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I wouldn't make it that guaranteed. I'm on the home stretch for uni work, so it'd be a on the fly kind of thing, like maybe not till Friday I'd no for sure if I can set aside the time. Like lately I've crammed in a few half hour arena sessions with Cyber. But it's normally on the fly.


Ehh, it's probably not guaranteed on my end either.


I like the idea, but my gaming time hasn't been working out like I planned at alllll lately.

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Any chance of an XBLA/PSN port? The PC controls feel a bit too awkward for me.


There was an XBLA version, but I suppose it's been canned?


The review/impression I read on IGN recommended PC over Xbox anyway, saying that it was reaaaally difficult and awkward to handle all the different spells on a controller.


I've only played the game a little while, and I'm still not very good as I keep forgetting which keys bring up which spell and what combines with what, but I imagine if I stayed with the game for a while I'd get used to it.


I actually really love the spell system, even though there is a very perceptible learning curve there.

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Played through Magicka with my bro over the course of a couple of weekends, and it was definitely something unique. We can't shake the feeling that it could've been so much more, though. The last 3rd or so of the game was a complete disaster, with a severe lack of variety in the level design and the constant spamming of stronger monsters to create a false illusion of a higher difficulty, not to mention a considerable increase in bugs. It was at this point that all the little quirks and tiny inconveniences of the bugs were exacerbated. The game arbitrarily decided that you had to be far more precise and observant, yet the controls and basic gameplay mechanics weren't really built at all for precision playing. Plus, the lack of any "down time" in the game really took its toll on the both of us as we continued through to the end. Hallways of monster spamming got really tiring really quick.


Still, though, very unique. We loved the magic elements and the combinations (as did everyone else who's played the game :P), and the first 2/3rds were really fun. We haven't tried the challenge maps but if they're mostly more monster spamming I doubt we'll want to delve into that anytime soon.

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