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KZ3 Open Beta Weekend


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I'll get on soon, but I have to say the Infiltrator is my favorite so far. The "Marksman" doesn't seem worth it in this one level, but last game I usually swapped between Scout (Marksman), Infiltrator, and Tactician.


I love everything so far, well, except Operations! Sometimes the players understand, most of the time they don't, but you have to work as a team in Operations!

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As far as I know, you can change regions in the options menu.


Also, going with tactician now, everything else just means I'll be dead within a couple seconds of spawning. :P


Now that my connection seems to be working again I can play at any time. :P


Edit: I love playing Operations, really cool game mode, and so far I haven't had any problem with dudes not working as a team. :P

Edited by MetalCaveman
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The first time I played, we barely got through the first round, but we totally got raped on the second. When I joined Mister Jack's Operations games, those were good ones. The only complaint I would have is that Yeti kid camping, but nothing a grenade couldn't solve. Of course, I prefer not to use my only grenade on one person.


Now I have the Extra Ammo skill so two grenades!


Really, the only time any match sucks is when everyone wants to be one or two classes. We need balance! Right after I left the Operation games, I played Warzone. 2-4 with Retrieve ending in a tied rocket orgy. Problem? No one was a Tactician! Well, if they were, then they sucked. Throughout the whole game I took it upon myself to be the team's primary Tactician. I secured one point, but the other team's Tacticians would slaughter me.


Infiltrator is my class, and perhaps for the actual game. Infinite sprint, silent weaponry, melee doesn't reveal yourself, grenade handgun, great disguise!


Personal socre in Guerrilla Warfare, 8-0! Infiltrator = Ninja. :lol:

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I was the lone person on the team against 6. Silly enough, I shocked and awed them that they gave up. I was just killing them fast then they can kill me. ALMOST reminds me of one time in COD4 where two other people and me kicked the ass of the entire enemy team. Love these games...


And yeah, Dean, I seen you on ALL DAY. You are nuts... I would of swore you are Asian. :D

Edited by MaliciousH
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Weeks? It's only been running for 2 days hasn't it?

"Last game" as in Killzone 2. If you ever took a look at the Top 10, the scores could only have been accumulated by playing nearly nonstop. When the rank expansion hit, those guys were already at the highest rank because of the point value they already earned beforehand.

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Yeah, they are rare indeed. Its rare to the point that I didn't even knew I was revived because I was taking my time reviving by looking at the scoreboard.


I should work on the medic as well since I'm pretty much done with the engineer.


This game does reminds me of TF2 actually... just people don't work much together on the PS3.

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No Medics? I dunno about you guys, but there's always a decent amount of Medics when I play. The problem is they don't act the way a Medic should. Really, I think it might be people who saved up points just to unlock the Triage when they play the class.


With how the beta is set up, I would say most people are playing classes where being solo is effective. Classes like Infiltrator and Marksman, and Engineer sometimes if you want to play the whole, "Turret Base Camp" strategy. However, you have a majority of people running around doing their own thing, though every now and then people group up.


It might be that not many people have a headset/mic online. Those who do I usually see have made an impromptu-team.

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Most of the games I've played have a decent medic, except you know... It's only 1 :P I tried playing medic, but considering I get killed easily I'm not much help. :P


Curiously, most of the time, the other team seems to have a lot of medics, they're always being revived which creates some really interesting battles in certain areas of the map. :P

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I'm not the most elite FPS player out there on cyperspace. I'm still pretty damn good, but I don't like to see myself in #1 all the time, especially when my side is losing. It tells me that most everyone else is a lemming running out, repeating the same strategy over, and over, and over, and OVER!


It took a lot of restraint, but I was so tempted to tell my side in a previous match, "Look, I don't mind being daddy, but I'm not here to hold your dick so you can take a piss!"


I mean, I was the only one to make it behind enemy lines and set charges. Of course, I can't hold off six enemies at once by myself. I was the one who captured any points, adding a nice triple grenade kill, but again I can't hold my own forever! It's like, if you just want to kill and be killed, there's Guerrilla Warfare.


I dunno, I did have fun running along enemy lines and dishing out brutal melees to all the snipers. :lol:


Also, what weapons do you guys use for Tactician? I thought using the Shotgun (for now) would be better than the SMG. Both are close range weapons, but I've been having trouble with the Shotgun as a Tactician. I think, as an Infiltrator, the Shotgun rocked because people didn't recognize you right away. Now that I have the extra ammo, the SMG isn't that bad. I still need to unlock the final weapon for the class, but thoughts?

Edited by Atomsk88
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