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D: I'm so sorry, Excel...

Thanks, I was a wreck when I heard first heard, like a bit of me dying from my childhood, but my younger sister would have taken it the worst, and she's alright now too. Just gotta move on I suppose, she had a good life.

It looks so sad... :(

Yeah that angle makes her look a bit sad, she was still mostly her self but you could see whenever she moved she was in a lot of pain, she could never quite seem to get comfortable due to the tumour.

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So, I'm dog sitting for a friend until Monday. I got a few papers to do and I don't have a laptop so I'm trying out bringing her (Chulata) over to my place for the few days so I don't have to go over to my friend's place twice a day everyday. Thing is, one of my roommates got a dog. They seem to play together fine-ish but my friend's dog is bigger so she got tons more punch than my roommate's dog. When she gets excited, she'll be quite powerful.


That is why, for now, I'm keeping Chulata in my room. She doesn't like it too much but seems to accept it. Do you guys think I should keep her at my place or just deal with going over twice a day to my friend's place (Or even staying the night)?

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After dog sitting my friend's dog over at my place for a few days, I have to say it is fun to have a dog. It is a lot of work since you got to walk the dog and let them out for them to answer the call (Then cleaning after them). I don't know how to explain it, it is just fun and is a nice thing to do.

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