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Well, I linked it on Facebook. To all of my forty friends. >_> Generally, servers rely more upon some auxiliary source of players. The whole "Mount the Frak Up!" directive is pulling, but it's not enough. Existing communities or content websites(like Press X or Die or RPS) typically keep these things alive. Then there are factors like player slots, map rotation, rules and so forth. For example: I don't want to play on a non-hardcore server(do they have hardcore mode?), and I don't want small maps. So I will avoid servers that don't provide what I'm seeking in a game of BF3.


Heck, even culling an established community doesn't promise server popularity. It certainly helps, though, and that's where I would start. Let a mod or admin correct me if I'm wrong, but you could always start a dedicated thread to your dedicated server with information, screens and promotional jibber-jabber.


And for fuck's sake: police the server. Just don't over-police it. A fine line between maintaining traffic and booting slut-potatoes.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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  On 10/28/2011 at 2:39 PM, Nezacant said:

Maritan what is your soldier name?


I won't be playing for another month of two, my PC can't handle the game properly.


  On 10/28/2011 at 2:39 PM, Nezacant said:

Any tips on how to fill my server? We think it may be an issue with our number of slots and map sizes that cause it to be lower on the server browser.

There are a lot of factors, I think Tenshi described them pretty good.

  On 10/28/2011 at 2:44 PM, Saturnine Tenshi said:

Well, I linked it on Facebook. To all of my forty friends. >_> Generally, servers rely more upon some auxiliary source of players. The whole "Mount the Frak Up!" directive is pulling, but it's not enough. Existing communities or content websites(like Press X or Die or RPS) typically keep these things alive. Then there are factors like player slots, map rotation, rules and so forth. For example: I don't want to play on a non-hardcore server(do they have hardcore mode?), and I don't want small maps. So I will avoid servers that don't provide what I'm seeking in a game of BF3.


Heck, even culling an established community doesn't promise server popularity. It certainly helps, though, and that's where I would start. Let a mod or admin correct me if I'm wrong, but you could always start a dedicated thread to your dedicated server with information, screens and promotional jibber-jabber.


And for fuck's sake: police the server. Just don't over-police it. A fine line between maintaining traffic and booting slut-potatoes.

Also, me and my friends renamed our gameservers-provided server to Forteam because it's the most popular server provider in Russia(but their servers are the worst that I've seen in any game, still don't know why people wait in line to join them). Right now the amount of lag on 64 player servers is just overwhelming, so sometimes we just switch to 32 player mix-mode. Also, some people remember this server from BFBC2, I think it adds to popularity too.

Edited by Maritan
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This game is incredible. I love supporting the other players, and there's nothing more satisfying than planting an M-COM bomb and successfully guarding it until it explodes. Also, I love blowing things up like buildings and vehicles with my RPG. It's a real rush to decimate your enemy's cover point.

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  On 10/30/2011 at 1:57 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I've had bad luck with OCZ RAM also.


Maybe we should amend that to "don't ever buy anything from OCZ"

Consider it amended. A buddy of mine who has 2 SSDs from OCZ was telling me... "Man I don't know why you're having so much bad luck with OCZ. The 2 I have are going strong." Later that same day I got a text message from him. One of them died. I told him it was karma.

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You know, its still a blast to play BC2 and Vietnam... had a memorable kill of the night. I was attempting to take out a tank but foot troops were closing in so I ran back to my side. While running back, a guy cross a bridge on top of me. He's armed with god knows what and me... an inaccurate RPG. We both fired and well, you can guess the rest. Tis was a glorious escape from behind enemy lines.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 10:42 AM, MaliciousH said:

You know, its still a blast to play BC2 and Vietnam... had a memorable kill of the night. I was attempting to take out a tank but foot troops were closing in so I ran back to my side. While running back, a guy cross a bridge on top of me. He's armed with god knows what and me... an inaccurate RPG. We both fired and well, you can guess the rest. Tis was a glorious escape from behind enemy lines.


If you're still having fun in BC2 then you should love BF3. It does everything better...nearly.


Anywho, I'll be spending most of my time on the IBF2 server so if anyone wants to join me and there isn't room, just send my a message over Origin and I'll make some space.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 2:43 PM, MasterDex said:

Anywho, I'll be spending most of my time on the IBF2 server so if anyone wants to join me and there isn't room, just send my a message over Origin and I'll make some space.


I would, but my pings are so shit over on nearly all UK servers. When they fix rubberbanding on 64p conquest I will definitely give it a shot, though.


