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Top 5 on PS2


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Started playing my old PS2 again, and am reminded I lost out on a lot of games that slipped under my radar.

My list is constantly fluctuating, so this is it for the time being.


1. Digital Devil Saga

2. Final Fantasy X

3. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

4. Capcom vs SNK 2

5. Kingdom Hearts 2

Edited by BrainHurtBoy...2
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MGS3 is better than MGS2, though.


And don't get me wrong. I love MGS 2 and I never understood all the hate it gets.

But MGS 3 was a much better game in every possible way.


Can't argue with FF XII, though. I thought it was great, but if it's only a top 5, it doesn't make the list for me.

As for Disgaea, while I also loved the hell out of it, I played it on my PSP so it doesn't qualify for me.


But anyway, here's my version of the list.


1. Metal Gear Solid 3

2. Shadow of the Colossus

3. tie between God of War 2/Devil May Cry 3

4. Dragon Quest VIII

5. Persona 3 FES (though I strongly suspect that Persona 4 is much better, but I haven't played it yet since I am still working on finishing P3)


I sorta cheated with the tie, but I find a top 5 to be too restrictive.

The two games are fairly similar anyway and I honestly couldn't say which of the two I enjoyed the most.

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Mgs2 is so much better than mgs3. Its a fact because im stating it as such.


I can't really tell if you're trying to troll me or just joking. :lol:

I know you're known as the resident troll, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


But if you really feel MGS 2 is better, care to explain why?


I thought 3 had better, deeper controls and gameplay. And a superior, less convoluted story.

Plus the jungle setting helped make the game feel different.

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I havent trolled in ages!


Seriously. Simplicity is the name of. The game. Mgs3 added a bunch of features it really didnt need. Its cumbersome and uncessary.

The food thing was stupid, the healing thing was stupid, interroagting people by holding them was gimmicky and only useful about twice throught the games. Hanging from trees was useless since it was easy for people to find you. The camo index was neat, but mgs4 really made me realize how obnoxious it was in mgs3.


The story was pretty sweet though and cqc was good too. Not great, but neat.

you can play the game exactly as you did in mgs2 and be fine unless a certain section required it. Even then it wasnt impossible, just difficult.

all the new features were just so gimmicky to me.

mgs2 added so much more things, all of them useful as hell.it changed the series and mgs3 and mgs4 just took that and added more ontop of it. Most of it useless.

those are just my opinions of course.


The story is simpler and you dont play as raiden. Thats 99% of the reason people prefer mgs3 to mgs2.

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Oh well, to each his own


Every element of the game you listed as being unecessary and gimmicky, I loved.


The camo could be a bit of a pain in the ass when you constantly had to enter the menu to change it, but I loved the healing mechanics.

Food could be annoying, though. That much I'll give you. But I enjoyed the survival theme they were going for.


As for interrogations, I barely ever used that myself.


Also, I played MGS 2 a few years after it came out, so I knew going in that I would be playing as Raiden.

I think that factored heavily in my not hating his guts like everyone else, so not playing as Raiden really has nothing to do with why I prefer MGS 3.


3 just felt like a more complete game overall.


No Okami mention yet?

Never played that, but it's on my list.


No one mentions the TimeSplitters series?!

Never played those either, but I never really found a reason to be interested in that series.

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It was awesome. I remember discovering the 'secret' healing guy in the Neo Tokyo level when playing it co-op on hard (which was still very tough). Basically, we'd done the first part of the mission and were escaping but my friend had just been killed so I was running like crazy to avoid suffering the same fate. Luckily enough, I found him, camped there and killed everyone who came for me.


My friends and I used to play TS2 MP as a drinking game while at uni for before we went out. Sometimes, we got too wasted...


Two games I got very good at during uni: Burnout 2 and TimeSplitters 2.

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Is this top 5 FAVORITE, or top 5 BEST? Makes a big difference to me. But hell, I'll go with favorite until told otherwise.


1. God Hand

2. Devil May Cry 3

3. Zone of Enders 2: The Second Runner

4. Kingdom Hearts

5. Dark Cloud 2



Wow, that filled up fast.

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Ive just never been a fan of adding features that arent needed. I like refining things that are there or adding things people actually wanted, like the movable camera in subsistence.


Anyways, here my top 5 favorite ps2 games in no particular order:



xenosaga 3

resident evil 4

devil may cry 3

shadow hearts covenant


Ahhh, back when japanese game creators had creativity running through their veins.........


Honorable mention to ffx, ffx-2, kh2, and odin sphere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Katamari Damacy/We <3 Katamari



Beyond Good & Evil

Shadows of the Colossus


In the cases of MGS and FF I don't necessarily think that those were better than their successors of that console generation, but being the first of it made them that much more impressive at the time, leaving a more lasting impression on me. I remember approving of most of the changes and additions to MGS3 at the time, but I draw blanks when I try to recall scenes from the game, or any real pieces of the plot. I do remember that badass sniping boss, The End(?).


I decided to lump the Katmari games together just because. I can't pick between the two.

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