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I despise your simplistic depiction of our villainy! Protogirl (my main character) will fuck you up if you cross her or otherwise get in the way, but is quick to jump to the assistance of a fellow villain assuming that other villain hasn't wronged her in any fashion. Of course, the opportunity to smash some stupid heroes in their stupid faces provides additional motivation.

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aaah goddammit... i just signed in and the first message I saw was that they were rebooting the servers in 1 minute.


Pardon me, I guess you're not all bad. While the server was counting down, there was this villain who just stood there, shooting weak fireballs at me, playfully. Like 1 in 3 seconds. It was funny, he was the same level as me, but didn't go all out. I didn't know what to do with him. I probably would have tried to kill him if I saw him first...


Crap, i've just proven your point for you... :(

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Just started playing this and so far I'm liking it. Only thing so far that really sucks is that all the good hero/villain names seem to be taken. That's not really the game's fault, though. It's pretty complicated, too. It has been years and years since I've played an MMO so all the stuff they put in it is a little overwhelming.

Edited by Mister Jack
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That's true! I spent an hour creating my hero, but naming her was the hardest part!


Anyway, my hero's costume is not over the top. It's standard hero fare but I'd like to think it's well coordinated. If you see her flying around, say Hi! Oh and the hour I spent was not for the costume, but mostly for the color scheme. I didn't know that you could change it later!



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  On 1/7/2012 at 8:08 PM, elev3n said:

Villains... they're not all bad...




I really love it when that happens. I had such an experience back in Warhammer Online. I was a Witch Hunter wandering around Chaos turf, and I met an Ork who followed me around. We killed a bunch of stuff together, but once we started a public quest we both died. We never saw each other again, and I was kind of sad.

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  On 1/8/2012 at 1:36 AM, Enervation said:
  On 1/7/2012 at 8:08 PM, elev3n said:

Villains... they're not all bad...




I really love it when that happens. I had such an experience back in Warhammer Online. I was a Witch Hunter wandering around Chaos turf, and I met an Ork who followed me around. We killed a bunch of stuff together, but once we started a public quest we both died. We never saw each other again, and I was kind of sad.



Lol! I took that picture yesterday.


I saw GobStar again, then level 6, now, level 30. But we had to duke it out at the ring war. So sad. Not sure if he remembers me.

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Who ever was incharge when they came up with the method that PS3 uses to update needs to be kicked in the shins. Seriously. You open up the game and then it says that there is an update, like every other game, so you download it an install it via Sony's incredibly slow download system. Fine thats all done with, then you boot up the game again and you have to go through a launcher that has to update a second time, typically the same size, BUT SLOWER. I don't understand why it has to update twice? I get the launcher, there is more to an update than downloading version 1.3 or what ever, but why can't they include everything in one download on the launcher like the PC? WHY?

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Question to villains.


Are heroes camping on some spot and killing lowbies when you play? I ask because every time I play, level 30 villains are ALWAYS in the hospital area in metropolis (I think its ellsworth?), killing our lowbies.


What in the world makes it justified, other than it being a PvP server, for level 30s, with T1+ gear, to kill level 5s. Is there a villain quest that requires you to murder these people?


Is there any benefit? You only get credited for killing someone 5 levels higher or lower than you.


I'm not complaining, just wondering. The general consensus on the hero chat is that this is "pathetic". I'm sure there are heroes too that camp out, I just don't know where and I would like to know.


Or is it all part of role playing as a villain?

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I did something bad...


I found some lowbies, around lvl 4-5, just like the ones I mentioned above. They were killing GCPD grunts, for a quest no doubt. So I went there, and, being a healer, threw a COP around the poor guy. COP heals the cops (read: plural!!!) he was beating on to full health in 1 sec, so unless he kills them in 1 sec, the cop's health is fully restored.


He nearly died with all the undying cops shooting at him, until someone came (same level as him) and helped out so they were able to beat the cops even with my COP active.


I couldn't stop laughing!

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