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ugh, giving animals pills is the worst. one of my kitties had a thyroid condition and i had to give her a pill once a day for like 3 years. i never didn't have cuts on my hands, and i got more efficient but she certainly never made it easier.


See I can't imagine doing that. I guess that's why I don't own pets.

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^Bear. He was adopted from Chicago 'cause some kids were allergic to him.


He got it on with another Bernese Mountain dog near where my mom lives and we got to pick one from the liter. We chose this one:



^Sophie. She's a psycho (and sitting inside my car at a few months old).


She used to look like this:




It's kinda hard to tell them apart because they're the same size-ish now. But Sophie has one spot of white on her front left paw and Bear has no white. He's actually supposed to have some white on his paws, but apparently he's a freak of nature.

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I have a cat, Kitty. You'll rarely see me being affectionate, unless it involves a cat or some animal that presents a physical threat. I like dangerous animals, and much like Staysick, I'll be looking to get a snake, maybe a komodo, but at the very least something reptilian, when I get my own house. They fascinate me.


Much the same I'm also open to insects, albeit to a lesser degree and turtles. I've cared for foxes, racoons, pigs, cows, goats, chickens and all sorts of animals when I volunteered at a local petting zoo when I was a wee lad. Further spurring my love for animals and consequently, my disdain for humans.


Ever since I was a kid I knew I'd have an Ace Venture home when I was all grown up, not much has changed with that wish.


My cat sleeps on my bed, sits at the table when we're eating, seriuously she has her own chair, with just her head peaking over the table. She doesn't beg for food, she mostly just sits there.. I guess she likes being a part of the experience. I get her expensive food, often whip her up a little something in the kitchen, such as the recent tunasalmonfishstick salad. In return, I find small disassembled woodland critters in the yard every other week and she brings in the mail for some strange reason. Seriously, she shoves the envelopes from the hallway to the livingroom to the cabinet where we keep the mail. Weirdest thing.

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Basically the two of them taking ownership of my older chair.





And this is the girl




I thought they were some generic breed when I got them turns out they're Bombays (still common enough). He pretty much behaves like a dog, waits for me if I go into a room and close the door. Waits for me everywhere I go in the house. Acts like a dog, fetches stuff. Only thing is he's a cat and likes to be on my lap.


She's fine, more shy of strangers, meows to go into rooms which are closed and waits for you patiently. Also does tricks.


I've previously owned dogs, but don't have enough room for the kind of dog I'm used to (Alsatians, German Shepherds, Huskies) and my previous ones are long dead. Anyways didn't know there was a pet thread :P


Oh yeah he also likes to dance and sometimes howls

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Love you, Kramer. Living to be fifteen for a cat who got in fights with raccoons and possums, terrorizing dogs being walked down the street and still being able to come home strutting like a king and sitting at the dinner table with the rest of us is a great life for a cat. I'm glad he went peacefully. You were an awesome old man and you will be missed. Rest in peace you tough old geezer.

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