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KZ3 Open Beta Weekend


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It seems there's an Open Beta starting tomorrow, and they're even giving away super limited edition copies of the game to random participants.




Who's in?


I'd love to give this a shot, but I dunno if I'll get a chance to hang out with my PS3 this weekend.



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Eff, I can't believe I almost missed this thread!


Is the beta only open for that weekend or is that just the only time they're doing prize drawings?

The beta itself will be open until the 15th, so almost two weeks. Of course, that was the information a few weeks ago. The prize drawings will occur until the final hours of Sunday, but I can't imagine the delay would cause them to cut the beta to a few days.


Well, the beta is only one level and four play modes.

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Alright, I'm thinking something terrible has happened in the beta for me. After a certain rank, you get the Silent Footsteps and Proximity Mines skills. I was able to select them for a match, and after said match I got offline. While still in the beta, I tried going back online and it froze.


Perhaps it's based on class, but as an infiltrator, I can only select Armor. I'm far beyond the rank requirement, but I can't use the proximity mines skill! :'(

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