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Metal Gear Solid Collection if treated right would be fucking awesome. MGS3 in widescreen HD at 60FPS? Bliss

I may hold off for the Metal Gear Solid 3DS game if I'm going to double-dip. Hopefully the extras for the game are included in the collection for you guys. The PS2 collection only had the first disc. <_<

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...MGS3 had 2 discs?

"The 20th Anniversary Edition of Metal Gear released in Japan includes the first disc of Subsistence, with a second disc containing the MSX2 versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, without the other extra game modes that were featured in Subsistence (Snake vs. Monkey, Metal Gear Online, Secret Theater and Duel Mode).[89] The version of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence included in the American Essential Collection box set is missing the MSX2 games."



It may not even be a factor since the PS3 collection is supposed to be a Solid collection.

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I still have my copies of Substance and Subsistence on PS2, so it really wouldn't bother me if they went with the basic releases (Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater) for the HD collection.


Heh, if it turns out to be real, it'll be like the third time I buy all three games.


I bought Subsistence when it came out.

Then I got the Essential Collection when that came out because I didn't have MGS 2 and I had only ever played a pirated copy of the first MGS on PC and wanted to own a legit copy.

Then I rebought MGS when it came out on PSN, so I could play it on my PSP.

And when I finally found a mint condition copy of Substance for PS2 on ebay about a year and a half ago, I snatched it and sold the Essential Collection.

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A Silent Hill HD Collection needs to happen.


It would absolutely need to include Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4 as well as a port of the Wii version of Shattered Memories with Move support.

It would feel incomplete if any of those were omitted.


Also, including the original PSOne SH would make it complete and perfect, but it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't in there.

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A Silent Hill collection basically needs to happen, Konami need to introduce people to the series that never got the chance to play it. I've never played a Silent Hill!

The original PSOne Silent Hill is on the PlayStation Store.


I only played it for the first time when they released it a year and a half ago.


It holds up surprisingly well, imo. I mean, it is ugly as fuck and the controls are a bit wonky, but the atmosphere is mind blowing.

It scared me infinitely more than anything I've played the last two gens.

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A Silent Hill HD Collection needs to happen.


It would absolutely need to include Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4 as well as a port of the Wii version of Shattered Memories with Move support.


This actually sounds really good! I never played the first Silent Hill games, so I would love to give them a try.


Other than that, like everybody else, I'm getting the Team Ico collection. :bun-amore:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The PS3 is my first Sony home console, so the collections are cool for me - not everyone has owned the games previously, guys!


I will be getting the Team Ico one and also the Sly Collection when it's dropped a bit in price.



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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI for those waiting for the Ico+SoTC collections, I do believe it might miss the spring date since they're currently redoing most of the cut-scenes and some animations for higher textures and 3D.


Personally apart from that I'd really like a Legacy of Kain series HD version and a Blood Omen remake. It's a shame Amy Hennig won't be doing it anymore and Tony Jay is dead but Blood Omen is currently an eye sore to play. While I'm not that crazy about graphics that game hasn't aged well at all.


I'd also like some PC classics retextured via Mods if anyone's doing it for games like Clive Barker's Undying (which had really good audio effects and scared the crap out of my kid brother and his friends back then).

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  • 1 month later...

Some screenshots from the upcoming Splinter Cell HD Trilogy




I have to say, this look pretty damn good to me




So much for the argument that you can simply up the resolution on PC and get the same visuals.

That looks like much more than a mere resolution increase to me.


And having replayed the original SC on PC last summer, I can confirm that it doesn't even support 1920x1080 (unless you like stretching).

Highest I could get without stretching was something like 1200x800 with a weird aspect ratio that pillarboxed the picture on my 16:9 monitor.


Also, because of some old tech that's no longer supported by current nVidia drivers, some lights can't be displayed.

I remember in the last level you're supposed to avoid a spotlight in some courtyard and it just wasn't there.

Took me a while to realize why I kept triggering the alarm.

Had to do some tweaking to at least get the game to tell me where the light was pointing but it was kinda frustrating to see such an important feature of the game be broken like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And having replayed the original SC on PC last summer, I can confirm that it doesn't even support 1920x1080 (unless you like stretching).

Highest I could get without stretching was something like 1200x800 with a weird aspect ratio that pillarboxed the picture on my 16:9 monitor.

The Widescreen Gaming Forum has a lot of fixes for stuff like that.


Here's the Splinter Cell page.


I use that site a lot for playing older games.

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Yeah, that website is great.


I didn't use their fix, though, because it made the HUD and cutscenes stretch, and I can't stand that.


Though sadly I don't think I'd have any choice now. For some reason, the option for fixed aspect-ratio scaling is gone from recent releases of my video card's driver. :(

Edited by FLD
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Though sadly I don't think I'd have any choice now. For some reason, the option for fixed aspect-ratio scaling is gone from recent releases of my video card's driver. :(

Your monitor might have it even if your video card doesn't support it. My monitor has an option to automatically adjust the aspect ratio to whatever the aspect ratio of the incoming signal is. It won't fix stuff like stretched cutscenes in 16:9 Splinter Cell, but it will sidebar the picture if you play at a 4:3, 5:4, or 16:10 resolution instead of 16:9

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  • 1 month later...

I think this trend of re-releasing games from the previous console generation in HD is fascinating. Resident Evil, Metal Gear, ICO/SotC, Zone of the Enders, Sly, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath (rumored), Silent Hill, Rez, God of War, Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil, and Splinter Cell. That's a ton of games that are getting re-released, and usually without significant additional content. I'm sure I missed some too. How do you all feel about this?


My thoughts:


1. These games don't really need to be remade yet - the games that really warrant it are the primitive N64/Playstation era 3D games. Give me FF VII-IX HD! Give me Vagrant Story and Xenogears! I don't think that all games in 3D were limited by the technology, I think some took it and were able to create unique and fantastic aesthetics. Sin and Punishment is one, Zelda Majora's Mask is another. However, some games really would have benefited from modern features like fully animated faces.


2. Do you people actually buy these re-releases? Is it worth it to you to play the same experience with more polygons per frame? Or is the trophy/achievement support the main draw? Personally, I can't imagine spending money to buy the same thing twice. There are so many new games to discover!


3. Come on now, if we're going to re-make classic games with better graphics, we should be re-making the games that were interesting to look at. The logical candidates (to my mind) are ICO/SotC, Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Fatal Frame, and Kingdom Hearts. These games had really interesting art. If the appeal of the game is how it looks (and that is the appeal, that's the only thing that's changed in most of these re-releases) then it makes sense to re-make the ones that are nice to look at. Seriously, who thought Splinter Cell was a good idea? I don't care how crisp the right angles are in industrial complex #24.


4. How many new games could have been made with the manpower it took to gussy up the graphics of all these old ones?

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I think this thread already exists, but ill say the same thing ive said several times. I buy these for two reasons:


1. fps(technological limitations in general). MGS3 and SotC are the huge culprits. These games will actually PLAY better with 60 fps instead of whatever they used to be.


2. Widescreen. Im sorry, but i cant play games that cut off almost half of my screen and leave it black. I want my games to take up my entire screen. If there was a fee to make my PS2 games widescreen I would pay it. I would pay actual money just for that feature alone. It annoys me that much.

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