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omg. That puppy grumping noise is the cutest thing ever. It's a great decision to get a companion for Parker. They will absolutely love each others company and I think are a lot happier in a pair.


here's our old pair of bassets, they were together all his life:


and a very small photo with the (also dead now :( ) cat



and here's our current dogs - they've been together since the Nelly (the roan) was born (10 years now).


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Our cat (actually my wife's cat that she's had since she was 7) is really sick.  She's stopped eating, hasn't pooped that we know of in like a week, has started peeing on the floor instead of in the litter box all of a sudden (the same time the other things started), and just sits curled up under one corner of our bed 24/7.  We took her to the vet and he said she has a UTI (which may have been caused by a weakened immune system from steroids prescribed for her because of this eye allergy thing) and he gave us antibiotics, but I'm really worried about her.   :(

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Hope your lass gets well, Ethan. Mine was sneezing a lot last winter, so I was worried something was up; thankfully, the only IRL friend I have is a vet.




There is nothing better than cats. Not even bigger cats.


I've also noticed (long ago) that my lass has a pretty wide range of communication. Most notably and most often she uses a sort of trilling mumble-grunt (though she's also prone to the typical meow chatter). It's her sort of response to, well, most anything. Recorded it, but you'll have to turn your volume up pretty high to hear it:



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We took her back to the vet yesterday and he ran some more blood work and said her kidneys are failing.  He gave her maybe a 25% chance of recovery.  He said that we could leave him there over the weekend and they could put in an IV to try to rehydrate her to see if that would help, but that it's possible even if we did that she'd die over the weekend, so we decided to bring her home instead and do the best we can here.  If she's still alive on Monday then my wife is going to take her in to get the IV fluids during the day, without having to leave her there so long.

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It's Monday and she is still alive, but she's doing a lot worse and she seems like she's in pain, she doesn't even have the energy to lift her head anymore, so we've decided we're going to put her to sleep this afternoon.  The vet can come do it at our house though, so at least she won't have to be at his office, she hates it there.


*Edit* - I'm sure we'll get another cat in the next month or so, so when we do I promise to post lots of videos to make up for being so depressing.

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Since I've been getting notifications again, I've been reading the updates on this thread, and I was hoping you would do what you did sooner than later, Ethan... I didn't want to say it myself though, as it seemed  like it was not advice you were looking for, exactly... It's one of the hardest decisions one can make, but I believe that in many cases it's for the better. It's brutal to sit there and watch a beloved family member deteriorate that way, and in my experience, no available choices at the time seem fair. I learned the hard way though, that it's much better to be there to hold them as they pass on than to let them pass on slowly and naturally. I'm glad that you and her got to be home for it.  My condolences. Hang in there.

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Yeah, like I said originally we were planning to get her the treatment on Monday if she lived through the weekend, but by Monday she'd gotten so much worse that we knew she wasn't going to make it.  We didn't want to get the treatment over the weekend because we would have had to leave her at the vet all weekend and he said there was a decent chance she wouldn't make it through the weekend even if we did leave her there, and we didn't want her to die alone at the vet's.

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It looks way worse in the video than it really is.  Half that stuff was put out for the cat.  Though when I was watching them (especially the last one) I was like "do I really want to upload this?"

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