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HD Collections


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Alright, I thought I would start a topic on this after hearing about a possible Metal Gear Solid collection for the PS3. Lately we've been receiving quite a bit of these collections for games such as God of War and Prince of Persia.


I have to ask though, what exactly is the big deal with the collections? I understand in that you get a whole series, such as I did with the Sands of Time trilogy. However, if you already have the games, why should you become ecstatic? Truth be told, the games are displayed in HD, but that's merely resolution. If it's a PS2 game, it's going to look like a PS2 game but with no worry of upscaling.


All I can think really is that these collections offer trophies, and perhaps fans of the games want to pay to be awarded trophies.

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I only own the god of war collection, but i think its quite a big difference.


Personally, i like that theyre at a higher resolution, upscaling looks ugly, i like that theyre widescreen cus i am really annoyed by fullscreen games now, i like that the fps were upped to 60, it looks so much better, and its two great games at a really low price.


Trophies are also nice i guess.


Its mostly a widescreen and price thing. Thats all i care about in these hd collections. Ps2 ans wii games still look fine to me, i just dont want to play old games with half of my tv not having anything on it. Feels like a waste.

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Hmm, I didn't think about framerate. As for widescreen, I think that depends on the games, or at least parts of the game. I don't know about God of War, but for the Prince of Persia games, all the in-game cutscenes were cropped. So at times you'll have the Prince's head partially off-screen. Most of the time it's fine, but it's not perfect.


While PS2 games can benefit, with Metal Gear Solid, I can't really understand the urge to have a PS1 game in 1080p. For me, I already have the previous Metal Gear Solid collection as I never owned the games before. So, like, is the "HD remake" going to make that much of a difference? For others I guess it supposedly will as those with multiple editions of the game want it.

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Well i dont bust a nut any time a remake an hd version of an old game comes out. I try not to live in the past, but like i said, i enoy widescreen and fixing of framerate problems.

if the mgs collection comes out ill get it for the snake eater framerate fix and to play sol and snake eater in widescreen.


I have no idea what theyd do with mgs1. They could just put it in as is or kojima as he is might be crazy enough to remake it using assets from twin snakes and sol. He would be the type to do that, for a full 60 dollar pricetag of course. Id say thatd be worth it.

maybe like when chains of memories came out on the ps2.

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I like the idea of them. I don't have a huuuge PS2 collection and there's many games I've missed. I also currently don't have a PS2 (I am thinking buying myself one may be a good idea, even if just to keep pristine in a box)

My current options are to play it on my PC with PCSX2, or to play one of these HD collections, which are also gonna be bug free on most games (ICO games have issues with fog in PCSX2), I can get trophies, thats no biggy, but I can also own the things. (I'm not going out n buying games to play on an emulator :P. Not like I can buy the Team ICO games anyway)

So yeah they're pretty cool for the folks without either a PS2, or the back catalogue that's now slipping from store shelves.


(as for PS1 games I play em on a mix of PS3 but mostly PSP)

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And resolution can make a big difference. For instance, when I played Ico on the PS2 I played it on an HDTV, but half the time I still couldn't tell wtf was going on cause it was so pixelated and the camera views were from so far out. A resolution increase will fix problems like that.

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Actually I was playing it on a PS2. Didn't have a PS3 at the time.


The HD collections aren't upscaled though, they're actually rendered at 1080p.


And I tried an emulator for SotC, but it would only run at 10 fps, no matter what settings I had it on. My brother had the same problem. Apparently PCSX2 doesn't get along as well with Ico games as it does with some other games. Never tried Ico though.

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Whether PS3 or PS2, it's just upscaling. (though in case of PS2 its your HDTV doing the upscaling). It's outputing at 480p and stretching it to make it bigger then applying whatever algorithms to make it less jaggy.


Also "(ICO games have issues with fog in PCSX2)". It's the main reason I'm looking forward to the Team Ico Collection.

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Whether PS3 or PS2, it's just upscaling. (though in case of PS2 its your HDTV doing the upscaling). It's outputing at 480p and stretching it to make it bigger then applying whatever algorithms to make it less jaggy.

No, I know that it's upscaled either way. Just clarifying that I wasn't playing it on the PS3.


But yes, I am definitely looking forward to some natively-rendered and antialiased 1080p Ico and SotC when that HD bundle comes out.

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Apparently Ico is going to support 3D, and as a result it will only be at 30 fps (when it does the 3D it's two sets of 30 fps, for 60 fps total). I don't know why though they didn't have it run in 60 fps if you're playing in 2D and then drop it to 30 fps when you're in 3D.


Still though, even 30 fps is fine as long as it's locked to that. It's when it fluctuates that it gets irritating.

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