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That sounds good. I couldn't find a good way so I ended up downloading the content manager.


I would also like to add that of the games I have there I don't think Pinball or Rumbletrucks count because I got them free from PS+ and have no intention of ever playing them.

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Neogaf made a big deal about it yesterday. Theyre over it for the most part though.

When Sony does this sort of thing its usually for piracy prevention, but I have no idea what this does.

Normally Id say this is a nonissue since this affects a small fraction of a fraction of another fraction of gamers, but its such a small fraction that Im surprised Sony even bothered to "fix" it. I wonder how they got wind of it. Maybe they did something else and this was just an unintended result.


That being said, the Vita wasnt made to have more than one account. No portable has been. I think that's obvious. This thing was a workaround at best and people should have been more cautious before spending all their money at different stores. Even one person having different accounts in different regions they don't live in is sketchy. Its not what was intended, thought quite a few people do it. You have to reset the Vita every single time to use a different account, like a fresh restart. That should be an alarm going on in your head not to fuck around. You cant have all your games from all your accounts neatly on your system. You get an error when you play a game from another account.

Some things are made a hassle for a reason.


Im neutral on the subject overall. I personally would have never bought stuff from other regions for my Vita because of the fear of something like this happening, but I also think it's silly to block it off now hat people are using it, despite the number of people who use it.

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I wasn't designed for multiple accounts, but it should have been. I'm not even talking about one person having more than one account, I'm talking about my wife and I both wanting to use the same Vita. We haven't been doing the old resetting thing either because it's way too much of a hassle, but our usage situation should have been designed for in the first place.

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Portables arent made to be used by more than one person though. This isnt a Sony thing, its a portable thing.

So no, I dont think they ever should be. A handheld console it's its own isolated thing. Its a screen attached to a controller. Obviously meant for one person. Id put a pc and a laptop in the same category. id share a pc, but never a laptop.

Thats why Pokemon only has one save slot since the Gameboy days. Its just not meant for sharing. To me, its like sharing your phone or your toothbrush. Id never do that. Everyone should have their own cellphone, laptop, and handheld.


Though I am also an only child, so I dont comprehend sharing things that are meant for one person. Im sure people with siblings shared their Gameboys and tshirts and stuff growing up. Not me. Id rather give something away or let a person borrow it for a long period of time. Not use the same thing on and off randomly.

Even to this day, playing a single player game with another person by passing off the controller kind of annoys me. I just opt out. But I know a lot of people don't mind playing a game that way.


I also realize I seem like a dick and/or a Sony sympathiser. Im not trying to. I just lack that whole "empathy" thing most people have. I tend to not care about most things that dont affect me or that Ive never experienced. Im fucked up like that.

Edited by Strangelove
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Its not about 'sharing' the handheld with other people Stranglove. Its about buying games from the US store and the EU store. The Vita support in the EU PSN has not been great at all so buying from the US store as well for other games lesser games was a great option.


There is NO reason for this hassle to be there. Not only that, what about the people who've been using their multiple PSP accounts on their Vita? Fuck those guys right?


Sony shouldn't be pissing off people who use both stores on the Vita. It was an excellent option on the PSP and PS3 because the EU store would take ages for some games to arrive and some wouldn't even be released on it. All this news is going to do is deter more people from buying it till there's a price drop, and its been doing terrible as it is sales wise.



Edited by excel_excel
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just a bit curious: i've had no trouble loading FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and Chrono Trigger on to my vita (sidebar: FUCK YES FINALLY!) but i've been unable to load Grandia. i'm guessing since content manager doesn't see the install data that it's a problem with the emulation? maybe? does anyone know a workaround to this? i'd figured there would be hiccups with the emulation, but instead was surprised that all my other games seemed to work great.


and CowboyPoet, yes, loading a cart the first time creates an icon that stays on your homescreen permanently. you can move it the same way you move any other icons, and when you put the cart in again the homesceen will automatically find it and make it 'bounce' to tell you its ready to play.

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  On 8/29/2012 at 7:34 PM, TheCowboyPoet said:

Random Vita question: When you load a game cart into the system, does the game appear as a bubble? Can you move that bubble??


Yes, and the icon stays after you eject the game. When you reinsert it... I think the icon jumps for a few seconds.

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@Strangelove: You can't say it's a handheld thing, because the whole idea of these persistent accounts is extremely new in terms of handhelds. At most you've got the 3DS and PSP as precedents, which isn't exactly stretching back into the ages. Even your Pokemon example only applies to the cartridge, not the handheld.


And while obviously a handheld is designed to be used by one person at a time, it's stupid to make it such a pain in the ass for other people to play mine when I'm not using it. We're supposed to buy a separate $250 console for every person in the house? Maybe that was workable when Gameboys cost $80 each, but at these prices it's just not a viable solution.


You're absolutely right that it was designed that way, I'm just saying that it's stupid that it's designed that way.

