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Killzone 3


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Hey, Mister Jack's right.


The bars next to in-world abilities like turrets or sentry bots are how many your team can have on the field at any one time, and how many are out on the field. So if both bars are filled up- you can't use the ability, someone has already placed the goods out on the field. If neither of the bars are filled up, nobody has used the ability either, and if you use your ability twice- you get two of it out on the field (but in bigger matches they're almost always filled up).


It's still 32 players right?


Two essays, a presentation, plus a gig on Saturday night (The Decemberists, heooo!) means I probably won't be getting it until next week. On top of that, girlfriend troubles. As in, potentially breaking-up girlfriend troubles. So as of next week I might have a lot more time to play! For bad reasons!

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Two essays, a presentation, plus a gig on Saturday night (The Decemberists, heooo!) means I probably won't be getting it until next week. On top of that, girlfriend troubles. As in, potentially breaking-up girlfriend troubles. So as of next week I might have a lot more time to play! For bad reasons!


Oh nuuu! I had those a few months ago and was optimistic about the possibility of more play time. But then it didn't happen and I sort of wished it had. Aihhy.


Anyway, good luck, we'll smash the ISA with you eventually!

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Ah, it didn't happen as in, you didn't get more play time regardless, or those problems resolved themselves? Yeah I'm feeling exactly the same thing could still happen to me, but the chances are lower than usual.


Totes! I may be on MAG later if anyone has it or fancies playing.


[Also, Brain, I'd recommend Raptr for the gamercard stuff. Pretty great, and you're not selling out to M$. It keeps track of EVERYTHING)

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I guess you would say the problems resolved themselves, but in this case, they really shouldn't have. Either way, I have veeeeery little time for video games these days (or anything else, really) and it blows.


But, if you're hoping to work things out, I hope you do!


And yeah - I need to check out raptr, I've just been so damn lazy.

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I don't know if you guys are aware, but on the map we played last night, the indestructible turrets (bot) on the long stretch of road, on both sides, are incredibly deadly. I mean, I was so far away, but the turret bots caught me and were firing away with deadly precision.


Also, don't Brutal Melee someone near one of your proximity mines. If you saw last night that I "committed suicide," it was because my Brutal Melee animation dragged the guy close enough to one of my proximity mines.

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Yeah, sometimes I can't tell what I get killed with - if it's from mortar strikes or standard turrets or what, because sometimes on that map I just spawn, walk somewhere and get killed instantly by a ton of explosions, and it's not a standard rocket launcher, and the mechs only have so many explosive shots.


What I want to know is why we played that map on Warzone like six times. Every time a match ended I forgot to look for voting options, but every time the same map? It's a good map, but that kind of sucked.


Anyway, I'm down for some KZ3 at some point, but I'm not sure if I can get on right now.

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For whatever reason, there was no voting option. I really have no idea why its stuck to that one map.


As for those turrets... I'm not so sure how accurate and sensitive they are. I was tracking someone near spawn and so I stood by a turret to have some backup fire. NOPE! That SOB for whatever reason can take me down with a single non-head shot, and that turret didn't shoot at him. WHAT THE FUCK.

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I noticed only Matchmaking in the Beta- are there dedicated servers in KZ3?


I recall in KZ2 people would play Radec Academy for fucking ever. I was so tired of it after about 5 times.


Also, do hosts have the option to limit weapons, like the rocket launcher? Any un-limited KZ2 match would descend into 80% of the players just firing rockets at each other everywhere and immediately. Only if weapon limiting was on would you get decent, clean fights.

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I noticed only Matchmaking in the Beta- are there dedicated servers in KZ3?


I recall in KZ2 people would play Radec Academy for fucking ever. I was so tired of it after about 5 times.


Also, do hosts have the option to limit weapons, like the rocket launcher? Any un-limited KZ2 match would descend into 80% of the players just firing rockets at each other everywhere and immediately. Only if weapon limiting was on would you get decent, clean fights.

Yeah, the host would make the rules. I can't remember everything thing, but I very much remember rockets being disabled in latter matches over the game's lifespan.

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Yeah, the host would make the rules. I can't remember everything thing, but I very much remember rockets being disabled in latter matches over the game's lifespan.


You talkin' 'bout KZ3 or KZ2 there? I sure hope KZ3. Should be getting it tomorrow or Tuesday =D

Nope, KZ2!


Rockets are not a problem anymore. Only two classes (Tactician and Infiltrator) can equip the VC9 Rocket Launcher at Spawn, and even then that becomes the person's secondary weapon with at most two rockets (extra ammo skill) at Spawn.


