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PS Vita


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Persona 3 Portable

Was €29.99/£23.99 – Now €17.99/£13.99


Breath of Fire III

Was €9.99/£7.99 – Now €6.99/£5.49


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Was €19.99/£15.99 – Now €9.99/£7.99


Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines

Was €9.99/£7.99 – Now €5.99/£4.79


Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Was €9.99/£7.99 – Now €3.99/£3.19


Split Second Velocity

Was €7.99/£6.99 – Now €3.99/£3.19


Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires

Was €14.99/£11.99 – Now €6.99/£5.49


Exit 2

Was €9.99/£7.99 – Now €4.99/£3.99

Nom Nation (minis)

Was €1.99/£1.74 – Now €1.19/£0.99


Duael Invaders (minis)

Was €2.99/£2.49 – Now €1.19/£0.99


For once in my life Im really jealous of Europeans.


BTW, why are there two different prices for each game? PS Plus or something?

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Youtube today.


I know a lot of people think it's weird that so many other people are so excited over something their phones and pcs have, but I think the Vita is the perfect portable device to watch videos on. Im going to use this app more than my iphone app now.

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  On 6/26/2012 at 4:58 PM, Strangelove said:
BTW, why are there two different prices for each game? PS Plus or something?


  On 6/26/2012 at 6:05 PM, TheCowboyPoet said:
One had the C like thing, the other has the L like thing, maybe it's different currencies for different Euro countries? Or are they all on the Euro now? I think they're all on the Euro. I don't know. This post has been no help. Sorry.




€ is euros, £ is pounds (as in British money).


*Edit* - Holy shit Bloodlines is only €10?! It's still $20 over here.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Youtube app is up. Same thing with the GR dlc.


Something weird though - Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower and Megaman Maverick Hunter X are discounted to 5 bucks, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is 10 bucks, but theyre only in the PS3 store. The weird thing is that they used to be in the Vita store too, but theyre not there anymore. You cant even find them if you use search. Weird. So I just bought it on my PS3, went to my download list on my Vita and am downloading it there.


By the way, i recommend both games. Darkstalkers Chronicle is basically all 3 Darkstalkers games put together and Megaman Maverick Hunter X is a 2.5D Megaman X remake. It's pretty good. Sadly, I suck at Megaman, so Im skipping it. Im not a Monster Hunter fan though.

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The price is the euro and pound thing; the plus discounts are separate and never show up on these posts. Only on the store update or Ross McGrath's posts.


There are other games on sale too such as TiTs, persona 2, the bundles and others.


There's plenty of sales here for the Vita and hey Gravity Rush was number 1 in the french charts which is cool.


Also Dokuro is hitting the PSN soonish, demo popped up briefly on the Canadian store.

Can't wait for JSR HD and RCR (damn you MS for delaying its release - it's ready for Steam and PS3/Vita) for digital titles. I still wish I didn't forget to take my vita during my work trip for the past few months -.-

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  On 6/26/2012 at 8:05 PM, Strangelove said:

...Megaman Maverick Hunter X is a 2.5D Megaman X remake. It's pretty good. Sadly, I suck at Megaman, so Im skipping it. Im not a Monster Hunter fan though.


*Obligatory It's not that hard you just have to be patient/careful comment*


But yeah this is a pretty good game and it looks good too (it did on the PSP). If you want to stuff your Vita with PSP games you can pick up and play this is a good choice.

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It's a bit late for end of June, but maybe beginning of July would be nice. Then again, The Walking Dead episode 2 is being released on friday on PSN. Maybe?



By the way, I just noticed that AC3: Liberation, Persona 4 Golden, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the new Silent Hill game are all coming out in October. Jesus.

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Gamestop Vita sale next week. I got this from Cheapassgamer.




Purchase a NEW Vita system between 7/4-7/10 and receive a $50 gift card.


Daily Deals:


Wednesday 7/4 ONLY :

MLB 12 Vita $19.99


Thursday 7/5 ONLY:

Unit 13 Vita $19.99


Friday 7/6 ONLY:

Reality Fighters Vita $14.99

Little Deviants Vita $14.99


Saturday 7/7 ONLY:

Mortal Kombat Vita $19.99


Sunday 7/8 ONLY:

Wipeout 2048 Vita $19.99


Saturday 7/9 ONLY:

Modnation Racers Vita $19.99

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  On 6/29/2012 at 7:14 AM, danielpholt said:

Has anyone picked up Lego Batman? I think that might be perfect for the Vita. I've never been a massive fan of those games, but if i could play it for 20 minutes at a time on the train (or sofa), it could be a laugh.


I havent, but Ive heard some pretty good things about it. Its not freeroam, but a lot of reviewers are saying the free roam sucks in the console versions.

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