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Trailers and such creeping out.

tbh I'm looking at it for idTech5, not really into the game myself. It might be fun, but as far as I know it's a regular FPS just with a very pretty engine under the hood. Though I have heard that it's meant to be kinda open-worldy type. So I dunno. Maybe folks want to fill me in on that.
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I enjoyed Doom 3. A lot.


It really started getting me back into PC gaming.


I'm looking forward to seeing idtech5 in action, but also looking looking forward to the game in general. Car combat, open world, almost an all out rpg, John Carmack... totes can't wait.



Slightly on topic:





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Slightly on topic:






Another reason why I love John Carmack.


I worry that Rage will be overshadowed by Borderlands. I can already hear reviewers comparing them to one another and fans decrying Rage as a Borderlands clone. I know that Rage is going to have some RPG-like elements, too, so I hope it can do something to further distinguish itself from Borderlands in that respect.

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  • 2 months later...

If grey fits a world and its look then I say use it. Though yeah Kovach is right, there have been screenshots/videos that have some color going on. Considering it's a "dead" city I'm not really sure why anyone is expecting color from that area.


Yeah, this. It's not like you're expecting Birds of Paradise in Dead City anyways.


Also, http://www.rage.com/en/media/screenshots here are the screens from the official site, they look pretty colourful to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not too interested in this game, but I like a couple of things.


I like the physics engine. It's almost like Euphoria in that guys will prcedurally fall over and recover from shots. has a very improvised feeling, which is always good.


I also like the idea of taking the TF2/Killzone multiplayer Engineer class and basically implanting those skills into a single-player game. It's a good diea, the dynamic planting of turrets and little mobile tools.

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I'm super interested in this game. The whole bit about devs getting smacked if they were seen using a m/kb for controls is off putting, but I'm still wanting to give it a try.

My interest in this game just diminished significantly.


Sad thing is, if it's a shitty PC port it's just going to continue the cycle:


1) Dev makes shitty PC port => 2) PC players don't buy it cause it's not good => 3) Dev says "PC players aren't buying our games, we'd better not put much resources into the PC versions => 1)...

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Ah, here we go:


" 'We don't let them use the mouse right now because the largest chunk of our market's going to be on the consoles,' says id co-founder and technical director John Carmack. 'That's actually a pretty strict dictum around here. Tim will go around and whack your hand with a ruler if you're using a mouse playing the game. I mean, yes, you can use the mouse for it, but it's critical that the controller be the way that we design the game.' "

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To me, that pretty much guarantees it's going to feel all wrong, no matter what else it has going for it. Halo 1 on Legendary was a frickin' cakewalk on the PC, because it was (obviously) designed for a gamepad. Targeting a gamepad throws a whole host of gameplay elements out of whack on the PC, just as targeting a WASD setup exclusively would mess up its implementation on consoles. Ugh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

John Carmack recently tweeted this link to a


The engine looks good, but some of the environmental textures seemed a little weak and the lip-syncing could be a bit better. The shooting doesn't look too different than Bioshock at this point.


Having said that, there is no indication of what system this is running on, so the textures could potentially be better, and then they don't show any of the racing/car combat parts, so it still has room to make the gameplay stand out among the crowd, I think.


Love the Doom and Quake references near the end.

Edited by SanaEquiesterer
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