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He looks a lot bigger in the photo than in the videos - I wasn't expecting him to be a little kitten.he got the hang of the feathers quickly enough. :)


What would your wife like to call him?


I like Goliath, but it  is very masculine and quite the mouth full, so I can see her point. It;s hard to shorten unless you just went for a completely different pet name (if you'll excuse the pun). Golly is a cute abbreviation, but I guess not something you'd want to use? I don't think I'd be comfortable using it though at least he's ginger so it could be worse. (am I going to hell for saying that?)

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We got him a rawhide stick because he's been chewing on cords and we wanted to redirect, but he seemed to have more fun spinning it on the kitchen floor.



Also, my wife didn't like "Golly", so now I'm taking the tactic of just calling him Goliath to see if it'll stick.

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Also, my wife didn't like "Golly", so now I'm taking the tactic of just calling him Goliath to see if it'll stick.


That's a good tactic. When my sister was pregnant last year, I would refer to the baby as Ulysses because A) it's a cool name and B) no one knew the sex yet and I was hoping for a nephew. The name caught on to the point when even my mom would say "yeah, when Ulysses is born...". It was, if nothing else, a fantastic way to piss my sister off. The baby turned out a girl anyways so it was all for nothing :'(

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We saw this wrestle toy at Walmart that had a cloth covering and a crinkly material inside.  We thought he'd like it, but it was too expensive for what it was, so we wadded up grocery bags and put them in a sock instead.  I didn't think to get the camera until he was already pretty worn out.

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