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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst


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I would argue that the game is about speed, just not on your first run through. The game is about playing and learning the levels, then trying to get through them as quickly as you can. At times you're going to have to stop to find the right way, until you've learned the level, then you blaze through it.

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It's kind of Off-topic but I'd agree 07-08 period was a much better period than the 09-10 period.


Mirrors Edge 2 would of complimented some of the "different" FPS games hitting this year. Shame to not see it in the roster in favour of only developing BF3.

One of the reasons I want to see a new console sooner rather than later. After the first year or two of figuring things out, there's usually some nice diversity and neat new titles.


As for Mirror's Edge 2...I played the demo, and I was interested, but it wasn't a $60 interest. If I lived someplace where I'd see the title for $20 or so, I'd have picked it up when it was a lower price, but I was hoping that a Mirror's Edge 2, whether this year or a few years from now on a new system, would address issues like length, controls and the like. Seemed like a great idea...I hope it does eventually get a sequel.

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Yeah it wasn't a $60 game for sure, that leads on to the other thread I guess where we just need more $30 or so titles.

Still can't believe that 2 million isn't enough to earn a sequel these days. It was an 08 title too, so not the 90million HD consoles we have now. I'd say back then maybe half the amount we have now, 2million cold, and potentially more folks borrowed/used. So that's nearly 1/20th of the userbase had played it. And many folks have good things to say about it.

Though I am unsure if the nice things is in part because it was different and people want to latch onto different in the face of the sameish games we keep on getting, or if it's specifically for mirrors edge

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All the trailers and previews made it seem like the main campaign was going to be a freerunning parkour game, even though it was actually a first-person platformer. Thus, people were disappointed with all the moments in the game where you had to "stop" or "slow down and look around", thinking it was poor design even though they just had the wrong expectation of what the campaign was actually going to be.


:blink: WAT?


The game I played was all about freerunning parkour. If I stopped for that long I generally restarted the level because I was unsatisfied with my performance.


Though I think you're mostly right that people misunderstood the game; but I think most people took it for a more classic style FPS with freerunning than for the racing game that was at its core. I always heard people complain that the game was only 6 hours, which I find totally invalid because if you played it for 20-30 hours you would be able to finish it in 2; and that's more the point of the game rather than just "get from start to finish". The other complaint I heard was that the shooting sucked; but after the tutorial there really isn't much need to use guns at all. I feel like those are two of the kinds of complaints normally thrown at FPS games that ME got a bad rep for; and I find it's entirely undeserved.

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The other complaint I heard was that the shooting sucked; but after the tutorial there really isn't much need to use guns at all.

This. There's even an achievement for beating the game without ever firing a gun (outside of the tutorial).


Just cause it's got a first-person viewpoint doesn't mean it's an FPS.

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So I just checked, and both Dead Space and Mirror's Edge sold 2 million copies. Why does Dead Space get a sequel but not Mirror's Edge? Mirror's Edge has GOT to be cheaper to develop...

How much revenue between the two?


It's probably as Faiblesse said; Dead Space has become a franchise (games, movies, books, and comics) whereas Mirror's Edge... didn't do as much.

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So I just checked, and both Dead Space and Mirror's Edge sold 2 million copies. Why does Dead Space get a sequel but not Mirror's Edge? Mirror's Edge has GOT to be cheaper to develop...


Depending on what would be done with Mirror's Edge 2, I could see it being more expensive to develop than another Dead Space.


If I remember correctly, one of the things reviewers and most players took issue with was the fact that Mirror's Edge gave the impression of a little more open-world parkour, when it was really pre-defined paths with maybe one or two branches.


Mirror's Edge 2, if and when it happens, should be open-world parkour with no right or wrong way to get from Point A to Point B. Doing so would require enough variation among structures without being repetitive if done in stages (and multiple times), or, if done in a sandbox style (a la GTAIV), rendering an entire city with different neighbourhoods and sectors. Then they'd have to think of enough paths that connected every building without becoming repetitive.


If it could be done, it would be glorious. Running from residential areas, to century-old structures, to modern skyscrapers. Throw in some ground-level parkour, too! But then the aesthetic that worked in the modern setting with the first Mirror's Edge might have to change. The whitewash worked with the modern designs and allowed them to colour code your paths and what you could interact with.


The cost of a sandbox experience might be on par with development costs of GTAIV or Oblivion. If that is the case, Mirror's Edge 2 would be a huge financial risk considering EA thought the first didn't sell well.

Edited by SanaEquiesterer
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So I just checked, and both Dead Space and Mirror's Edge sold 2 million copies. Why does Dead Space get a sequel but not Mirror's Edge? Mirror's Edge has GOT to be cheaper to develop...


It was pretty obvious from the first game that Dead Space was set up to be a franchise. It already had a full backstory and was backed up by an animated feature and a comic book.


That said, I've never been a fan of the idea that videogames need a good story. Mirror's Edge was a good example of a great game with a shitty story.

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Mirror's Edge is cancelled... or is it... http://www.computerandvideogames.com/289531/news/mirrors-edge-still-an-important-franchise-ea/


Was keeping quiet on this until something semi official came up. DICE won't let ME die. Everyone connected with the franchise, from the developers to the marketing teams were completely in love with the title. It'll get a sequel, eventually, for now DICE are laser focussed (along with most of the rest of EA) on making BF3 the most awesome FPS ever and from what little I've seen of the new engine... wow.



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Mirror's Edge is cancelled... or is it... http://www.computerandvideogames.com/289531/news/mirrors-edge-still-an-important-franchise-ea/


Was keeping quiet on this until something semi official came up. DICE won't let ME die. Everyone connected with the franchise, from the developers to the marketing teams were completely in love with the title. It'll get a sequel, eventually, for now DICE are laser focussed (along with most of the rest of EA) on making BF3 the most awesome FPS ever and from what little I've seen of the new engine... wow.



Great news! Sounds like a sequel is likely after all. :D Edited by peteer02
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If the devs like what they made. Chances are, it will pop up again. Come on, I'm sure the folks at DICE do enjoy making a game that doesn't involve killing folks 24/7... If BF3 does good, DICE will go back to EA for some talk going "Hey, we are a company that mkes good games that sells great. Green light this.".

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"Hey EA. We will pull a mutiny with the help of Activision like the suppose link between you and IW."


But seriously, you have to keep the workers happy. Doesn't matter that you provide the money. If you provide a bad enough work enviorment for long enough then eh.

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As I tweeted earlier, my theory is that EA's plan to bring down Call of Duty doesn't involve actually making a game that sells better, it's just to so completely saturate the modern shooter market that no one wants to buy any game like that, Call of Duty included.

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*pours out some malt liquor*


What a crying shame. People told me not to get my hopes up for this, but back when I heard the sequel was already being worked on I felt that it was a pretty certain we'd get it. I mean if it seemed like a worthwhile endeavor at the time, .... Not that much has changed in the industry since the first game released. If they publish any military FPS this year I'm going to be annoyed.

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