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Dark Souls

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That was my point - If you're going to put co-op in, at least implement it so that it's easily done. As it is, trying to get a co-op game going in Dark Souls is little more than a lesson in futility. Co-op should always be straight-forward because as I'm sure we've all experienced at some point or another, when we want to play online with friends, we'll quicker change what we're playing than try to figure out how to play our first choice if it's not straight-forward.

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Cooperation with strangers is just another layer of challenge. Here's how Dark Souls looks when I play it with friends:

Challenging as fuck, I know.

I think the system is not straightforward because otherwise bastards like me would abuse it(Its still abusable as it is, though). Without it the game loses it's atmosphere.

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  On 11/1/2012 at 2:55 PM, MasterDex said:

In my opinion, keep the summon stones in for strangers but allow friends to just invite each other into their games the same way 99% of co-op modes operate, regardless of level, last bonfire rested at, whatever.


That wouldn't fit the lore.

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Fuck the lore.


Maritan, I don't see how PvP would suffer. Also, the hour I spent with Excel trying to set up a co-op game the last time I played says that it is particularly difficult - Unless of course you've spent countless hours already playing the game and have gotten through the initial rigmarole of setting up a co-op game and are now used to the awkward process of doing so.

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I agree. However, I'm firmly in the games as games camp. I like when a developer thinks outside the box for gameplay mechanics, tying it to the lore or whatever as has been done with Dark Souls. When that thinking negatively impacts gameplay or my enjoyment of it however, I believe they've done something wrong.


At the end of the day, it's not a big deal for me, especially as I view Dark Souls more as a single player anyway. Yet I'd still rather a straight-forward co-op to what's currently in place, even if it means closing myself and whoever I'm playing with off from other things like PvP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Metalcaveman picked this up for me what with the sale n all.


Playing Demons Souls kinda works a bit against you with Dark Souls cos you expect to be killed by the boss at the end of the tutorial. Not so here, you kill the boss at the end of the tutorial. Also no central area as best I can work out, which is gonna be fun trying to buy/sell/store stuff. Anywho, all good fun. Even if it's probably fucking with article plans for Monday :P


(Oh I'm playing a Pyromancer btw. Seemed close enough to the Royal with starting out with some magic, but still being decent enough at weapons)

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IT does kinda feel easier. I'm certainly not dying as often as I used to. Though it's also a bit more grindy as you're limited by "Estus flasks" instead of having a ton of grass for health, so you're popping back to the bonfire to replenish those (which in turns replenishes enemies). But grindy does mean more souls to level up/trade with.


I'm not too far into the game mind, and only fought one boss. The bosses could be shit loads harder.

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You're not dying as often because you played Demon's Souls. Also, Dark Souls is far less grindy. If you're running back to fill up your Estus you're doing it wrong since the enemies will just respawn. In Demon's Souls you could just farm grass and use that forever without having to worry.


Also, enjoy Capra Demon and your broken controller.

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Yeah the difficulty here, besides certain douchey parts, is learning from your mistakes. My cousin had a hard time because he started playing this like any other hack n slash and got killed instantly. You need patience. Learn the enemy's move pattern, wait for opening, strike twice or so, block/dodge again, repeat.

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