I think it makes sense with the two classes. Tactician to take down other Sentries, or clear a Spawn Point under enemy control. For Infiltrator, well, I've had a few times where I get in behind enemy lines and use a rocket on enemies protecting the assassination target. Mostly though, I use it to clear out a room so I can proceed through.


I'd say 1 out of 5 times do my rockets actually hit anything. They're like a test in some spaces to make sure enemies are not patiently awaiting your entrance.

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Nope, KZ2!


Rockets are not a problem anymore. Only two classes (Tactician and Infiltrator) can equip the VC9 Rocket Launcher at Spawn, and even then that becomes the person's secondary weapon with at most two rockets (extra ammo skill) at Spawn.


I think it makes sense with the two classes. Tactician to take down other Sentries, or clear a Spawn Point under enemy control. For Infiltrator, well, I've had a few times where I get in behind enemy lines and use a rocket on enemies protecting the assassination target. Mostly though, I use it to clear out a room so I can proceed through.


I'd say 1 out of 5 times do my rockets actually hit anything. They're like a test in some spaces to make sure enemies are not patiently awaiting your entrance.


That's good to hear!


I'm assuming there are no dedicated servers anymore though? I'm trying to remember if they used matchmaking in the beta or not, I actually feel they might not have.

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I don't drop the F-Bomb a lot, so when I say this, know there is a lot of anger behind this sentence.




I'm assuming, Forgetful Brain, that the match I joined with you froze with you as well. Yeah, of all the matches that should freeze, it's the one where I come in kicking ass. Who set all the charges? Who was getting Double Kills, Explosive Double Kills, and Exosuit Kills? Late comer hitting the #3 and as I'm about to lay waste to a group of Tacticians, the whole damn thing freezes.


Or, you know, it could be the shitastic Comcast service I forcibly have...


Seriously, I needed this boost. It was on my favorite map, and there was good competition. Most times these matches blow because of the uneven numbers and retardation of teammates. Shit, the guys I was playing with were actually looking out for my back when I was setting the charges!

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I don't drop the F-Bomb a lot, so when I say this, know there is a lot of anger behind this sentence.




I'm assuming, Forgetful Brain, that the match I joined with you froze with you as well. Yeah, of all the matches that should freeze, it's the one where I come in kicking ass. Who set all the charges? Who was getting Double Kills, Explosive Double Kills, and Exosuit Kills? Late comer hitting the #3 and as I'm about to lay waste to a group of Tacticians, the whole damn thing freezes.


Or, you know, it could be the shitastic Comcast service I forcibly have...


Seriously, I needed this boost. It was on my favorite map, and there was good competition. Most times these matches blow because of the uneven numbers and retardation of teammates. Shit, the guys I was playing with were actually looking out for my back when I was setting the charges!


Wait - did that happen tonight?


Too weird! I didn't even see you join. I just popped on for a few matches before bed, did horribly as I drank and talked on the phone and thought everyone on my friend's list was offline. Crazy!


But yeah - there's nothing as frustrating as getting a very, very satisfying victory ripped from you for something that is the game's fault. Argh.

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Atom, Comcast is causing me to not be able to play since the god damn connection has been so fucking variable in the last 3 weeks. Before that, it has been fine. Fuck, its not only affecting Killzone 3 but everything else as well. Fucking horse shit. Yes I'm mad. Yes, I know it can also be the Killzone 3 servers but damn man...

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I had a few good Guerrilla Warfare matches, but I'm still sore about that damn Warzone match.


I mean, I was doing SO well. Normally, I'm pretty average with a few moments of glory. Now I'm reduced to playing late at night because I can't normally play during the day. This is where I get uneven matches and the folks that play far more than me.


Hell, I still don't know some maps that well. I get the suspicion that people like Pyhhrus Crater, but I absolutely hate that map. It's large, but cluttered with so much crap to where you're just running through outdoor corridors.


Really, I know that Helghan is suppose to be in "ruin," but that theme is completely unnecessary to a certain extent. At least Salaman Market is still relatively the same. ^_^

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Killzone 3, why don't you love me like your older brother, Killzone 2?


You seem to only want matches where I do poorly to be recorded, whereas matches I've done exceptional well, you painfully freeze it, tell me there is no Session Master available, and give me an error code.


Error codes are just pitiful excuses Killzone 3. If you behave yourself, I might come back on my own. As of now, I'm only going to visit when the TAY cousins are along. Pokemon will know how to treat me right.

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