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  On 8/29/2012 at 7:37 PM, excel_excel said:

Its not about 'sharing' the handheld with other people Stranglove. Its about buying games from the US store and the EU store. The Vita support in the EU PSN has not been great at all so buying from the US store as well for other games lesser games was a great option.


There is NO reason for this hassle to be there. Not only that, what about the people who've been using their multiple PSP accounts on their Vita? Fuck those guys right?


Sony shouldn't be pissing off people who use both stores on the Vita. It was an excellent option on the PSP and PS3 because the EU store would take ages for some games to arrive and some wouldn't even be released on it. All this news is going to do is deter more people from buying it till there's a price drop, and its been doing terrible as it is sales wise.




Does the PSP support multiple accounts like the PS3? I didnt know that. But Ill stick to what I said earlier. I would never buy things from more than my own account in my own region. I just wouldnt. Especially when the device I use it on makes it such a hassle. I have a UK PS3 account to download free themes and demos they get earlier. That's it.


And honestly, the Vita itself is not locked to an account. Just the card. People are acting like theyre severely fucked forever or that they have to get 2 Vitas(which is equally stupid). Theyre not. They gotta do the same tedious shit as before, but with 2 cards now. Sorry if I dont feel sorry for the hassle of handling their luxury item in a way that wasnt intended.

If a company doesn't flaunt something, then its probably not a "feature".

Its the same thing with game sharing. We all know what its real intention is - to have our games spread across our own systems in case we own more than one. But no. A lot of people use them to play free games on their friend's/family's account. If that goes away someday, I personally wont throw a fit because I don't game share and I don't need to be told it's wrong. I already know so. I doubt a lot of people own more than one PS3, PSP or Vita anyways.

Just the entire concept of having different stores for different regions is enough to know they dont want you to have everything from every store, otherwise....they'd have one store? Is it fucking stupid to deprive one region of things another one has? Absolutely. But if its been this long and it's never changed, well fuck it. Ill just deal with it. I personally am not going to risk shit like this happening to me.


Blowing up bullshit that will affect almost no one is just ridiculous, but its what the internet loves to do. I doubt this affects anyone here and I doubt this will affect anyone in the future. And the "threat" of this having any kind of negative effect on sales is stupid. Its just shit people say because they know they're already not interested in ever buying it.

And you know what? Yeah. Fuck those people. When you have to reset an entire system to switch accounts you should have taken a fucking hint instead of trying to worm your way into bullshit that wasn't normally supported. Deal with it.


And the sad thing is that i think all this shit is wrong. There shouldn't be region locking(or regions in general), there should be a way to have multiple accounts on the same card(Id actually would use it if there was), but there is a point where an individual needs to decide what they're going to do about it. These people decided to go against what rules were set and got bitten. Simple as that.

Im not defending this stupid move by Sony, but I have zero sympathy for the people it affected. Everyone in this is a stubborn idiot.

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  On 8/29/2012 at 8:00 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

@Strangelove: You can't say it's a handheld thing, because the whole idea of these persistent accounts is extremely new in terms of handhelds. At most you've got the 3DS and PSP as precedents, which isn't exactly stretching back into the ages. Even your Pokemon example only applies to the cartridge, not the handheld.


And while obviously a handheld is designed to be used by one person at a time, it's stupid to make it such a pain in the ass for other people to play mine when I'm not using it. We're supposed to buy a separate $250 console for every person in the house? Maybe that was workable when Gameboys cost $80 each, but at these prices it's just not a viable solution.


You're absolutely right that it was designed that way, I'm just saying that it's stupid that it's designed that way.


I don't know about that. Like I said, its a lot like a handheld and its a lot like a cellphone. My iPhone only has my Apple ID account. Thats it. I would never share my iPhone, so I don't need support for more than one account. At this point to me, multiple accounts on a Vita or 3DS are a feature. An extra something. I truly don't think it's something that "should be".


Honestly, is there anything portable that DOES have multiple accounts? Mp3 players, E-readers? Tablets?

I think the option isn't there because very few people would use it. And I cant imagine it ever will be. Yeah, its expensive, but when it comes to items that people travel with on their person, most want their own.

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  On 8/29/2012 at 8:19 PM, TheFlyingGerbil said:

Can you wipe the cards and use them with another account? Just wondering as now a lot of people are upgrading their cards does this news mean they can't sell on the older ones?


Definitely. It's not "locked" in the way most would assume. You can delete your card and start a different account any time you want.

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Yeah, I was thinking about it wrong, for some reason I was thinking the system was locked, but it's just the card. I still think it's stupid, but I retract my righteous indignation. Buying a separate memory card for each person who uses the Vita isn't just ridiculous.


As for the people who were doing the system reset thing, I totally agree that they were on notice what they were doing probably wasn't what Sony wanted them to be doing, and I don't feel bad for them losing access to that capability.

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