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I say we let Australia join us in the very accepting Western Hemisphere, and let the other countries be racist together. And it's no surprise to me that Japan is racist.


But India. Jesus Christ.




Where did you find that map image? Just so I can post it on FB with a link

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Wally, one of us must be reading that chart wrong because to me Japan doesn't look terribly racist according to that.


France is the one that really surprised me (and that the US is the brightest blue, I would have expected us to be in the 5-9.9% group).

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  On 5/16/2013 at 6:21 PM, Waldorf And Statler said:

Where did you find that map image? Just so I can post it on FB with a link


A friend only linked me the image, but googling the name and source brings you the original: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/03/21/a-fascinating-map-of-countries-color-coded-by-their-openness-to-foreigners/

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I knew France was jumpy about Muslims, but I had the impression it was Europe as a whole that was like that, not just France.  I don't know if most Americans have that same impression or not.  I had no idea gypsies were a thing anyone was actually concerned about anymore.

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Double Post, but it involves Arrested Development, so there!


I can't believe no one else has mentioned this yet!



I've tried to download some of the footage, but I can't get any of the videos I've wanted to use yet. There are a few images you can download that haven't given me trouble.


Here's a gallery of 12 "best of" gifs and videos (so far).

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