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Slagathorian: Do you subscribe to the theory of evolution? Because frankly, if you do, that should be argument for innovation enough.


But even within your own argument you mention the car manufacturer who first put a sound system into a car. This was a moment of innovation. You then go on to say that you would never buy a car without the product of this innovation. This proves the value of innovation, if people had sat back before cars had sound systems and said 'there is nothing more we can do to improve the automobile', no car would have a stereo and we would all suffer for it. So there you go, you've disproved your own point.


There is a huge difference between not being innovative and incorporating existing good ideas.



I'm not at all saying its bad. I'm saying its bad to get upset when you see a repeated mechanic/concept/idea.


I'm referring to people harping on Microft for borrowing from the Eye Toy, or saying that Uncharted is a Tomb Raider Rip off.


I'm ranting about the people who claim to hold innovation above all, but aren't willing to accept that not every aspect of a game needs to be innovative. Like does anybody really get upset when they see yet another phone with a camera in it? No, we like camera's in our phones. Nobody needs to yell at the next phone to also have a phone.


Just like we like a cover mechanic in our third person shooters.


What's wrong with keeping the things we like?


Square Enix can't understand this concept whatsoever.


Every Final Fantasy has to be so vastly different from the previous version, that they forget to keep aspects that people love. I loved the Materia system, but I've never seen it since. Hell, Chrono Trigger's double and triple techs was one of the coolest battle systems ever, and yet I've rarely seen it since 1995. What's wrong with keeping the things we love, maybe tweaking them minorly to make them even better, and discarding the stuff we don't like, until we are left with a truly great game?



And no, I don't beleive in evolution


In that case I do agree with you, though personally I think it's less about claiming innovation is the end-all-be-all and more about bitching how X is a "ripoff" of Y.


That's one thing I don't understand. Unless we're talking about those Asian games that really DO ripoff games (like the many asian TF2 clones. The one with the toys and the one with the firemen), it's practically impossible to make a game that's completely detached from any other game ever, but that certainly doesn't stop some people from bitching. I've heard the wildest things about how Minecraft is "crap because it's a ripoff of Infiniminer" and Assassin's Creed is "crap because it's a ripoff of Prince of Persia". It's very possible for a game to use elements from another game and have it turn out different and new depending on its execution. Hell, it's possible for a game to revolve around elements from another game that revolves around the same elements and still feel new. It just depends on whether the developers are using the elements as a good starting point or just flat out recycling them without any creativity coming from them. It's the difference between Sanctum, a neato FPS/Tower Defense hybrid (neither genre being totally original) and Homefront, a completely derivative game with nothing even remotely novel.

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Huh, I forgot that I'd made this thread. It's kind of interesting the direction it's gone.


@people hating on Capcom: I never played the original Mega Man Legends games, and I own a 3DS. What I saw of Legends 3 did not look particularly fun. I wasn't planning on buying it. For the game to succeed, they needed to appeal to more people than fans of the original. If I'm anything of a market sample, they made a good decision in cancelling that.


@people hating on Capcom: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has plenty of content. Capcom decided to produce more. Capcom did not "rip off" anybody. They have clearly stated that UMvC3 was only greenlit after the first one sold well. I think buildings would be a good analogy here. MvC3 is a house. It's a finished, lived in house. It's a really popular house, so Capcom is renovating it and adding a porch. If one were to look at the two houses next to one another, neither would be "incomplete". That isn't how it works. The two buildings are both completed products, one just has additional features.


The games work the same way. Just because there's a newer model doesn't mean the old one is "incomplete". My iPod Nano from a few years ago isn't incomplete just because there's a newer, shinier version on the market. Sure, Apple could have held it back and added all the features of the version that came out next, but where does that cycle stop? At some point, a product needs to release to a market. I just bought Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. Why didn't Nintendo include fancy graphics and portability in the original design! How dare they rip me off by releasing that shitty N64 version!


@Slagathorian - Final Fantasy constantly reinventing itself does indeed mean that features you may have liked in the past aren't included any longer. But it also means that new features that you didn't even think to ask for ARE included. It's a trade off. You need to be an optimist to choose to innovate. You need to believe that you can create something new and superior to what has come before. Square Enix apparently believes that they have it in them to create something even better than what has come before. Now each person will agree or disagree with whether they've succeeded or not, but I find it inspiring that they're willing to plunge into the great unknown over and over again. Who knows what they'll find out there? I sure can't wait to find out!

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