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Apple Console


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Engadget have a report that the latest beta for iOS suggests Apple TV could be getting gaming support:



I can see it getting something OnLive-ish tbh. Apple TV is more than an OnLive Micro Console but not by too much (and with added features on top of the actual Apple TV kind)

Whether it'd be iOS games, Onlive, Apples own OnLive or a bag of hot air remains to be seen.



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Well AppleTV is already out, hence me saying the price is similar.

Apple TV in UK is £101, OnLive Micro Console is $99. (There's no UK device/service yet)


edit: Apple TV in US is $99, the price is the exact same. Which is a bitch cos £101 is $160 (and we don't get half the stuff for it like Netflix n co)

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Ah, gotcha, I think I mis-read, thinking it would be a separate entity altogether.




I don't know - I don't think I would get Apple TV, so the gaming experience would have to be very compelling for me to be interested in picking that up.


I'm curious to see more details though - Apple getting seriously into the gaming market has always seemed like a possible step to me.

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But that was then, when every school kid and teacher had to deal with CRAP Apple computers. Seriously, those computers makes you want to put a bullet through your head. Now have them to make a console? Send me to get eaten by the dark one, now, before I even try the thing.


Now coming back to today. What the hell, you'd expect Apple to be dead but no. Steve Jobs, what a guy...


As for the rumored Apple console. They are pretty smart to use existing hardware to go about their next attempt at gaming but going the OnLive route? I don't expect any big games going through that. At most would be games similar to the ones you already see on the iPad and such. Hell, I would expect the iPad or any other able i-devices to be used as controls.

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For those who haven't read up on it:


The latest beta for iOS, the operating system that runs iPods, iPhones and Apple TV (We're why it's not iTV), has lines of code in it that suggest some form of gaming is coming to the Apple TV.


The Apple TV is this device:




It's a Cortex ARM A8 (the same CPU iPods n iPhones have atm) 256MB RAM, 8GB of Flash cache (not storage), and all the TV outputs n internet hook ups you should need.

It costs $99/£101. It's currently designed to play Netflix, stream from network, youtube, and iTunes content.

The coding and the way it's built (i.e no proper storage) suggests it could run an OnLive like service. Though if Apple opened up the Flash storage to be used as actual storage it could probably have a few iPhone App Store games on it.


This is the Microconsole



Also costs $99, and apart from the added bonus of USB has the same inputs n outputs as Apple TV.


It's not too far fetched Apple might want in on some of this. It is potential future of gaming, not like Netflix is struggling on the streaming front atm.

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For those who haven't read up on it:


The latest beta for iOS, the operating system that runs iPods, iPhones and Apple TV (We're why it's not iTV), has lines of code in it that suggest some form of gaming is coming to the Apple TV.


The Apple TV is this device:




It's a Cortex ARM A8 (the same CPU iPods n iPhones have atm) 256MB RAM, 8GB of Flash cache (not storage), and all the TV outputs n internet hook ups you should need.

It costs $99/£101. It's currently designed to play Netflix, stream from network, youtube, and iTunes content.

The coding and the way it's built (i.e no proper storage) suggests it could run an OnLive like service. Though if Apple opened up the Flash storage to be used as actual storage it could probably have a few iPhone App Store games on it.


This is the Microconsole



Also costs $99, and apart from the added bonus of USB has the same inputs n outputs as Apple TV.


It's not too far fetched Apple might want in on some of this. It is potential future of gaming, not like Netflix is struggling on the streaming front atm.

At CES this year, OnLive announced partnerships with several TV manufacturers. Pretty soon, the OnLive chipset will be installed in practically every TV. It only makes sense that Apple would also want in.

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Apple has whatthe consider consle aleady. Its the I-eveything. They may ju allow you to play your moble apps on their apple tv. Woohoo I can lay angry birds on my tv. Oh wait, already can on the y ps3 or PC. Im not a fanboy, but I sure hate trendy! I think they will just add that gaming app support and find a way to charge you for it.

Then again sometimes I can be an asshat and whatevs it might work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to admit something-- I had a pretty scary dream about an Apple gaming console. Sure we make fun of Macs because of their lack of AAA titles, and the over-abundance of 1$-games on the App Store ... but somehow, in about 10 years time, we might just see the comeback of the Apple Pippin with some serious hardcore options for the hardcore gamer! It would feel really weird.

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