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Uncharted 3


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Yeah it's pretty sweet. Shame on only having two maps and the fair amount of bugs (for one round we all got kicked for T/King, then on another I couldn't pick up anything (triangle)


I do like the buddy system though, and the "taunts" you get to do with that. The customisation stuff they've added in seems to be to both keep people on more and to make it a tad more personal. I like that the maps are a bit more cinematic, opening sequences n such. I don't get the treasure and medal thingy on death though and how much that affects the game.

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I actually am not liking the beta.


Hit detection is WAY off, you can unload a full clip on a guy not 15 feet away, and if he's even slightly moving, you'll have a hard time hitting him. They need better auto aim. Try to team kill someone in Halo 3 with the Battle Rifle, and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Also, moving feels really slow and clunky, not at all fluid like Drake in Uncharted 2.


Since I doubt these are things they will be be fixing, I doubt I'll be playing much of the multiplayer when U3 hits.

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I've had no issues with the hit detection Slag. I've been killin n chillin the whole time, with no issues.


The movement system seems pretty changed- a slower pace like the first Uncharted. Personally I loved how crisp and precise UC2 was; it made it feel formulaic but still great fun. This pace change is a bit funky, but once past it, it seems pretty great.


I haven't encountered any bugs except for a fairly major crash bug. If I pop back to the MP menu (with the sideway tabs) from the Customisation menu, and switch sideways too quickly, the game crashes on me. Every time. Infuriating if you're in a matchmaking list with a party of friends.


I think the treasure and medal stuff is great, though they don't explain it that well. Basically, the medals you collect in-game (like from stealth kills, grenade kills, headshots, etc.) can be 'spent' in-game to buy Medal Kickback boosters. I have the Speed one chosen, so if I rack up 6 medals in a deathmatch, I can press Up on the D-Pad and temporarily get a pretty great speed boost. They only last for the game, and you have to buy them at the Customisation menu to be able to use them.


On Treasures- for each single treasure you pick up (random drops from bodies like TF2 or found in the randomly highlighted treasure chests) you unlock an Emblem logo for customisation- and if you complete sets of the treasures (usually 2-3 of them) you unlock more clothing options for your chosen avatar.


Chances are most of you know that already, but some peeps expressed confusion.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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