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L.A. Noire


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Definitely playable with more than one person present. Even my mum really wanted to see what would happen next.


@Dean: What character development are you talking about, Dean? I don't disagree that it started getting a bit extreme, but IIRC the circumstances were extreme. And it did some really cool narrative stuff later.

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The rather sudden "you're an adulterer, here's you breaking up with the wife you never met, now to bump you down a few rings" part. You've got this guy that's meant to be portrayed as a good cop, incorruptible n all that. Yet the story suddenly throws in this thing that you're cheating on your wife? It's especially a bit jarring because the game pretty much entirely focused on Cole at work and suddenly his home life was thrown into the mix. And with how temperamental the truth/doubt/lie system was you never really got much of a clear picture of what Cole was apart from some kind of weird unstable psycho who'd shout at you just because your boiler blew up hours before.

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