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Uncharted 3


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Yeah, I really liked the co-op. Competitive can be fun with friends though. I seem to remember that, as a decent-sized group of us, TAY could really kick some butt. You especially, Kenshi.


Hehe. Just checked the ND stats page (thanks to Dean for linking it) and I have 666 kills in competitive. Maybe I should just quit. :P

Edited by Hot Heart
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That'll be from Uncharted 2. Which I'd love to play but Ben has it still :/


Also I've tweeted ND with regards to if it's possible to use the MP download to launch MP or if it'll be from the disc upon release. I rather like the idea of MP being able to download/install (proper install not cache which most PS3 installs are) to HDD so you can just hop on whenever, no fiddling with discs. Heck they've shown the MP can run on it's own, I see no reason why it can't be sold separate. Kinda like DOWII:Last Standalone. It's one of the MP modes in DOWII: Retribution, but you can pick it up as it's own game for £5 or so.

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Well, im done with the game and i hate reviewing games, but ill put some stuff up out here without showing any spoilers.


I honestly think Uncharted 3 is better than Uncharted 2, but not by much. If anything, some people might not notice it because its a close call. A SERIOUSLY close call.

It a different game than Uncharted 2, yet it excels where it means to, but at the same time it doesnt completely eclipse the previous game. Its hard to describe. The game starts slow for sure, but the reasons gameplaywise make a lot of sense. Its enjoyable the whole way through, but proportioned differently. Its not as mixed as it was with Uncharted 2.

Theres a lot of complaints with the aiming and i noticed it when I started playing it, but i upped the sensitivity and I actually think this game has the best aiming of all the Uncharteds. I got shit tons of headshots, and I suck at getting headshots.

The melee is amazing. I loved it.

There are also a lot of complaints about the difficulty and I feel like I know why. People complain because levels are open all over. Enemies can surprise you at any time and gang up on you. I think this frustrates people because of the way theyre used to playing these types of games. Youre NOT supposed to hide behind a wall for 10 minutes while you shoot everyone so you can move forward a few more inches and continue the trend. Thats not how the game works. The game tries to get you to move and think on your feet. The same way enemies creep up behind you and shoot you? You can do the exact same thing to them. You gotta stay active in this game and apply different tactics.


Honestly though, Uncharted 3 has some moments that completely eclipse the best moments of Uncharted 2, but not as many as Uncharted 2 overall. I think thats why people feel that Uncharted 2 is better. It constantly bombarded you with shit you had never really seen before. It left a strong impression on a lot of people and Uncharted 3 cant really give that same impression again, as hard as it tries.

I wont spoil it, but there are 2 moments in Uncharted 3 that completely blow away any moment in Uncharted 2 and thats why i think its the better game. ON top of that you have better mechanics, better shooting, better platforming, and WAY better puzzles. Its all better personally.

But like I said, not by much. If Uncharted 2 was a 10, Uncharted 3 is a 11.5. It can become unnoticeable.

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There are also a lot of complaints about the difficulty and I feel like I know why. People complain because levels are open all over. Enemies can surprise you at any time and gang up on you. I think this frustrates people because of the way theyre used to playing these types of games. Youre NOT supposed to hide behind a wall for 10 minutes while you shoot everyone so you can move forward a few more inches and continue the trend. Thats not how the game works. The game tries to get you to move and think on your feet. The same way enemies creep up behind you and shoot you? You can do the exact same thing to them. You gotta stay active in this game and apply different tactics.

That sounds awesome. The last time I can recall where I really had to watch my back was in, please excuse me... Halo 1 on certain levels where it was pretty much open.


Also you can think of it this way... you are playing multiplayer against bots.

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Yeah, thats a good comparison. Halo 1 was a lot of fun because of it. I never felt like I was just running forward clearing enemies. It gives some room to learn the levels and set out your best plan.

As far as Uncharted 3 goes, the game wants you to use shooting, melee, platforming, and grenades evenly in fights. If all youre good at is shooting and nothing else, its going to be a rude awakening.

For me it was a godsend though since in ALL third person shooters I always try to use melee or shotguns. I like to get in close. I picked vanguard in ME2 the second time around and relied on my shotgun and melee and I found the game more fun. U3 caters a bit more to that now.

