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Dark Souls

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So I walk into Gamestop at 8 AM, and I'm the first customer of the day. I ask for a copy of Ico/SotC and a copy of Dark Souls. Ico/SotC I get fine, but Dark Souls, they tell me they sold out at midnight release, then reprimanded me for not preordering. It was all I could do to keep myself from exploding right there.

What. The. Fuck.

This isn't some tiny fucking release, Gamestop! Have you seen the amount of publicity it's been getting over the past six fucking months?! Also, I don't fucking appreciate the look, Mr. GameStop Employee! You know, the one where you make me feel like I come in looking for fucking Ikaruga on Dreamcast!

You have dropped the ball, GS. I fucking want Dark Souls and I'm going to find a way to fucking get it. To the indie stores! Awayyyyy!!!

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I know, I know, I should've.

I'm still looking for someone to blame, though. I do find it kind of ridiculous that GS, a company with a near-monopoly on the US physical games market, wouldn't have more copies for a game that has been endlessly hyped by the mainstream games media for the past six months.

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So, still no shipping notice from Amazon.ca


I still have a shipping estimate of oct 7, though... so I'll just have to wait, I guess...


Though it does kinda worry me that they have separate listings for regular and collector's edition, and that the CE (the one I ordered) is no longer available for purchase.

I mean, how could they possibly run out of CEs but not of regular editions when all first prints are CEs?

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Supposedly my copy should arrive tomorrow, apparently the Limited Edition IS limited since many stores have run out of copies and other stores didn't even have them available no matter whether or not you pre-ordered. http://www.gameinfor...n-expected.aspx


Giant Bomb's "Quick" Look. http://www.giantbomb...-souls/17-4966/ :P






Really cool weapon pretty much at the beginning of the game. :P


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WOOOOOW!!! http://support.namcobandaigames.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=247&nav=0,1,320

"Also, please note that there are several different servers/lobbies that are being used for Dark Souls, so you may not be able to summon a specific friend into your game even if you adhere to the steps above. We can only recommend that you follow the steps above for the best chance at being able to join a specific friends' game."

That's bullshit.

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Got it. It's fucking 2 handed heavy attack is stormruler :o



Got it too, it's awesome against bosses. :P


Speaking of:



Have you killed the gargoyles? Where did you go after that?






The Pyromancer's starting spell is pretty useless, when it hits it's powerful, but it's really easy to evade and certain enemies will just murder you while you're casting it. :P

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GAAH! Holy shit, Amazon.ca! Ship my damn copy already!! >_<


The shipping estimate was for today all along, but I honestly did not expect it would take them this fucking long to do it.

It wouldn't have been the first time I get a shipping and delivery estimate as much as a week after release, but still get the game on release day :(

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So I'm hearing the co-op play in this is pretty fucked up.


I'm sure I remember mentioning that it going from just PSN to XBL too would lead to some issues :/



Basically, the way the handle the co-op/invasion/multiplayer means that it's incredibly hard to play with specific dudes. Not only that, it's also harder to find anyone to invade/co-op with because you could end up in a server with no one in it, in a server where everyone is of completely different levels or where everyone is in a different area, in short, they kinda broke one of the most awesome components the game had.


It's still possible to co-op with other dudes, but you have to be very patient or try/pray to get in a server where dudes are actually close to your level or in the same area as you are.


I've noticed it while playing, sometimes there are a lot of messages everywhere, sometimes there are no messages anywhere, same with summoning signs, before one of the bosses I saw a bunch of soul signs and when I returned (got killed the first time :P) there were 0 signs anywhere. :P

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