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Uncharted 3


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  On 12/14/2010 at 5:32 PM, Heartless said:



Nathan has lost weight, pretty noticeably IMO. There was the occasional "you've put on weight" or "don't think your stomach can fit in there" joke in Among Thieves, but he didn't really look that heavy until I saw him in this game by comparison. Like Kanji said, dude's lookin a bit like David Boreanaz, haha.


God I hope they have the Doughnut Drake skin in Uncharted 3. :lol:


As for the demo, like everyone else I wasn't really impressed by it. Naughty Dog did a great job teaser/trailer wise, but I wasn't really feeling this 'demo'. Nice to see the new moves though. Also is it just me or does Drake look like Gerard Butler?




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People just can't handle the truth. :bun-whateva:


On another note, who actually still plays the Uncharted 2 multiplayer? I've had some fun times playing it, but never really got into it. I do have to praise Naughty Dog, they really keep their fan base satisfied. Updates were available when needed and they kept including other things (like the Lab) to improve multiplayer.

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If any of you want to get together for a game of UC2, hit me up! I love the multiplayer, despite the fact that the singleplayer is one of the most--


  On 12/13/2010 at 5:08 AM, brida said:
and can I ask that the shit about overrated stay the fuck out thanks i'd rather not have deja vu for the 239408234th time


Never mind. I love the multiplayer.

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  On 12/19/2010 at 4:03 AM, Showmeyomoves! said:

If any of you want to get together for a game of UC2, hit me up! I love the multiplayer, despite the fact that the singleplayer is one of the most--


  On 12/13/2010 at 5:08 AM, brida said:
and can I ask that the shit about overrated stay the fuck out thanks i'd rather not have deja vu for the 239408234th time


Never mind. I love the multiplayer.

Starting tomorrow...twleve days of The Lab and 4x cash. You down?


Sent from a place of renewed interest.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 9:08 PM, Heartless said:
  On 12/19/2010 at 4:03 AM, Showmeyomoves! said:

If any of you want to get together for a game of UC2, hit me up! I love the multiplayer, despite the fact that the singleplayer is one of the most--


  On 12/13/2010 at 5:08 AM, brida said:
and can I ask that the shit about overrated stay the fuck out thanks i'd rather not have deja vu for the 239408234th time


Never mind. I love the multiplayer.

Starting tomorrow...twleve days of The Lab and 4x cash. You down?


Sent from a place of renewed interest.


Tomorrow? I think that should be possible.


  On 12/22/2010 at 1:09 AM, rtemplar said:

Imma join yo. B)


No girls.

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New gameplay video..



I really don't want to watch too much because of any possible spoilers (gameplay/environment wise), I've done that with Uncharted 2 and almost nothing came as a surprise anymore.


That said, I like the new melee moves and the way you get to interact with the environment. I do get the feeling that, like Uncharted 2, the game plays you and not the other way around. A lot of it is staged. However.. I did not find that a bad thing in the last game. It really creates that cinematic feeling the game has.

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I just watched that elsewhere and creamed my panties. I think, like Shyguy, I will try my best to refrain from watching anymore footage or reading any possible spoilers. I want to save the novelty of the additions and upgrade and whatnot. It'll be so very hard, though. So very, very hard.

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Thanks loads for the vid Templar. Looks great.


I'm pretty stoked about UC3. Nothing more to say.


There's a few interesting choices Naughty Dog have made on the gameplay mechanic front. Picking up weapons and ammo is now automatic (though obviously you still have a choice to swap weapons out), which is a pretty obvious development considering their aim is to make it as cinematic and smooth as possible. I really want to see the new brawling combat in motion. I reckon they've taken a few leaves from Gearbox's book with Arkham Asylum style combat.


Kinda SPOILERS if you don't want to know more about the game coming up:


There's actually a pretty revealing 'rewind theatre' over on IGN, and they analyse the trailers pretty in-depth, revealing some interesting stuff. It seems the first locations, and possibly a fair chunk of the game, will be set in London. Pubs and streets and the like. Also the chateau is probably T.E. Lawrence's house, which is in England also. Anyway, it's probably best to not look out too much for loads of details.

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I noticed the little things in the video, like how he kinda... hops or something after taking someone down with melee and such. It's the little animation touches like that that I really enjoy, and wish more games you do. They can still improve though.


Like, when Sulley is crossing the beam and Drake yells, I would have had him do an animation where he is waving him over or something, then then have him auto transition to taking out his gun in surprise and then you go to the table, etc, etc. I know you can't do that for everything, but him standing there doing nothing while yelling looks a bit silly.


The melee sounds could use some work, they sound soft; might be an early build or something though.

Edited by Iamaquaman
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No problem. I'm very excited myself, but I hate Naughty Dog for teasing us like this when there's still 11 months to go. *shakes fist* Do you know how hard it is to keep away from all this news? Media blackout hey ho.




I do wonder if we're going to get 'monsters' like in the first two games? :scratch:


When I was playing the Uncharted 2 multiplayer for a few mins last night I was amazed by the graphics all over again. The water for one is amazing. I have high hopes for Uncharted 3.

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