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Dark Souls

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The first trailer with gameplay for Dark Souls, and it looks... oh man.

So good.

For those that don't know, this is the spiritual successor to Demon Souls, which I think is quite exciting.

Rather than basically throwing together a new tileset from the first game, it looks like they've really gone for the overhaul here - as in a proper sequel.

I'm tired of sequels that don't change up the formula, and just make small tweaks and improvements, add a new setting.

I'm particularly excited that it's going to be one large world, as opposed to instanced portions. The potential for further greatness just seems to be dripping from this.

What do you folks think?
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My only fear is that with it going multi-plat it'll lose it's rather unique use of online/multiplayer with the notes, the blood splats, folks invading other peoples worlds.

As far as I know it's a PSN only trick, been a few devs mention the API (I dunno the name of it but it's generally "the demon souls API", so I have a feeling it's the first time it was used). I think it's what The Journey is going to be using too. But yeah I've never heard of XBL having similar, so I don't know if in Dark Souls we'll have that feature removed, or if it'll be a PSN only thing. I guess we'll have to wait on news of that.


Also I love how everyone corrects the titles grammar. It's called Demons Souls :P

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Hahhaa. Yeahh, I probably should have looked up the grammar on that.


The Kotaku article mentioned you could still see other players and leave notes for each other, but that there wouldn't be servers.


My guess is the game will operate with some sort of P2P technology.


I doubt they will leave out some form of co-op multiplayer too - initial screenshots seem to show more than one player character in some of the shots (though this is just speculation on my part).

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Ah, I gotcha Dean.


Well that's my guess, particularly including what you said about Live not having something similar.


I'm not sure how else they would do it, if they're still considering to have the player interaction as mentioned in the article.


I'm sure they'll make all of this clear once they release more details, however.

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I doubt they will leave out some form of co-op multiplayer too - initial screenshots seem to show more than one player character in some of the shots (though this is just speculation on my part).


At around 1:46 in that trailer you can see 2 phantoms rising and then the phantoms and the player fighting a boss or something. :P



Looks like a really cool game, loved Demons Souls, and this one has the potential to be much better. Though I now wonder how will they handle the online component.

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Taken from a comment on Kotaku:


One thing Bash left out of the translation of the Famitsu article on Dark Souls was that because of no dedicated servers there won't be any Soul Tendency anymore. No talk of World Tendency.


Also, the world views of the game will be Middle-Age dark fantasy (obviously) and will have three directions/trends: "high-fantasy knights and king(s)", "the depths of earth and death", and "the flame of chaos." Honestly, I'm not really sure what it means, but I don't think anyone is at this point.


There are two themes to online play: Sharing experiences with other players to get a slight feeling of camaraderie (note the word "slight"--I think they're still trying to provide a solitary experience), and the other one (already-mentioned in Bash's article) is "mutual roleplaying," which promises "varied interactions."


There was also a picture of someone who looked like the successor to the woman in black. You could only see her back, but she was blond.




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I'd love to be excited about this, but I have yet to even scratch the surface of Demon's Souls...


I finished the first level and defeated, I think, 2 bosses beyond that.


Worst part is... I've had the game since launch :'(



I spent a week getting my ass kicked when it came out but then Uncharted 2 came out so I put it aside and just never got back to it.

Every single time there's an "all-white" event, I tell myself I should take the opportunity to get back into it while it's easier, but I never do :(


Though lately I've taken the initiative of going through my PS3 backlog.

I've taken out all my unplayed and unfinished games and put them on a special shelf right above my monitor, so they're always there just above me and they bring me much shame. Demon's Souls is among them, though, so there is yet hope!


Other notable titles on said shelf include Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Eternal Sonata. <_<

Edited by FLD
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Taken from a comment on Kotaku:


One thing Bash left out of the translation of the Famitsu article on Dark Souls was that because of no dedicated servers there won't be any Soul Tendency anymore. No talk of World Tendency.


Also, the world views of the game will be Middle-Age dark fantasy (obviously) and will have three directions/trends: "high-fantasy knights and king(s)", "the depths of earth and death", and "the flame of chaos." Honestly, I'm not really sure what it means, but I don't think anyone is at this point.


There are two themes to online play: Sharing experiences with other players to get a slight feeling of camaraderie (note the word "slight"--I think they're still trying to provide a solitary experience), and the other one (already-mentioned in Bash's article) is "mutual roleplaying," which promises "varied interactions."


There was also a picture of someone who looked like the successor to the woman in black. You could only see her back, but she was blond.




Looks like they will go forward with the kings (that was a big part in Demons Souls anyway), take a stab at nature maybe (forested areas and such, not just swamps) and go to hell. Awesome. I'm just guessing based on what I saw though. Interesting though, if this will be P2P, I might have to pick it up for the 360 instead, in since it might run smoother on there.


So excited.

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SS: Like Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls will include online co-op and competitive play. Are you planning any broad changes to the multiplayer?


HM: Yes. Throughout the game, there will be both cooperative and competitive play with other players. Each user will enjoy a unique single-player game; at times, they will cross paths with one another. Depending on the situation, the time, and the players’ goals, those players may cooperate or compete against each other. The multiplayer system we’re creating will envelop the single-player mode. Multiplayer will enhance single-player, make it more unique, compared to other games that emphasize traditional multiplayer co-op or competitive play.



SS: What’s the single addition to Dark Souls that you’re most excited by?



HM: Probably the Beacon Fire. It stands for a lot of things. It serves as a recovery point; when the player’s health is low, the Beacon Fire helps you recover. It serves as a respawn point as well. So it’s powerful from a gameplay perspective. Secondly, the Beacon Fire will be used to share experiences with other players. It’s a place where players can gather together and communicate — not verbally communicate, but emotionally communicate. Third, it’s probably the one place in Dark Souls where users can relax just for an instant. In this cold, dark world, the Beacon Fire is a place of warmth. It’s one of the few locations in the game that is heartwarming. It expresses this dark fantasy world I’m trying to create.



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