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The impression I got wasn't that they were accepting Xavier's team as collateral damage, but that they were intentionally wanting to wipe out his team as well, because they're the freaks.


Anyway, I just find the whole thing with the Russian and American fleets suddenly being like "yes, let us work together" based on almost no information to be hard to swallow.  It just doesn't feel natural.

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eeeengh.  I'm basically over X-Men movies.  1&2 hasn't aged well, First Class was ok/pretty good, but they need to raze the franchise and start over, keeping only Sir Pat.  And get it away from Fox.  


I'd love to see what an in house X-Men or Spider-Man movie would be like.

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The thing that bugged me about First Class is that they kinda half treated it as a reboot, but not really.  So it's ostensibly in the same timeline as X1-3, but there are all these continuity problems with that.  Even if for no other reason that is enough justification to me that they should have made it a reboot.

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They could fix a lot of the continuity problems with this time traveling in DoFP. Maybe Beast went furry earlier than depicted in X2 because of umm... wibbly wobbly timey wimey? 



Also: agreed that a Marvel produced Xmen movie would be great, but we won't ever get that. I do still believe that Sony and Marvel will work out a deal to get Spiderman in Avengers 2 or 3 somehow. Those worlds could easily combine. Put a couple subtle Battle of New York or SHIELD references in Amazing Spiderman 2 and have Nick Fury pop up for the greatest ever post credit scene. As for the Xmen though, well I think the Inhumans are going to fill that role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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That Sunshine soundtrack. Adagio in D Minor. Sooooooo good. I will buy pretty much anything that is advertised with that.


That guys music is too overused IMO. It's the new Lux Aeterna.


Anyways, shit looks good, but really they're going to have to really do some work to not make the story convoluted as all fuck.


Also this shit has an insane amount of mutants. Wonder what the casting budget was like?


I do still believe that Sony and Marvel will work out a deal to get Spiderman in Avengers 2 or 3 somehow



Isn't Spiderman only a New Avenger? They don't seem to be using any parts of that at all.

Edited by Faiblesse Des Sens
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You liked Cyclops? I thought he was lame. And I assumed everyone felt the same, even the directors and writers of the films since he's barely in any of them. They always found a way to give him less screen time. I dont even remember him in the first one, in the second one he was kidnapped for most of the movie and in the 3rd one he dies at the beginning. 

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Well, what I meant was that I'm hoping they could bring him back and actually do something with him this time. He's a good character when he's used as a sort of inbetween with Professor X and Magneto, a more troubled character. Especially since First Class put those two front and centre. There's potential there.


Or we could just have X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Wolverine... <_<

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