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So, yeah. No way I could free up 14GBs on my PS3, not without upgrading HDD (which I'm long overdue to do). So for now it's PC for me.


Yesterday the regular version disappeared from Steam, so I wasn't sure if it was going to be available there, but it showed up today. Downloading it right now but probably won't be able to play it until friday.

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Pyrites, no images yet cos I didn't have FRAPs open n wasn't running it in Steam :/ (PrntScrn just made a black image)


My dude is somewhat based off Etrigan. Gone with hand blasters, can fly (which is pretty awesome), n with the demonic type garb. I'm under the tutelage of Wonder Woman. Thought a god-based back story would work a bit better than it being genetic or something.


I'm on PvE EU servers. May make a US one. Maybe. BTW does anyone know if we can:

1) Use a controller. Can probably find this out myself mind.

2) Download on PS3 and use the same characters?



edit: Well fuck. Just saw FLDs post in games you bought with "Steam is 36% done". Didn't know it was on Steam <_<

Ah well that's 14GB that's going to Skyrim. Can add as non-steam game. Nothing added by going through Steam.

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Go into the social tab then just click add friend :D

heh, it's only available for premium users, what a shame.

Anyway, killed my first hero


He was just walking down the street, then BAM! goes my grenade launcher.

The game is fine for MMO, I guess, but *whispers* I'm going to buy SWTOR. I just love Star Wars too much.

Edited by Maritan
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That's really the thing as well; you'll really want to be Premium. Free is locked out of so many features.


You get premium by spending 5 dollars or more on whatever you want in the store. For example, one could get the Fight For The Light DLC, which comes with the (really fun) Light power set and some Green Lantern themed instances at max level.


More handy tips include:

  • Don't exit the game from the tutorial. It treats it like a singleplayer instance and will throw you back to the beginning if you do this.
  • Play in Windowed mode. The game has a tendency to freeze if you tab out a lot.
  • There are generally more players on Hero side, but they are generally not as good at PvP (because there are more of them, they get to practice less.) I prefer playing a villain because it lets me PvP more.


*whispers* TOR would look a lot more interesting to me if it felt more like the original trilogy and less like the prequel trilogy.

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So, tried to give it a shot earlier, and after waiting something like 20mins for steam to perform "first launch setup", I got to the launcher, created an account, clicked on "Start Game" only for the whole thing to crash in my face. Four times in a row. That's when I said "Fuck this shit" and logged off Steam. The end.

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Hi. I am ShoKosugi. Welcome to Ninja Theater.





The first lesson is:

How to sell yourself of to the highest bidder(s)!


After all, tabi boots and shuriken aren't free, and while I do the hero thing mostly for the cause, I deserve a little greasing now and then too.

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