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The Phoenix Wright Thread


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The demise of Phoenix Wright and the introduction of Apolo Justice - Capcom's biggest mistake.


I love the Phoenix Wright games, although I love AAI: Miles Edgeworth a whole lot better :3


You're in luck in that case, because the second Miles Edgeworth game should be released in February, if I'm not mistaken.


I really liked the AAI game too, but I'm still saddened by the loss of Phoenix Wright.


Also: I'll just leave this here. Gotta love Gumshoe.



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  • 3 months later...

1: That was a great comic. I'm a big fan.


2: Capcom says there aren't any plans right now to bring over Edgeworth 2. This makes me very sad.


3: I think that Edgeworth was a really good idea, and the game was more good than bad. I think that a fusion of Edgeworth's new ideas and the old trials would make for a really really solid Ace Attorney game. Especially since you could change up the playable character. They've toyed with this in the past, but imagine the potential if they really focused on it. Imagine:


You build your flawless case as the prosecution, and then smash it as the defense.


You play as Gumshoe investigating something.


You sneak around as Kay, then investigate as Edgeworth, then cross examine Kay as Apollo.


You get to play as Von Karma and whip any/everything.


You play as Edgeworth, in a stealth mission avoiding Oldbag.


You play as Phoenix and Edgeworth investigating the same scene - and the two characters get entirely different stories from the same witnesses.


You build up the truth from numerous subjective perspectives, with nobody knowing everything until the climax.


...and then you tie it all up with a nice corny "people need each other"! ending because that's how AA games always seem to end. And you know what? I wouldn't even mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That would fucking rock! Its such a shame Capcom aren't localising AAI 2 *sobs uncontrollably*


Are they definitely not localising it, or is it on no plans watch? Because as we all know, no plans doesn't equal no plans in the future. I have hope, I loved Ace Detective. Fuck Capcom if they don't localise it.


Also, I'm currently replaying the PW trilogy, and I might replay AJ if I feel like it. Currently on the third case of Justice for All <3 Fucking love these games more than is healthy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I've been giving a little bit more thought to these games, and it's pretty amazing how they set the player to sympathize with Phoenix. In the first game, he's this underdog still wet behind the ears. When things take a turn for the unfair (and in Ace Attorney they ALWAYS do) I felt just as outraged/hopeless/shocked as Phoenix. It works particularly well in the first game because your first time through you don't know the patterns of Ace Attorney yet. Eventually you learn that Phoenix is always gonna win and there will always be a last second turnabout and the prosecution will always play dirty. But in the beginning? Well, each revelation makes you identify with this poor Phoenix guy more and more.


Then in the second game, Capcom needed to change things a bit. You don't have the underdog thing going for you anymore. They try to get around this with the silly amnesia thing in the first case, and by adding Franziska later, but really it isn't until the last case that Phoenix gets into his old groove. The last case puts Phoenix back in the hot seat in a couple of ways. The villain is actually super evil, the kidnapping dilemma is super intense, and they bring Edgeworth back (who is easily more intimidating than Franziska) to kick your ass a little. As everyone knows, Justice For All really is all about that last case. I don't think it's coincidence that case is also the case where Phoenix gets screwed with the most. Phoenix doesn't come across as an underdog in that case exactly. Indeed, he ends up in the case at all because Shelley considers him the best. No, in Justice for All you root for Phoenix just because they wrote a really good villain and scenario for one of the cases.


Trials and Tribulations is, I think, actually the closest to power fantasy this franchise comes. The underdog angle is still present, but it's used in the flashback cases where you're playing as a different lawyer who's new to the trial trade. When you play as Phoenix, there's really no question whether he can handle things or not. Yes, Godot is a bad ass and a totally different flavor from past prosecutors, but the dynamic is very different. In Trials and Tribulations you are pretty much an indomitable warrior of justice. No. You ARE justice. When you take a witness to task in this game you don't trick them into talking, nor do you guilt them. Phoenix in this game SMASHES obstacles between him and the truth. Then at the very end they pull a really good fast one with the whole "justice is blind" angle and making you play the role of justice all the way through to it's unfortunate resolution.


I was thinking about this because in Apollo Justice I really had trouble getting behind Phoenix and his crazy self-destructive quest for revenge. The contrast made me realize just how attached I was to him in the original trilogy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I'm very excited these games are coming to the droid.


Second, I have a few legal questions in relation to the game. Clearly its a japanese game and also, I know it's just a game but I'm wondering if anyone knows whether it's actually how cases operate in Japan. I'm surprised by a few things.


No full disclosure. The procecutors are always hiding evidence from you which I think is illegal in the US.


No jurys, the judge provides the verdict. I find this strange.


