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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst


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Actually Mirror's Edge >>>>>>>>> anything else except Deus Ex.



I enjoyed Deus Ex, but it didn't blow my mind or anything. Far Cry Primal looks like something new, and therefore it has a head start on interest.

Far Cry Primal looks like something new? The setting is novel, sure, but it's still a Ubisoft game. It's going to be mainly about climbing shit to reveal collect-a-thon map markers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy those games as much as the next guy, so I'm not trying to shit on the formula here. I just don't see how you could seriously expect anything more out of it. With Ubisoft, it's safer to expect the usual and little more.

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I hope Far Cry Primal doesn't have too many radio towers.


"But it's a caveman game!"


Oh, they'll find a way.


If the game has alien radio towers then I take back everything I said. Ancient aliens in a caveman game = GOTY forever.


New because of the setting, and it's a Far Cry game without shooting.

I've admittedly not seen a whole lot of what they've shown. Does it not have bows and throwing spears or do you mean specifically gun shooting?

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  • 3 months later...

Damn, they seriously upped the presentation/budget for this one. I'm kinda glad to see them ditching the original's animated cutscenes. They were alright but they felt so out of place.


As for the beta, I would expect any "multiplayer" would be time trials stuff like in the original. At least, I hope...

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Haha I came to post that too. The visuals are gorgeous, and the voice acting sounds great too. It actually looks like a lot of that time in the oven was spent creating a strong narrative to boot. I hope it comes through.


I'm psyched. I think I'll start replaying the first one within the next couple of weeks.


This is a good time to remind Amazon Prime members that all console pre-orders are 20% for you. And with that I'm off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am so hyped for this game.


It's dumb that the runner vision is a real in-world thing though.  I had always just assumed it was that Faith is a good enough runner that she's able to pick out good routes, and the red is how that perception is communicated to the player.  I like that explanation a lot better than her having an AR contact lens to show her the stuff.

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