I've been kinda sucking at BF3, though, and my SPM is pretty shit right now, so I'll probably be spending some time in squad deathmatch or team deathmatch to get better with some of the weapons and learn some of the maps. For those that are having trouble I'd definitely try that, it worked wonders in BC2.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 3:24 PM, Sporkwaffles said:
  On 11/1/2011 at 2:43 PM, MasterDex said:

Anywho, I'll be spending most of my time on the IBF2 server so if anyone wants to join me and there isn't room, just send my a message over Origin and I'll make some space.


I would, but my pings are so shit over on nearly all UK servers. When they fix rubberbanding on 64p conquest I will definitely give it a shot, though.


I've been kinda sucking at BF3, though, and my SPM is pretty shit right now, so I'll probably be spending some time in squad deathmatch or team deathmatch to get better with some of the weapons and learn some of the maps. For those that are having trouble I'd definitely try that, it worked wonders in BC2.


If you want to "practice" I'd go Co-Op. You can still earn upgrades and what not for MP, but you won't have the same mismatch as you might against humans.

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I think some of the maps are a fine size and comparable with the largest that BF2 had to offer. Kharg Island for example is huge. The problem is that everything is stuck together. Rather than effectively using the space available on the big maps, they've just stuck all the control points together. In BF2 and 2142, where huge maps were the name of the game, the capture points had some distance between them which allowed for better tactical play.


I'm not sure that the switch to console is wholly to blame however, I think that Dice have been trying too hard to improve the infantry side of things and figured "Well, it's shitty to have to travel to get to the next point without a vehicle, let's bring them closer so you can walk there in seconds. And if you're playing as infantry, it does work but for vehicles, it sucks. Most of the time, you're trapped in walled roads littered with vehicles. Rather than seeing tanks roll down in formation, circle-strafing and firing at targets, you get tanks moving back and forth between one small bit of cover taking pot shots before moving down a tunnel of death as every fucker with a rocket targets you. If you're in a Jet or a Heli, you best hope you have luck on your side because chances are that most engineers have the stinger or igla while the jets and choppers themselves can lock on just as fast.


Rather than having contained fights around A, B, C, D, etc, you have one big mash-up that can be great fun when you're on your feet but not so much if you like to drive or fly. I'd love for them to release some PC only maps. Ones designed for 64 players with properly spaced out points. Hell, just give us an updated version of Suez Canal with no points changed and we'd be happy.

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  On 11/2/2011 at 2:32 AM, MasterDex said:

I think some of the maps are a fine size and comparable with the largest that BF2 had to offer. Kharg Island for example is huge. The problem is that everything is stuck together. Rather than effectively using the space available on the big maps, they've just stuck all the control points together. In BF2 and 2142, where huge maps were the name of the game, the capture points had some distance between them which allowed for better tactical play.


I'm not sure that the switch to console is wholly to blame however, I think that Dice have been trying too hard to improve the infantry side of things and figured "Well, it's shitty to have to travel to get to the next point without a vehicle, let's bring them closer so you can walk there in seconds. And if you're playing as infantry, it does work but for vehicles, it sucks. Most of the time, you're trapped in walled roads littered with vehicles. Rather than seeing tanks roll down in formation, circle-strafing and firing at targets, you get tanks moving back and forth between one small bit of cover taking pot shots before moving down a tunnel of death as every fucker with a rocket targets you. If you're in a Jet or a Heli, you best hope you have luck on your side because chances are that most engineers have the stinger or igla while the jets and choppers themselves can lock on just as fast.


Rather than having contained fights around A, B, C, D, etc, you have one big mash-up that can be great fun when you're on your feet but not so much if you like to drive or fly. I'd love for them to release some PC only maps. Ones designed for 64 players with properly spaced out points. Hell, just give us an updated version of Suez Canal with no points changed and we'd be happy.


That's why I want the B2K expansion to come out as soon as possible. If they find a way to fuck up Wake Island or Oman I will be genuinely surprised.

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  On 11/2/2011 at 2:32 AM, MasterDex said:

The problem is that everything is stuck together.

Pretty much

That's why I want the B2K expansion to come out as soon as possible.

Speaking of B2K...

I don't know whether this is fanmade or not but it looks great.


The runway is too big for this game, I think.

Edited by Maritan
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  On 11/4/2011 at 11:34 PM, Maritan said:

Heh, there are a lot of stupid server plugins like this.

Before we got ourselves our own server this stuff happened to us almost every day.

1)Join server

2)Rape people

3)Get banned



My only reaction to it is the following... :|

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