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Are you guys seriously discussing Rift? Let's just give it it's "nice try but you still can't beat wow" diploma already. :P


DC Universe Online is the best MMORPG to come out since at least 2005's Guild Wars, on the basis that unlike all it's competitors it actually does something new that works. It's an action RPG. In an MMO.

The combat feels tactile as all hell. No autoattacks, very few spells with any cast time, click to attack, hold mouse button for stronger attack. Different combinations of clicks activate different combos.

I have two characters. One with a staff and fire and one with dual pistols and tech.

My staff and fire character can summon a meteor out of the sky that damages anything it touches. I can then pick this up and hit people with it.

Did I mention this knocks people down? The first time I used this to defend myself against an enemy player by knocking his flying ranged ass out of the air was completely and utterly wonderful.

I'll just leave you with these videos.


Edited by Johnny
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Argh, there's this and Rift to choose from and I'm just getting into Champions Online with is F2P!

DCUO they're doing a deal on the 3 month sub price till March.

Does the villian/hero choice really make things different?

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From what I can tell, the difference is mostly that instead of rolling with boring people like wonder woman and superman, you get to roll with completely deranged and hilarious lunatics like the joker.

Also I doubt you get to joker-bomb people as a Hero.

As for max levels camping low level areas... Yeah, you'll get that a lot in any new mmo on a pvp server.

I've gotten quite good at escaping their half-assed attempts to take me down. Then again, I am level 22, so I can survive a hit or two from them before going down.

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  • 8 months later...

You know, I think it was actually kind of a clever move to do this so soon after Arkham City's release. I'm in full-on DC mode right now.

I actually spent 2 hours reading comics last night and now I can't wait for this to go F2P :lol:


Also, damn you, Hot Heart! My credit card hasn't even been charged :( Probably only going to get Uncharted 3 near the end of next week, at the soonest....

That is, unless they still haven't charged me come tuesday, in which case I just might say fuck it, cancel the pre-order and grab it from a local store.

Amazon.ca's pre-order bonus is a sucky perk, anyway.

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Well I spent most of that time reading through Hush. Read the whole thing in a single sitting. I think it just might've dethroned The Long Halloween as my favorite Batman story.


I also read some of the new 52 stuff like Flash and Aquaman. I've been downloading all the new 52 issues as they came out, but haven't really had time to check them all out yet.

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Wow, I'm an ass. Didn't realize this existed when I made that thread about the game going free.


Anyway, it's officially gone free-to-play! I'm downloading now and will probably begin tinkering late tonight when I should be writing a paper. Feel free to send an invite if you're on PS3, my ID is in my sig.

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Fuck... The download surprised me by weighing in around 125MB. The updates too. Apparently the bulk of it is contained in the in-game updates, which looks to be about 14 gigs... And you can't background download or exit the game, it just has to sit at the title screen.... Absolutely brutal. Good thing I've gotta go record this podcast and won't be back for a few hours.

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Keep in mind it's region based so you're only going to be fighting the Americans here.


In other news at age 22 I'm too young. I have a feeling that despite being "english (UK)" and choosing country as "Great Britain", the client still using mm/dd/yyyy probably threw me off. There's also no way to bypass the age restriction message.


edit:got by it through registering through the site.

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Aww, my chosen names were taken. I doubt (The) Ice Queen was too original but I'm a little surprised someone had 'Psyonara'. :(


Might start a different hero. Right now I have both female heroes and villains. Icyheart (ice and staff) and Psylent Killer (mental and martial arts). I am not happy with those names, or I might want to try different powersets. :P

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So is the game actually any good?


Not really something you can comment on after a short while. It's a bit too laggy to enjoy roaming around the cities at the moment.


Anyway, I made a character. She was based off one I've included in a script but I had to change the name.


So, anyone playing a hero on the EU server on PC and in Metropolis, look out for Isolda.


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So is the game actually any good?


It has a bunch of great features. Combat is fun, team play (when it works) is great, and the story is really engaging. Character creation is lacking a lot compared to other games in the genre, or in most genres these days, but it's not bad.


Overall, for the price of free, a very good game :)

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