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The fact that you cannot simply hide behind a wall for the entire level while you pick off guys was frustrating at first, but then it forced me to actually devise a plan, which was really neat. The levels also felt a lot longer because of this, even though that isn't necessarily the case. I'm about 96% done and I've only played 8 1/2 hours. In any case, I am playing on Normal and it almost seems--at times--like I am playing on a much more difficult level. I like it. And I am excited for what Hard and Crushing will be like (infuriating, but it'll be good not to be handed everything on a silver platter).

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I might get this soon since I just looked and I don't have much console games planned out besides this and The Last Guardian, which comes out in April, a long time away. Halo Anniversary Edition would of count if it wasn't just a remake so it can wait. BF3 can wait as well. Bioshock Infinite and Skyrim are for PC. Dark Souls... scares me. So it can wait as well...


Now to look for a good time to spend my Gamestop gift cards...

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Just beat the story mode. I thought it was great. Honestly, if Naughty Dog were to just crank out an Uncharted game every two years, making minor tweaks and improvements like they did with the original to 2 and again to 3, I'd be one happy guy. Fortunately, I won't have to wait two years, as we get another Uncharted in a few months. :D (albeit, not a Naughty Dog Uncharted, but still).

I am now ready to tackle some multiplayer. If anyone wants to play with me, I'm The_Cowboy_Poet. I'm not a huge multiplayer fan but I got really into the beta, so I'm going to give this one a try.

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I am now ready to tackle some multiplayer. If anyone wants to play with me, I'm The_Cowboy_Poet. I'm not a huge multiplayer fan but I got really into the beta, so I'm going to give this one a try.


Will you give up 15 caps throughout three games?

Edited by Chewblaha
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The thing that bugs me is that it appears the 'Bonuses' and 'Tweaks', that were in the games before, are not in this one.

Playing through as Donut Drake is great fun.

Yeah, that really sucks. :(

I went back to replay some chapters today, to try and find some more treasures before starting my hard run. And I couldn't find any way to buy skins or unlock guns or whatever.

That was really cool in Uncharted 2.

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Um no....you have to play all chapters in crushing. Otherwise itd be a pointless trophy I think.

I only ask because it said "finish the game on crushing" not "play through the game". Doesn't matter, too many games coming out this month to replay something!

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I got hung up on the Chapter 19 glitch (data on the cache gets corrupted). It was fairly panic inducing as the level would not even load, loading in to the previous chapter just brought me up to the same hang. However, finished it on Hard yesterday, need to do a crushing playthrough, then some Treasure and Trophy whoring on very easy or whatever it is after that. Great campaign. Not tried MP or Coop yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Definitely an excellent game, I felt it was better than Uncharted 2 most of the way through, but the last Act or so felt really unfulfilling to me. Specifically around the 2/3rds or halfway mark, I was literally thinking "this is so, so much better than Uncharted 2, and I'm in ecstasy at that thought", but by the end I had a slightly bitter taste in my mouth, mostly due to the story and dramatic choices, and gunfights that started to feel a little cheap at times.



I can't believe Katherine Marlowe died like that. I honestly expected another fair chunk of the game when she sunk into the sand: I was expecting her to have fallen through to some cavern and we'd have to work with her co-operatively or some other really interesting Unchartedey twist, but instead she's just dead. She was such a great character, and I felt she was half as developed as all the others. Frustrationnnnnnn


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Definitely an excellent game, I felt it was better than Uncharted 2 most of the way through, but the last Act or so felt really unfulfilling to me. Specifically around the 2/3rds or halfway mark, I was literally thinking "this is so, so much better than Uncharted 2, and I'm in ecstasy at that thought", but by the end I had a slightly bitter taste in my mouth, mostly due to the story and dramatic choices, and gunfights that started to feel a little cheap at times.



I can't believe Katherine Marlowe died like that. I honestly expected another fair chunk of the game when she sunk into the sand: I was expecting her to have fallen through to some cavern and we'd have to work with her co-operatively or some other really interesting Unchartedey twist, but instead she's just dead. She was such a great character, and I felt she was half as developed as all the others. Frustrationnnnnnn



What really bothered me with the ending is running out of the city when it collapsed. Didn't we do the same exact thing in Uncharted 2? Nathan needs to stop going to lost cities, he just ends up destroying them in spectacular ways.


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