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Dead Island

Cyber Rat

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Dead Island is a zombie sandbox game trying to approach the zombie cliche in games a bit differently. Hell breaks loose on a tropical tourist resort island and you (and up to three friends) need to make due with what you've got. Because of the nature of the environment, you won't be finding firearms, grenades and the like, but rather have to improvise (kinda like Dead Rising, only not campy). Despite being sandbox, the devs claim it is also very story driven.

It all sounds good on paper and I'm hoping they execute it as planned, but at least the trailer caught everyone's attention. Seriously, watch it in fullscreen and 720dpi.
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I really don't see the trailer as just a depiction of a dead child. It's a reasonable scene in a "zombie scenario" directed nicely. It's also a subversion of Infant Immortality, which could also be setting the mood for the game.


That whole link is full of hypocrisy IMO.


Oh, and there are some screenshots here: http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/955540/dead-island/images/dead-island-20110215060817299.html;jsessionid=ar4fv2divk2u


The facial work does look good, but dunno if it should be compared to Heavy Rain.



Here's the old Tech Trailer http://ve3d.ign.com/videos/18937/PC/Dead-Island/Trailer/Gore-Tech-Trailer Note it's from 2007.

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Game looks awesome, really cool way of handling a zombie game too! :P


  On 2/17/2011 at 2:02 PM, Cyber Rat said:

I'm hoping the melee combat is kinda like Condemned. One of the rare FPS that did melee right. And they did confirm the existence of firearms, but in reasonable amounts (and ammo being an issue). Also, speaking of Condemned, I honestly hope you can carry more than one weapon...


I would like it more if you could only carry one weapon, it would add more strategy and stuff to the game, also, I like how weapons will get damaged/broken and you'll have to find another one, or try to repair them.

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I am super freaking excited about this - I thought the game was dead in the water (like that lady in the second screenshot, harr).


I remember seeing initial screenshots yeaaars ago and being very excited for the game, then disappointed I never heard more about it. It looks they may have put that time to good use, however!


The CG trailer was excellent and pretty depressing - good music too.


My fingers are crossed for this one!

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Its promising too much and im sure it wont deliver.

whenever someone lists new things that are going to be in a game in a very specific way, it lets peoples imaginations run wild, then when they get the game they realize that it isnt as complicated as they made it out to be.


Sounds like the last five years of zombie and openworld games pasted and jammed in together. Usually id say thats awesome, but when people steal ideas, they only steal parts, not the entire thing, which makes a new product that doesnt do anything quite as well as the source they took it from.

jack of all trades i suppose.....

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I wonder why they don't just create a formula that calculates how much ammo the game gives you at certain intervals based on factors like, your accuracy, k/d ratio, etc, etc. That way the people like me who like playing on the harder difficulties will actually get a challenge. Dead Space 2 did a pretty good job of keeping you on your toes on Zealot.


And the game itself, looks pretty cool. I'm more interested in the, what was it, Project X? The MMO like Zombie game with a persistent world where you build a shelter and such.

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The trailer was fantastic.


Though, zombies + focus on melee combat + first person + night-time brings back some very bad STALKER memories that I'm sure, if done right, will be reciprocated in this game.


But, Dead State is also on my watch list, I first checked them out when RPS put up an article on it and the game definitely tickled my fancy. Cool stuff, though. Destructoid's preview was also interesting.

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I've watched the trailer several times now, and to be honest I don't think it's as amazing as everyone makes it out to be. The Lost-esque music is excellent though and kudos for having the balls to show a kid being harmed, but take away that music and the shock factor and you're not left with anything special in terms of visuals. It doesn't help that the animation is less that perfect.


As for the game itself, I'm finding it hard to get excited about zombies right now. The only zombie game I really want to see is one where a city is procedurally generated or contains at least some element of randomness (different doors being locked/unlocked etc), objects can be moved about the world to make barricades or to access otherwise unreachable areas and the only aim is to survive with whatever you can find and it supports online co-op with up to 16 players (or even more). Degradable weapons sounds cool though and I like that the emphasis is on realism in the weapons you find. First-person melee combat could be a bit iffy though.

Edited by withoutphallus
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Yeah I'm not like looking at it as a "oh wow must by" thing since I wasn't keen on Dead Rising, and I've seen no actual gameplay. If it was a movie, it'd be a good trailer. (which Phallus I'd suggest not looking at the trailer for visuals but the screenshots)

I'm also against manufactured controversy, i.e sticking a kid in just for the sake of "OMG a kid is dead!" thing. But we'll see how that pans out.


So yeah, gameplay video please.

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I personally love the trailer for how it's done. My reaction would have been the same if the kid was a girlfriend or whatever. I dunno, it really didn't strike me as a "here's a kid turning into a zombie" because I've seen that god knows how many times in zombie movies. I mean, seriously, Night of the Living Dead had it.

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Oh I didn't mean visuals as in graphics, I meant as in the direction. Not sure how much it is to do with the fact the animated movements and expressions feel unnatural, and I'm also probably being overly critical in light of the amount of attention and praise it's been getting.


Anyway the point is, sure it's one of the best game trailers I've seen, but that's not really saying a lot. As a short piece of footage or a film trailer...decidedly average.

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