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Crisis in Egypt


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I actually have some relatives in there, from my stepdad side.

Now that I think about it, I had heard about the crappy conditions in Egypt a few years ago. I guess it is finally the time for it to boil over. Didn't expect it to happen so soon and fast.

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From what I have pieced together, it started with an uprising in Tunisia, which was followed by our current Egyptian uprising, and these two subsequently spawned another in Yemen. Don't take it on my word though, that's just what I've been piecing together.


I am happy these people are rising up for their rights or whatnot, but I kind of fear what will happen if they end up in a worse regime than they had before.

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I was reading this: http://www.anime-planet.com/forum/general-discussion/89634-egypts-real-events-since-january-25th-2011-a.html


Dude that lives there posted what has been going on and stuff, really interesting read.


As far as I know, there are a bunch on Reddit as well. They're using it as a staging point for getting information out since Egypt currently has a blackout regarding internet communication.

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Honestly, I'll be surprised if they don't end up even worse off than before.


Only time will tell! I am personally hoping for them to establish a stable government that they all agree upon, although Israel seems to be rather tense regarding these recent changes. I sure hope they don't do anything to worsen it.

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From what I could remember, Egypt was pretty stable in the last 30 years. The cost was the heavy handiness of El Presidente and well, the poor is pretty damn poor.


Best of luck to them. There will be rough spots but they will have to try to work it out peacefully. No assassinations and stuff like that.


Also, I may not be the most interested in Ancient Egypt but damn... I do hate when museums get looted and shit get destroyed. I wonder how much that has to do with Hosni Mubarak at times being portrayed as a pharaoh of sorts.

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I hope they find what they are looking for; positive change.


I also wish our American government would BUTT THE HELL OUT, instead of "helping," or really, getting involved and vetting their choices (lapdogs for the American agenda) for replacements.

America was going to get involved in this one way or another. For example, some weapons and the tear gas canisters being used at riots/protests have the "Made in USA" mark. Even if America stayed out, people who obtained "USA" products would cause a controversy we have now; "Is America to blame for the violence?!"


All I have to say on the crisis is I'm always pessimistic when it comes to revolutions. Egypt could fall pray to the endless cycle of anarchy and totalitarianism. Once the government is reformed, how will it be formed? Who will be in power, and why should they be in that position? Will all the violence and death justify the results?

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I was at the grocery store just now and saw something interesting.

The local newspapers aren't talking about how horrible everything is in Egypt, not at all. Instead, they are talking about how horrible it is that the egyptian government doesn't want us common swedes to know about it.

"The dictators do not want YOU to know about the fires in Kairo" read the headlines.

I love how we can twist anything into being about us specifically.

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