The defendants themselves don't testify. Why can't anyone tell me themselves what happened?


Anywho, just wondering if you can chalk that up to the game being a game or if that's how the courts work in Japan.

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Apollo Justice's last case had a trial by jury if I remember correctly. As for your other points, yeah it's obviously not a realistic depiction of law proceedings, be it in Japan or anywhere else, but if it was realistic, it'd probably get boring real quick. Case in point: Lawyers get thrown in contempt of court if they're screaming and banging on desks and making stupid assumptions like Phoenix does indeed do, but hell that's what makes the damn game.

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Yeah there are real court rules being broken everywhere in the game, but its SOOOOO GOOD!!


And the lawyer badge is pretty much something that everyone reacts to when he shows them it. Plays quite the role in a case in the 2nd game.

Edited by excel_excel
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No, the court procedures and laws in Phoenix Wright games have absolutely nothing to do with reality. In any nation.


Second, as long as this thread is active...


Ace Attorney 5 is a real thing that's happening. Hooray! What platform(s) is it for? Dunno! Will it be localized outside Japan? Dunno! BUT: This is a good first step.

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What others have said... the background of the series is that crime rates go way up, so the court system changes to expedite prosecution, and put more people away. That's the setup for the games, and that's why the legal system represented doesn't appear similar to any real court system.

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To answer your queries regarding the legal system from a (UK viewpoint with some bonus Japan facts)


No full disclosure. The procecutors are always hiding evidence from you which I think is illegal in the US.
- You are required to disclose your evidence, however, if something does appear at the last minute the court can admit it in the interests of justice. (Obviously, if you're known to have been concealing evidence you run the risk of being held in contempt, being disbarred and/or having a mistrial and starting from scratch). The rule in full is:


(1) Any duty of disclosure continues until the proceedings are concluded.


(2) If documents to which that duty extends come to a party’s notice at any time during the proceedings, he must immediately notify every other party.


You could try to argue that the Prosecutor does not "notice" the evidence until he decides to produce it... but most (probably all) Judges would give you short shrift for that, then again the Judge in PW games is not "most Judges". ;)



No jurys, the judge provides the verdict. I find this strange.

- Depending on the case, certain Judges (Magistrates specifically), can preside over and give a verdict on cases. There are three types. Summary Offences, Either Way Offences, or Indictable Offences. Summary Offences, speeding tickets, etc are held before a Magistrate. Either Way Offences are held before a Magistrate or at Crown Court (trial by jury) depending on the "seriousness", Indictable only Offences (such as murder, rape etc) will always be held before Crown Court. It should be noted that you always have the option of trial by jury. But the judge will not look kindly on you bringing a speeding ticket for £60 to court so it's best to stick to Magistrates. Strangely, there's something to this no-jury trial thing, Trial by Jury was only recently reintroduced in Japan. http://news.bbc.co.u...fic/8181225.stm



The defendants themselves don't testify. Why can't anyone tell me themselves what happened?

- "You have the right to remain silent." I wouldn't put many of Phoenix's clients on the stand as they are either vulnerable, look guilty as hell, or are batshit crazy. I doubt your client would appreciate you putting them in front of Edgey.


EDIT: No idea why I formatted it like that... tidied it up now. :)

Edited by Thursday Next
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What others have said... the background of the series is that crime rates go way up, so the court system changes to expedite prosecution, and put more people away. That's the setup for the games, and that's why the legal system represented doesn't appear similar to any real court system.


So basically a tamer form of Judge Dredd?

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What others have said... the background of the series is that crime rates go way up, so the court system changes to expedite prosecution, and put more people away. That's the setup for the games, and that's why the legal system represented doesn't appear similar to any real court system.


So basically a tamer form of Judge Dredd?


It's actually not far removed from what Japan had according to that beeb article. Cases were presided over by Judges, and even if you confessed the prosecution still had to go through the trial and produce evidence. (In the UK if you plead guilty you skip straight to the sentencing).

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  • 1 month later...

Well, how about this to increase your faith in humanity today?




Some super-fan super-douche got to a Capcom higher up to badger him about Ace Attorney Investigations 2... by claiming to be from the Make a Wish Foundation. Truly, is nothing sacred to these people? I kinda hope this Capcom guy votes against localizing AAI 2 whenever it comes up from now on just out of spite. I sure would.


God, being a marketing director for a company like Capcom and having to interact with video game fans from the internet would be the worst.

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  • 2 months later...

Here's what I'm hoping for..... a scenario that will probably never happen.


Capcom kickstart a translated Western eshop release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2.


I mean that seems to be all we have left for a chance. I know one publisher did a kickstarter for some JRPG release on PSN for the PSP....so Capcom. HELP US OUT HERE.

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