movie fails in a lot of regards with only a few redeeming qualities. However, what frustrates me the most is how my father, after how I kept telling him to rent the movie from Redbox, just desperately wanted to buy it. At the end of it all, he tells me the movie does suck and I give an appropriate, "I told you so."


At least the female lead was attractive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

The Girl (It's a TV film but it counts.)


Despite being about Hitchcock and his relationship with Tippi Hedren - a topic ripe with potential - it is poorly conceived and written. As someone who wrote essays on Hitchcock while at university, I feel it does a disservice to everyone involved and feels very much like a 'years later hearsay' portrayal rather than something researched. It's well-known that Hitchcock felt actors should be treated like cattle and that he had an 'obsession' with ice cold blondes, and could become quite controlling. Vertigo is as close a manifestation of these psychological issues as you'll ever see.


The film ignores crucial information (as well as facts) to up the drama and craft a story, but also turn Hitchcock into a real villain. There's no subtlety or depth: Hitchcock is a pervert that wants to sleep with Hedren (which later includes outright demanding sexual favours), while she's the poor, tortured innocent. I don't dispute that she was innocent (and a terrible actress), but Hitchcock was never so overtly sexual. It would've been far better to see his 'frustration' done psychologically. He makes her suffer through a violent scene over and over, but it's not done in order to enchance a performance (like Kubrick deliberately 'torturing' Shelley Duvall on The Shining, for example); he's just being a dick. I don't believe that she would've stuck around for years if the treatment were that bad, unless she was obsessed with the fame that came from being Hitchcock's 'girl'. Unfortunately, that's a side we never see developed. You're just told what to think.


Overall, it loses any legitimacy and impact, by being too one-sided.


(I would've stopped watching it, but we were at a family friends' house...which just made me extra angry. :P)

Edited by Hot Heart
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  • 2 weeks later...

Gangster Squad.


I had no intention of seeing this film, but a few other friends wanted to see it and half of us had the Orange Wednesday deal (2 for 1). Unfortunately, to take advantage of the deal, you can't pre-book, and none of the guys thought to get tickets ahead of time, so we wound up in the front row. You may have seen my friend's tweet that his neck was as strained as the dialogue. That said, it's not a contributing factor to why I disliked the film.


Put simply, it's a big dumb action film dressed up in a sharp 1940s suit. Not even Ryan Gosling and the few well-done comical beats (as you might expect from the director of Zombieland) can redeem this one. It makes The Untouchables - an inescapable comparison - look like high art. It's got a squad of token characters, with on-the-nose motivations and backgrounds, and is bursting with every cliche imaginable. The 'finale' had me cringing nearly the whole time. And when it has a crescendo that builds to the final punch... :rolleyes:


Doesn't help that I can't stand Sean Penn either.

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Gangster Squad.


I had no intention of seeing this film, but a few other friends wanted to see it and half of us had the Orange Wednesday deal (2 for 1). Unfortunately, to take advantage of the deal, you can't pre-book, and none of the guys thought to get tickets ahead of time, so we wound up in the front row. You may have seen my friend's tweet that his neck was as strained as the dialogue. That said, it's not a contributing factor to why I disliked the film.


Put simply, it's a big dumb action film dressed up in a sharp 1940s suit. Not even Ryan Gosling and the few well-done comical beats (as you might expect from the director of Zombieland) can redeem this one. It makes The Untouchables - an inescapable comparison - look like high art. It's got a squad of token characters, with on-the-nose motivations and backgrounds, and is bursting with every cliche imaginable. The 'finale' had me cringing nearly the whole time. And when it has a crescendo that builds to the final punch... :rolleyes:


Doesn't help that I can't stand Sean Penn either.

So is it one thumb up or two?

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