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Stupidest video game weapons


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For The Kayblade, I dont really get your argument. Its not supposed to be sharp, its blunt. And Sora wields it like a blade, and "KeyWeapon" doesnt really have the same ring to it. Besides, this is "stupid weapons" not "stupid weapon names". Also, out of all the weps from KH you chose the Keyblade? huh.

Again, it is not a blade. Just because I grip it with my hand does not mean it needs a blade name. If it's blunt, it's more like a mace used to bludgeon someone, or hell, why not even call it an axe? Just because you try to fix stupid with stupid does not make it unstupid. The Keyblade is a stupid weapon.


I think you guys are missing the point here:


It's a magical weapon that only does blunt damage vs humans and shit. Also sora is like fucking 12 so he's using his god damn imagination to think it's a blade.

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Akimbo 1887's. I'll never forget that bullshit. I played through commando, javelin glitches, spawn traps, and the only time the game was ever really ruined for me was during the period prior to when this shit got patched.


Man that was pretty awful. A low point in online gaming to be sure.



Aditionally I'd like to just lump in any FF weapon that isn't a sword or a gun. Quoting from the console RPG cliche list.


"MacGyver Rule

Other than for the protagonists, your choice of weapons is not limited to the prosaic guns, clubs, or swords. Given appropriate skills, you can cut a bloody swath across the continent using gloves, combs, umbrellas, megaphones, dictionaries, sketching tablets -- you name it, you can kill with it. Even better, no matter how surreal your choice of armament, every store you pass will just happen to stock an even better model of it for a very reasonable price. Who else is running around the world killing people with an umbrella?"

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Akimbo 1887's. I'll never forget that bullshit. I played through commando, javelin glitches, spawn traps, and the only time the game was ever really ruined for me was during the period prior to when this shit got patched.


Ahhhh, I remember that. There were always those people who after they got nerfed to hell said "I swear, I just do this because it's fun, not because it's still as op as fuck, lololol." Seriously, it's not even remotely realistic.

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Fans. Sure they've come to be useful as other weapons, but really it's still kinda silly.

Fans are real weapons IRL though.




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Fans. Sure they've come to be useful as other weapons, but really it's still kinda silly.

Fans are real weapons IRL though.






man, I can't find a clip from Saiyuki I was going to post in relations to fans as a weapon.

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