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What Browser do you use?



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    • Internet Explorer
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Opera
    • Flock
    • Lynx
    • Internet Explorer willingly

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I used rockmelt for a while. It was basically things that could be done in add-ons. It ran several versions behind chrome, had a wonky Twitter client. It's essentially something that could be done just with having Chrome and any IM client that supports twitter n facebook chat. Or with ChromeBird extension.

Maybe someone who is always on Facebook chat might like it? But I don't use that so...

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Started on IE when I was an ignorant stupid little kid, then switched to Firefox when I was an ignorant emo teenager.

Now that I'm a ignorant stupid somewhat adult I use Chrome. It's been really great to me! Once in a while I will use Firefox or IE (on other PC) if something in Chrome doesn't work. Firefox was great to me, but with more updates it seemed to have more slowdowns.


Also, I'm not quite sure if I'm right, but it did seem to have quite a bit of Memory Leaks just like excel_excel mentioned and I never did use any plugins. I know my friend uses Safari because he has an iMac, and although he won't admit he's an apple fanboy :P


Another friend told me "Yeah the only reason I don't like Chrome is because it doesn't have private browsing." I quickly told him "It does. Ctrl+Shift+N. Or just click on that little wrench and you'll find the option." He sat there quietly, probably raging.

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Okay little memory test. I've stripped FF of all installed plug-ins and add-ins except the basic ones like flash, foxit, java, n WMP. I've then copy pasted all my current chrome tabs over to Firefox (which btw do you know how fucking awesome that right click option of "Paste & Go" is. Paste n Search just as awesome, but not required for copying URLs. Those little things.

First comments:

how come Gappoi has different Favicons for different browsers?

Also wow RPS looks quite different without any adblock running.


At the moment Chrome is 150MB (gotta love that built in Task manager) and Firfox at 89MB..wait make that 91MB. Chrome has it's extensions installed btw cos I can't be arsed removing them. (that'd be stumbleupon, Google Reader, Google Cal, Adblock, Speed dial, screnshot, instapaper, goo.gl, n Evernote. Oh n flash since that's built in. ) If you want I can install all those onto Firefox. see how that goes down too.

Actually it's kind of funny that folks say on one hand the add-ons for FF make it great, but on the other suggest you need to strip them all to make it not as wonky.


Also on talk of ingontio: Win 7 support in Chrome is nice, get to Incognito without having to first open the browser. Also Incognito doesn't force you to stop everything else you were browsing and shift over. It's not just raw speed that makes Chrome quicker, but all the little minor conveniences built in.

Also I did a quick check: FF3.6 still reloads the entire tab and video when you tear it off.

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Maybe I have some stupid setting on Firefox turned on or off, it must be something. Every page I go to the memory usage rises, until it gets ridiculously big, like 370000 K.


Wow, that's an awful lot, even for Firefox. Have you tried disabling your addons one by one to see if one of those are the problem?


I've checked. The only add-on's I have are the english dictionary and Ad block plus

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Do you leave it running for extended periods of time? Firefox is notorious for memory leaks, so while it might not use a whole lot of memory right at start-up over time it will keep using more and more and more, even if you're not really doing anything that should be using that much.


I do mostly use Firefox for porn browsing, but that's because Chrome doesn't seem to do as well as FF when you have 13 million tabs open. For normal browsing though I prefer Chrome.

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Hah forgot I had two Chrome installs. So wiped the second one of the few extensions it had. It's running on the same tabs I stuck on FF (which is now, without touching it, at 116MB) and it's running 64MB altogether.

Also turns out you can hit the "Stats for Nerds" button on Chrome task manager and it'll also list Firefox's stats if you have that open too.


Anyway as previously stated memory doesn't matter too much, even 116MB is like 2% of total memory on my system. I could open another 30+ versions of FF before it starts to get too big. Having Live Mail open uses more than anything else I have open (except when opening games).

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Well it seems to do it so quickly. Seriously I must have been on it about 10 mins before it was pushing 300000 K.


holy balls dude. that is definitely not normal.


also @dean. try using more than one tab and seeing what the memory usage is at. the giz/lifehacker tests i always see do single tab tests AND nine tab tests. either way FF has been winning for a while. i wish FF4 would go final or RC so these sites would be more willing to do an updated test. chrome has pushed out some new stuff as well.

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err. I was using about 12. Hence my use of the word "tabs".

It still leaked and as I mentioned it still does the whole reload thing on tearing. Regardless of RAM usage (which as I noted was still only like 1-2% of overall RAM installed) Chrome still comes by default with many conveniences that lead to a much nippier browsing experience. You can see plenty folks here have commented how they moved on from Firefox due to it's sluggish nature.


Firefox was top dog. Back when it's only competition was IE. Chrome n Webkit came in and shook things up a bit and Mozilla have obviously rested on their laurels a bit much cos they've been very slow to react. Chromes 6 week turnover is stupidly fast, but Firefox has taken over a year to get from Alpha to release. Which is the opposite end of the spectrum at stupidly slow. With that pace of development they kind of have to come out of the door well ahead of everything else or just scrap their current update method altogether. Of course competing with IE that took 5 years to go from Version 6 to Version 7 and with 6 still around does put you in a lazy mood that could be hard to shake off. Thier current dev speed means Chrome has had stable release with HTML5 since end of '09. Firefox only supports HTML5 in the beta version.

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Dean you're forgetting that firefox has ALWAYS been about the beta versions though. "Beta" just means "getting features early." FF4 alleviates all of your complaints and the beta has been stable for a while now. Mozilla isn't being slow, they're actually focusing on killing bugs, whereas Chrome focuses on features. The HTML5 is far from a big deal yet. Not that many HTML5 sites besides ones that are meant to show off HTML5.

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With that pace of development they kind of have to come out of the door well ahead of everything else or just scrap their current update method altogether.


And lo and behold, they're scraping the current release model and going for a more speedier development:


Works out roughly one every 12 weeks, or half of Chromes current pace. Which is pretty good pace if you ask me.


Also a roadmap to support Web Apps. I can't think of where they might get that idea from...

Still it'd nice to hear that number one is to make it snappier. That's the main area Firefox lags (heh, get it, lags) over Chrome.


edIt: regarding beta version: Chromes always had it's stuff available for Beta, Dev and nightlies. All the way up to Chromium too should you feel up for it. Also It's pretty damn bug free, hence it's focus on features so much. And it's development process means any bug will take at most 6 weeks from it being found before a end user has a bug free version. And lingering bugs in FF3 have taken well over a year before they get ironed out. Of course Chrome has the advantage in being a recent browser built with the modern web in mind, whereas Firefox is working with stuff from over 6 years ago, even more if you take into account the Netscape base. They'd need a complete do over to get rid of the lingering bloat n feature creep of the years.

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Google Chrome is the way to go. Yes, this is coming from an extremely biased Google-worshipper.


I used to use Firefox until my laptop got funky and decided to take five minutes to boot it. That's when I started using Chrome exclusively.


And shame on you if you're using Internet Explorer willingly.

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