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KZ3 Open Beta Weekend


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Yeahh, they need to fix this before launch.


Hopefully the servers are just overloaded and they'll have more soon.




Ended up being able to get in a squad with Sindo for a while, before the host lost connection or something.


It's a fun game - getting damn tempted to buy it.

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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Getting on wasn't that hard for me, but this patch hasn't fixed much. In fact, I had a huge error just now. I waited to join a match, but it had just finished. Cool, I'll wait a minute and start a new match. As soon as I spawn... "YOUR FACTION HAS WON!" is displayed on my screen. The HUD is completely gone and I can't play. I let someone kill me, thinking spawning in the match would solve it, but...



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My story with the patch-


-Sign in, it downloads, installs

-Error message when trying to go online


Whatever error message I got was like this:

blah blah blah you need to sign out.


-Hit the PS button, go over to network, hit triangle, sign out, sign back in (all within killzone 3.)

-Connects (although a bit slower than yesterday) and everything works fine

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I'm done with the beta...


Why? Well, it all starts with a terrible match. I mean, half the team quits after one lost round? Anyway, I wanted to work on my Marksman class, so I spawn as one. I soon realize I don't have a secondary weapon and use my one lone Unlock Point to unlock the handgun. Sure you have a nice rifle, but it sucks for close, and even mid-range combat.


I can't use it in the match? But I unlocked it! 15 minutes later and this is by far the worst game of Warzone I have played. Whoever is left on my team isn't that great, and the whole entire opposition is smoking us. Really, to the point where own spawn zone is a battlefield. I decide not to endure two more rounds of this hellhole and quit.


Hey, why is the handgun still locked? My Unlock Point is gone, but the handgun is locked! Did I have to finish that POS match just so the game could save the unlocked item? You son of a mother-



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You can use unlock points in the match? Um... what? I thought you had to do it from the menu, then equip it in match.


Also, you can survive for a surprisingly long time without a pistol. I just used my points to unlock the invisibility upgrades.

Not when you've got every class coming at you, and half of your team wants to be a Marksman. I said eff it and when back to Tactician. That wasn't even a big help because no one would use the Spawn Points once I recovered them.


But yes, when you're at the menu (Spawn menu?) to change class, weapons, and spawn, you hit Square to open up the Career Unlocks. Doesn't have to be right at the beginning of the match either. Anytime you have to spawn, you can use Unlock Point.


However, I suggest no one do this! I'm thinking this is how people lose their crap in the beta. Play it safe and do it through the Multiplayer main menu.

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Well I guess it's a good thing I didn't notice you could do that. What mode were you playing?

...Warzone. I believe I said so in the post. It was the fifth round (seven in total) and I couldn't tolerate playing more just to get wasted by the opposition. I had died so much already by trying to play as Marksman, but even switching to Infiltrator and Tactician wasn't much better. I mean, it was nine against four; more than double! I thought we could get Body Count with my help, but two three-man squads laid waste to us.


Ugh... :'(

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One of my complaints is that the Guerilla matches seem waaaay too short. Like five minutes sometimes. Hopefully there's more options for longer ranked matches on release.


Anyone wanna comment on the controls? o.o


I won't be able to play this for a while after launch, but it looks like that may be a good thing. -.-


I never played anything but the KZ2 demo, and I remember disliking the controls there. It's been a while since I've played a console shooter, and I can tell the controls for this game are going to take some getting used to for me, but then they always do.


The good news is, there's a shit ton of sensitivity options that you can tweak to your hearts content and find a balance.


I get the feeling most of the issues that are happening with the Beta will get ironed out before launch, since they're having a Beta and all.

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