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Middle East/ N Africa map quiz


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Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghan, Turkey, n Suadia Arabia are the easiest ones to plonk in place. Once you know where Iraq is it whittles down where Kuwait is :P

Oman, Yemen, Arab Emirates, Sudan n Chad I know cos my step-dad used to live there (born on an British base in Oman)

Niger I know cos...well.

Tunisia is where Star Wars was filmed.

Morocco I didn't know exactly, but I know it's a holiday destination, which means it's on a beach, and it's kind of small. Then I remembered my grans Spanish holiday and she mentioned you can see Morocco across the gap.

The whole Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon is a pretty distinctive shape often shown on the news in regards to the conflicts there.

Cyprus is another that I was unsure of, but I knew it was an island thats disputed between Turkey n Greece, so it's more than likely the island next to Turkey :D (had some housemates from cyprus few years back who were basically coming to Uni here to avoid the draft)

Which just left mostly the stans. They were a bugger. Not helped by me confusing Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, so I'm looking for a big place to plonk the Uzbekistan marker.




I was left with Bahrian n Qatar last. Yeah, they were a bugger :P

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I can shoot off roughly 2/3 without a hitch.


Ditto. A couple of the 'stans get me confused. I'd like to see some of our Non-American members be able to do the US states. I'm curious to know how much of that is taught elsewhere. I can probably do all the Canadian provinces but I'd be lost on English counties or the Provinces of France.

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My stab at doing US/NA. It's kind of stylized, so don't pay too much attention to the shapes. More the locations, names n maybe size, but I know Texas is way bigger than I've made it. New York is probably smaller.

Also I'm aware I'm missing like 30 something states. Though a fair chunk are in the top corner and I don't have that small of a pencil.

BTW we get taught about the US in History, not Geography(which is more about like weather, volcanoes n earth formation n such than where countries are)


edit: UTAH!! I missed Utah. It's next to Nevada. Beyond the statue of the two men in the bottom of ..mumblenewvagasmumble

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BTW we get taught about the US in History, not Geography(which is more about like weather, volcanoes n earth formation n such than where countries are)


Our English History is usually from the Middle Ages to the present day where we kind of gloss over most kings and queens (We know Elizabeth, James the First, Cromwell (not a king but more popular here than in the UK) and George the Third and Victoria & Albert.) It's mostly just general history, though. Probably what you guys get of American history but in reverse.

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We gloss over most kings n queens too. Though we cover before Middle Ages. You guys not do much on the Tudors I take it? (You just mention Elizabeth, though I'm unsure if you mean

this one




or this one




We do quite a bit on the Tudors.


As for America:

Got discovered, colonised (We mostly sent our OTT religious folks over), We had a little bit of a skirmish, you guys made a constitution, cowboys n indians a little bit, helped in WWI n WWII, lad-i-da, modern day.


However I did 20th Century America for GCSE History, so I got a fair bit of a focus on that end of the deal:

Protectionism, Boom, Wall Street Collapse, depression, prohibition, civil rights movement, communism/cold war, JFK, Space race, Vietnam..and then end of cold war.

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In our history classes it's basically we talk about Europe from the ancient Greeks up through the American Revolution, and then it's like Europe stops existing except in as much as they're dealing with the US.


And here's my attempt at Europe:



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I don't even know/want to know how I got on with this North America rendition. I got the 5 great lakes, and a few of the obvious states, but I think that's about it really.


EDIT: I have no idea why I labeled Florida twice.


FURTHER EDIT: I done the quiz thing on the OP. Fucking X-stan countries >_> I got the others all right, though did mix up Qatar and Bahrain as well.

Edited by jayc4life
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In our history classes it's basically we talk about Europe from the ancient Greeks up through the American Revolution, and then it's like Europe stops existing except in as much as they're dealing with the US.


And here's my attempt at Europe:




Germany is just Martin Luther then the Kaiser and then Hitler.

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In our history classes it's basically we talk about Europe from the ancient Greeks up through the American Revolution, and then it's like Europe stops existing except in as much as they're dealing with the US.


And here's my attempt at Europe:




Germany is just Martin Luther then the Kaiser and then Hitler.

Well Germany as a unified nation has only existed for a bit under 200 years (I think) so technically you've covered all the big points right there.

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