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Duke Nukem Forever


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After this video, I've become amazed at how Gearbox was able to get Duke Nukem Forever an M rating. I don't know if there has ever been any other M-rated game with that many rating remarks/comments either. I would say even if Forever turns out to be mediocre, or possibly a pile of crap, it'll go down as the one game to push the Mature rating to its peak.

Might be good to have Grand Theft Auto out of that spotlight with game rating legislation. :lol:
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I was able to get codes for all of the consoles and used the PS3 one and gave the rest to friends, but I have to say that demo was godawful. Didn't really like it all just feels weird...The most fun I had was flinging the shit around and drawing on the white board.

Edited by Hakidia
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That demo was mediocre as hell. The video game part at the start is cool. After that you play the canyon level and it is the most generic thing ever. Driving section, shoot pigs, obligatory use fixed placed gun moment, then shoot rockets at a ship. The humour was there. Duke said stuff that was supposed to be funny. I suppose. I just hope the full game is better then this.

Edited by excel_excel
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whatever Gearbox or whoever the hell the former devs were, they seemeed focused on was 'OMG Duke is so funny, he's so over the top and masucline and he says funny macho dialogue! Lets make this whole really funny thing like everyone worships Duke as a God! LOLERZ!'


And that Total Biscuit vid...god you can just feel his enthusiasm draining as the game goes on. Poor fella

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Yeah, I saw this. Pretty much cemented my decision not to buy it. I was never into Duke Nukem like other people were anyways, though like I said above, I did just buy Duke Nukem 3D to see what the fuss was all about.


I do feel sorry for Duke Nukem fans who were really looking forward to this though, it's a shame :(

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