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Last OK Movie You Saw

Mister Jack

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to start being more harsh about where I put the films I watch. Dark Shadows goes here. I enjoyed it but I'm not going to be rushing out to buy the disc. I thought it was going to be a straight up comedy so was a bit surprised by the... drama may be putting it a bit strong but it was not what I was expecting, like I know he's a vampire, but I didn't expect him to be killing people. I thought the witch was good in it - but I spent the whole film wracking my brain who it was, and came up with Emily Blunt. Apparently it's Eva Green.


I did see a trailer for Frankenweenie though and I'm hoping to be putting that in the good movies thread - it looked ace.

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I've never heard of the tv series it's based on and while I know trailers put the best bits in but I think it's kind of scuzzy to misrepresent the type of movie you're making.


Having said that, it's worth going to see it, it's enjoyable especially if you know what you're going to see.


Mind you you could question my taste as I Just watched The Proposal and enjoyed that too. I think Sandra Bullock is great at comedy, she can do slapstick without it being over the top and ridiculous (Jim Carey take note). God help me but I love me a romantic comedy, plus naked Ryan Reynolds doesn't hurt

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I liked The Proposal, even saw it twice with my sister. Once with her, and then a second time with our mother. Now even if Sandra Bullock is (currently) twice my age, having her naked wasn't a negative either.


EDIT: So yeah, I happen to like the occasional chick flick. Strange now that I think about it, today I was wondering how many other dudes own "Music and Lyrics."

Edited by Atomsk88
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  • 2 weeks later...



I sorta wanted to put this into Good Movie because of how it's more enjoyable than the second movie, but it's not that great.


There are a lot of WTF moments, though the movie does spend the time to attempt to explain what was happening. There are good jokes, but also jokes that utterly fall flat. You should definitely see it for yourself, but for me this movie is a rental. Of course, a top of the list rental if you're in the mood for a fun movie.


Also, keep a look out for those Sony products! There's no Vita, but you'll see a PS3 and PlayStation Move.

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Impromptu Men in Black III viewing today. Yeah it's shit tons better than II, but still not quite on the level of MIB I. It starts a bit...weird compared to the others. Boris the Animal ("it's just Boris") is an alright villain and it's kinda cool to see early Agent K. The Time Jump bit was probably the best part

especially after the paper flies in his face for Wall Street Crash and he looks across to see a few folks following him down

. The whole time travel side of things falls really flat though if you're at least partially into how time travel works. Paradoxes all over the place, so yeah turn your brain off in that aspect.

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The whole time travel side of things falls really flat though if you're at least partially into how time travel works. Paradoxes all over the place, so yeah turn your brain off in that aspect.


I haven't seen MiB3 so I don't know about that movie specifically, but I'm happy as long as the time travel in a movie is internally consistent. I mean, it's not like we know how time travel would work IRL...

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Nah there's two forms of time/time travel shown in the film. The main method is that time is a single string and going back in time you go back to the same existing events. Non-Einsteinian; no cause then effect*. It's the least plausible method, but it works well for films n simple enough to explain. Then about half way through another version is introduced and it goes against the current actions of the film.**



Boris escapes prison in 2012 to go back in time to avenge his arm and kill Agent K in 1969 before Boris loses his arm and is arrested. But if he's not arrested he wouldn't be in prison with both the access to "how to time travel" and a reason to avenge himself. In fact the prison wouldn't exist either given it was built to house Boris.




Griffin introduces the concept of multiple simultaneous timelines. Everything that can happen, has happened. In which case when Boris travels back in time he'd be in the timeline where he travels back in time to 1969. In which case he could even safely kill himself, as that's what happened in that timeline. However the multiple timelines, rather than a single timeline that can be re-written, means that Kay shouldn't have disappeared as in that timeline he'd clearly survived his encounter with Boris and sent him off to prison 40 years before. Though there is a timeline where '69 Boris killed agent Kay and attacks Earth. There's also one where at the end of the film Earth is destroyed. And one where Boris comes through the door in 2 seconds due to being early. We just didn't see those ones(it'd be a bit dull).



@hakidia: Electrons and quantum physics say Hi! Sending something as relatively huge as a person back in time is somewhat unfeasible (at least on a single timeline), but at an quantum scale it's not too hard.

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With MIB3, it's a film where you don't want to think hard on what they're delivering you. Now keep in mind what I'm saying isn't "check your brain in at the door" like with a dumb action film, but instead just go along with the progression.


There are however key points that rely on going outside time manipulation. They're paradoxes that exist to make the plot, so this is the inherent problem with time travel in movies: unavoidable plot holes.


This is one that will bug you, but I was able to prolong it until after the movie and I imagine anyone else can too.



Agent J goes to the electronic shop where this alien's son has the time travel devices. Now, this is already when the present has been altered, but there's a paradox that exists for the sake of Agent J finding out where Boris had gone in time. It's in the guy's sales records, BUT HOLD ON!


In an altered future, the then successful Boris would never had to time travel to kill Agent K. Therefore, the alien shop owner would never had known about Boris, his use of time travel, let alone have a record of it! Sure, he can still have the time travel devices, but Agent J could have easily thought of the incident reports he had previously viewed and discern what date in time he should arrive to in the past.


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Saw Mib 3 today with my girlfriend. Honestly she doesn't think too much in plot holes or anything like that, but I do. So when I see movies with her I have to turn it off, so its nice cause I can enjoy the movies a little more. MIB 3 was ok but not as good as the first. I said this to my girlfriend today that the aliens in the first movie were so creative looking but those in the second and third were just similar to humans and are somewhat boring. Its a fun action flick but its not going to wow anyone like the first did.

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